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  1. OT? +EV Situations in life (4 replies)
  2. BigDaddydvo: I predicted the green jerseys. (2 replies)
  3. Simpler Ommission vs Commision Scenario (8 replies)
  4. Is the Universe irrational? (6 replies)
  5. Non-formal education (4 replies)
  6. EINSTEIN PROVED RIGHT (0 replies)
  7. Absolute Morals, Sins of Commission vs Omission etc. (27 replies)
  8. steve's unite for science (1 replies)
  9. Logic call it a draw? (1 replies)
  10. Drunk Driving punishment (kind of long) (2 replies)
  11. Begs the question (2 replies)
  12. Proof of the Spaghetti Theory (2 replies)
  13. If God exists... (29 replies)
  14. Algorithm to find most +EV in NETpoints Cash Giveaways (3 replies)
  15. Get over yourselves republicans!! (6 replies)
  16. math teaser (4 replies)
  17. Atempting to prove God's existence should be a sin. (4 replies)
  18. If there is no God redux. (4 replies)
  19. Proof that NotReady is wrong. (11 replies)
  20. anyobdy think god is a coin flip?? (0 replies)
  21. Repopulating the planet, Adam and Eve "zero", & incest. (11 replies)
  22. Now a question for RJT, NotReady, and other believers (15 replies)
  23. Ok so I just proved 1 = -1. Someone help me find my error. (17 replies)
  24. What I just learned about gravity (2 replies)
  25. Sophie should have done the math. (5 replies)
  26. Pascal's Wager (46 replies)
  27. Anti-Gideons (3 replies)
  28. Rediculosity of Sports (8 replies)
  29. Another God/genius question for Sklansky (9 replies)
  30. Organized Religion as a Tradition (9 replies)
  31. Moral codes are unnecessary (14 replies)
  32. The Moral Sphere (2 replies)
  33. absolute morality - relative morality = 0 ? (27 replies)
  34. Thought this might spark some debate (0 replies)
  35. First post: Question for Christians (8 replies)
  36. Lucid Dreaming (13 replies)
  37. Biotechnology (2 replies)
  38. Function of pot odds, math related question; theory (4 replies)
  39. Food for thought (0 replies)
  40. The real reason why evolution is in conflict with religion (49 replies)
  41. Darwin and DNA (27 replies)
  42. Sinning Chritian's moral code as "irrational" as an atheists code (22 replies)
  43. If There Is No God (131 replies)
  44. Fine Young Geniuses (1 replies)
  45. Salvation sans Jesus (2 replies)
  46. Milton Friedman on the Drug War (2 replies)
  47. Question for evolutionists (33 replies)
  48. Religion Has Done More Harm Than Good (20 replies)
  49. thought experiment (7 replies)
  50. Square Root Question (3 replies)
  51. Is there a God? - A good ol' fashion poll (16 replies)
  52. Correct Answer? (8 replies)
  53. Quote from IR theory just blew my mind (10 replies)
  54. Mind Boggling (247 replies)
  55. Agnosticism/Atheism Quotations (2 replies)
  56. If all psychics and their most ardent adherents (3 replies)
  57. Some Things The Catholc Church Admit Are Untrue (16 replies)
  58. Gravity contradicting Relativity? (10 replies)
  59. Medical EV problem (14 replies)
  60. Superman vs. Jesus (15 replies)
  61. What if you could travel back in time? (9 replies)
  62. Stock Market EV (5 replies)
  63. Catholic Church admits parts of the Bible are false (22 replies)
  64. Time Travel (15 replies)
  65. Perfect Game(s) of Chess (5 replies)
  66. Religion, advancement of civilization (0 replies)
  67. Game Theorist wins Nobel Prize (2 replies)
  68. Descartes wax discussion in his Meditations (2 replies)
  69. The arc of the covenant on the History Channel. (8 replies)
  70. The Moon Landing Conspiracy (21 replies)
  71. Knowledge for it's own sake (4 replies)
  72. David's challenge? (7 replies)
  73. non-locality vs relativity (8 replies)
  74. Jerry Falwell et al (2 replies)
  75. greater accomplishment (9 replies)
  76. Absolutely Picking my Brain (4 replies)
  77. Help Me Understand (18 replies)
  78. What really pisses me off..... (25 replies)
  79. Biblical murder & rape (14 replies)
  80. Why do some atheists care that there are theists? (64 replies)
  81. What was the most 'revolutionary' scientific theory of all time? (32 replies)
  82. How Difficult? (13 replies)
  83. Satisfying LA Times Op-Ed Piece (29 replies)
  84. Why Me? (13 replies)
  85. Probability that Britian made the first moon landing. (4 replies)
  86. Something for Everyone on This Forum (6 replies)
  87. You stupid math people (0 replies)
  88. Stop With This "ID isn't Science" Crap (13 replies)
  89. A Prerequisite To Discussing Life (2 replies)
  90. Animal pain, suffering, and death: why does it matter? (65 replies)
  91. How I Became a Christian (LONG) (121 replies)
  92. Hard to predict animal behavior (5 replies)
  93. why I am not a Christian (14 replies)
  94. How many people are 'certain' about god? (17 replies)
  95. Dog (3 replies)
  96. A thought on trophy hunting. (9 replies)
  97. Framsticks (0 replies)
  98. To believe or not to believe - that is the quesiton. (74 replies)
  99. Solar Mill (4 replies)
  100. Bayesian question.. (4 replies)
  101. A Prerequisite To Discussing God (43 replies)
  102. help with school paper! (long) (4 replies)
  103. Why George W. Bush is not a Christian (12 replies)
  104. Does Sklansky forgive? (13 replies)
  105. Chem Reaction (4 replies)
  106. Satire on Christianity (8 replies)
  107. Entitled to be irrational/illogical? (14 replies)
  108. At least 45% of Americans are retarded... (2 replies)
  109. Who can mankind have not lived without? (29 replies)
  110. Objections to Evolution... (126 replies)
  111. Question for Fundamentalist Christians (3 replies)
  112. POLL---Who is more Reasonable (26 replies)
  113. WOW! Carlos Castaneda. (5 replies)
  114. question about the basic properties of water (5 replies)
  115. Gambling and faith, simplistic hypothetical (6 replies)
  116. What do you guys think of Daniel Tammet? (5 replies)
  117. Three Important Probability Questions (God Included!) (3 replies)
  118. Question for those who believe in the Biblical God (35 replies)
  119. help me crack a simple time code (1 replies)
  120. Scientific arrogance (37 replies)
  121. David, before you go to the orgy; a request. (0 replies)
  122. Rate these theories (19 replies)
  123. Medicine & our Future (0 replies)
  124. The bible proves that god exists argument (20 replies)
  125. becoming a member of the Nation of Islam (Black Muslim movement) (18 replies)
  126. Struggling with Moral Issues in Poker from a Christian Standpoint (59 replies)
  127. Majoring in Math (17 replies)
  128. Has anyone here changed their opinion on God? (40 replies)
  129. You're Joking (46 replies)
  130. Can physical laws create information? - for JeffV (6 replies)
  131. What is Information? (6 replies)
  132. A question for Mormons? (10 replies)
  133. A Compromise about ID in Biology Classes (165 replies)
  134. How do Christians respond to evolution? (42 replies)
  135. Sklansky's Godot (5 replies)
  136. What does Christianity say to do? (4 replies)
  137. 99.99% of life is unconscious...!! (12 replies)
  138. analtycal abilities peak. (1 replies)
  139. Sleep (4 replies)
  140. The Movie "Proof" (0 replies)
  141. Bill Bennett, Freakonomics, & Aborting Black Babies. (34 replies)
  142. ENERGY (5 replies)
  143. How to Live a Happy Life (2 replies)
  144. The search for E.T. (36 replies)
  145. 2 Earths (2 replies)
  146. probability of a being without evidence (4 replies)
  147. The combined intelligence of two beings (4 replies)
  148. Can there be a "base" particle? (aka Lego Prime) (7 replies)
  149. Can the probability of God existence change? (24 replies)
  150. Economic Profit/Expected Value (0 replies)
  151. Divisibility by 5 (11 replies)
  152. God & String Theory (11 replies)
  153. One sentence on Thought (24 replies)
  154. Kind of redundant post, but more specific question on "thought". (30 replies)
  155. Miracles - is "thought" subject to the laws of science? (14 replies)
  156. Dunnett's statistic? (0 replies)
  157. How many poker hands have been played in history? (25 replies)
  158. Stupid People Hang out at Casinos (non poker players) (8 replies)
  159. More on rational deference (15 replies)
  160. Its MIRACLES- Not High Falootin First Cause Debate (38 replies)
  161. Schumaker (0 replies)
  162. Societies worse off 'when they have God on their side'? (4 replies)
  163. .David's unbelievable predjudice.... (11 replies)
  164. Quick question about the Christian canon (11 replies)
  165. I'm infinitely curious.... (8 replies)
  166. Evolution put to the test (1 replies)
  167. E.O. Wilson and Sociobiology (4 replies)
  168. Richard Dawkins on PBS - just about over now but might be rereun (0 replies)
  169. Good times. (3 replies)
  170. Need help with a graph: max (x-F,0) (1 replies)
  171. Math Geniuses; lil help (7 replies)
  172. ID on its head (8 replies)
  173. Hey look at me I'm ,enlightened (13 replies)
  174. A challenge to xtians (3 replies)
  175. Intelligent Design isn't falsifiable, plus we've already falsified it (13 replies)
  176. Rational deference to those more likely to be right (4 replies)
  177. Who would you expect to be more moral - an Atheist or a Theist? (22 replies)
  178. Elaborating On Accepting Scientist's Unbelief (6 replies)
  179. One God (43 replies)
  180. What's you opinion on Numb3rs? (1 replies)
  181. What's you SAT score? (54 replies)
  182. Have biblical theists discoverd any observable absolute truths? (3 replies)
  183. Collective action and risk in Honey Bees (4 replies)
  184. Four Possibilities For Our Universes' Existence (111 replies)
  185. [b]Poll Question - Can all religions be right?[/b] (3 replies)
  186. The Puppies and Kittens Act of 2005 (1 replies)
  187. Popular Science with KBFC: The Computer, Part 1 (13 replies)
  188. Black Boxes (6 replies)
  189. Sklansky may like this anagram. Sure to provoke debate anyway (6 replies)
  190. That one dang genius who believes? (47 replies)
  191. Another Question For Protestants (27 replies)
  192. Why no (Xn) believer should dispute Sklansky's theory: (2 replies)
  193. Christians and keeping kosher (4 replies)
  194. Quick thing about IQ tests. (2 replies)
  195. A problem with some religous views. Conclusion (15 replies)
  196. An Obnoxious Challenge To Catholic Theologians (72 replies)
  197. ..the simple truth about life: (13 replies)
  198. Sklansky is right - part III (2 replies)
  199. Sklansky is right - part II (0 replies)
  200. Sklansky is wrong. (0 replies)
  201. What Do the Experts Agree On? (3 replies)
  202. More Russell Quotes on Religion (21 replies)
  203. Why Bertrand Russell Was Not A Christian (40 replies)
  204. Abraham and a morality poll (24 replies)
  205. genius certain??? (0 replies)
  206. Anemone Armies and battles (0 replies)
  207. Can all religions be right ? (1 replies)
  208. Judaism, Christianity, Islam (6 replies)
  209. Math Q. (4 replies)
  210. An Experiment (1 replies)
  211. When Genuises Are Certain (66 replies)
  212. question about the conception of new ideas in science (4 replies)
  213. Religion is ethics for stupid people (32 replies)
  214. Amdy Beal's Math Problem (0 replies)
  215. enternal hell bothers me (63 replies)
  216. soliciting potential science or math topics (13 replies)
  217. Pray in your closet (11 replies)
  218. Agnostics and Atheists (13 replies)
  219. Organism Classification (1 replies)
  220. There is Something About Mary (33 replies)
  221. Math Unites Atheists and Believers (22 replies)
  222. Is God a Racist? (4 replies)
  223. Question for those who think abortion is not immoral (46 replies)
  224. A problem with some religous views Part 2. (27 replies)
  225. Back to Naming Things After me (4 replies)
  226. Intelligent...or not??? (3 replies)
  227. 6th graders ?s -- warning, only for those curious about us Catholics (26 replies)
  228. Mathematical proof that women are evil (3 replies)
  229. Is kidluckee 33? (25 replies)
  230. Something that would completely ruin my faith (6 replies)
  231. Joy without suffering? (9 replies)
  232. Katrina and God (2 replies)
  233. Religious Neanderthals (3 replies)
  234. In defense of God (7 replies)
  235. Feasibility of Space Elevator? (54 replies)
  236. Nietzsche's question: (21 replies)
  237. Questions for non-believers (2 replies)
  238. Ethics question (2 replies)
  239. The Sklansky Chimpanzee Question (32 replies)
  240. drunken question about the world (8 replies)
  241. Help on evaluating an integral (2 replies)
  242. Cat5 Hurricane Energy (1 replies)
  243. very easy question for you math pros. (2 replies)
  244. The Important Arena in The Debate about God. (69 replies)
  245. 2 box problem (20 replies)
  246. A problem with some religous views (114 replies)
  247. Is the holy spirit dead (3 replies)
  248. War and relegion (79 replies)
  249. OT: How athletic are you? (12 replies)
  250. This will likely get better responses here... (1 replies)