View Full Version : If there is no God redux.

The once and future king
10-14-2005, 02:30 PM
we are using our consciousness and our ability to reason to further animalistic goals.

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To alter the chemistry in our brain to give us more pleasure.

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Just like chimpanzees would if they were bred to become smarter and were surgically given voiceboxes.

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To alter the chemistry in our brain to give us more pleasure.

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Just like chimpanzees would

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Just like chimpanzees would

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All these men die of frost bite or cold.
http://images5.theimagehosting.com/Tianasquare.3.jpg (http://www.theimagehosting.com)

http://images5.theimagehosting.com/abr.sized.jpg (http://www.theimagehosting.com)
These guys would probably prefer to be somewhere else as regards chemicals brains and pleasure . These is also a strong likelyhood they died in the minutes and hourse immediately following the moment this photo was taken.

10-14-2005, 03:13 PM
not quite sure what your trying to say, but it seems to me that all those pictures represent something that could be described in simple, animalistic terms. The artic explorers are trying to provetheir the best monkey, the war protests (monk and tanks) are acts to defend the tribe/pack/group whatever you want to call it. And the WWII pic is inter tribal/pack/group fighting.

The once and future king
10-14-2005, 03:45 PM
not quite sure what your trying to say, but it seems to me that all those pictures represent something that could be described in simple, animalistic terms. The artic explorers are trying to provetheir the best monkey, the war protests (monk and tanks) are acts to defend the tribe/pack/group whatever you want to call it. And the WWII pic is inter tribal/pack/group fighting.

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Not saying I agree with you, but if you are right you still demonstrate my point that behaviour is more complex even amongst animals to allow a simple reduction to the act of seeking pleasure.

Also, why would a monkey seek to prove its the best monkey. Do monkeys do that? Are you saying the actual reason Scott tried to get to the North poll was actualy based on a sublimated desire to shag more women. (By proving he was the alpha male and hence have shaging rights. Thats how it works with chimps right?) You dont think there might have been more to it than that?

Also as far as I am aware most animals only sacrifice there own lives to defend there own young, and even that behaviour is rare. I dont see how that monk is defending his genes by immolating himself, heck he was celibate anyway.

10-14-2005, 03:59 PM
not all animals are driven by the need to pass on their genes, only the alpha male/femaleofa wolf pack reproduce. The others just help raise the pups and feed each other. There can be challanges to this, like whoever walks to the north pole is way more badass than myself, and could probably kikc my ass. So you could see the act as an assertion of himself as alpha, in humans i think this is mostly subconcious though.

The once and future king
10-14-2005, 04:19 PM
not all animals are driven by the need to pass on their genes, only the alpha male/femaleofa wolf pack reproduce.

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Dosnt every male in the pack have a go at being the alpha male, and would be so if the opportunity presented itself.

So Scott tried to get to the north pole purely out of a sub conscious desire to be the alpha male, yes or no?