View Full Version : Katrina and God

09-22-2005, 11:33 AM
Thought process:

- USA is the biggest pollutor in the world, and is in the eyes of many beholders a bump in the rest of the world's road to a less polluted world.

- USA could be considered quite triggerhappy (Afghanistan, Iraq, and so on)

- USA have just been hit by Katrina, and have another one possibly like her coming up in the gulf area.

- The american people chose a religous fundamentalist to be their president, and a majority of the american people are therefore christians.


- A majority of amreicans think that Katrina and the likes of her is God's revenge on the american people for not behaving.

Right or wrong? Why?

09-22-2005, 11:45 AM

- Your cat pooped on the rug.

- Your cat bit my cat.

- Your cat just lies around all day.


- Your cat died of bladder cancer as punishment for being a bad cat.

Right or wrong, please explain why.

This link explains the fault in your logic:


09-22-2005, 11:55 AM
Wrong, quite simply because a majority of Americans do not think that. Sounds like you think we need to be punished for these things though. Dont quite understand trigger-happy on Afganistan, but thats for another forum.

I do find it funny how those who think God punishes people usualy find that God punishes for reasons to their liking. Pat Robertson said hurricanes in Florida are Gods punishment for gay days at Disney World. Several evangelical ministers in US have said Katrina was punishment for the hedonistic lifestyle perpetrated in New Orleans. Some Rabbi who used to hold some position in the Israeli government says Katrina was Gods punishment for Bush supporting Sharon's pullout from Gaza. I suppose it makes sense that liberals are now saying that God is punishing us for ruining the enviroment. Personaly I think this this is Gods punishment for me, disillusioning me from every group with which I can identify.