View Full Version : Biotechnology

The Truth
10-13-2005, 12:08 AM
Anyone got any good links to peer reviewed papers on cybernetics.

Something releated to implanting devecies into the brain. Ear implant research is good. Any theory on installing something simple like a calculator to operate with human mind etc.


10-13-2005, 01:21 AM
Check out the documentary about the guy they call Cyberman. I think that might be the name of the film. It's by the same guy that did the documentary about the dude with the Ursus Grizzly Bear suit.

There was some interesting research by Yang Dan at UC Berkeley involving getting computer output of a visual scene by connecting electrodes to a cat's superior colliculus (a part of the visual pathway--thus you could "see" what the cat was seeing, at least a crude representation).

There has actually been some fairly extensive work done with hearing assistance devices that are implanted as well.

And look up the research on remote control of insects. I think there have actually been some successes. Not sure if you're just into the topic as it applies to humans.

10-13-2005, 04:36 PM