View Full Version : David, before you go to the orgy; a request.

10-04-2005, 02:11 PM
Before you leave for the orgy, I implore you to do one thing for me:

Will you please state clearly for this forum that there are no Absolute Morals? (Without a God, of course is understood. But I don’t request this as part of the declaration, since it might sound too much like you would be stating God as a possibility.) Your dog and people show was not clear to all.

The hypocrisy often shown on the forum is really getting tiring.

Another thing that I do request is an answer to the following question. As the question is nearly rhetorical, I don’t have the urgency here that I do in the above request. But, I am curious.

Why do you have such an interest (almost mission like) in “converting” the believers to the “truth” and or at least have such passion to educate them to use their logical skills? There are so many atheists here on the board ( some are perhaps even “geniuses”) who do not hone their own skills. I think the illogical atheist (I am not at all suggesting that all are) should be your target audience. Especially if your goal is to make little hitlers* of us all.

* I use the word hitlers in the same way Elvis Costello uses it in his song, not literally.


p.s. Don’t forget to send me a postcard. If I like what I see, I just might come join the party. There should be enough to share. You and I are going to see each other in Hell eventually, might as well meet first a; plus, I wouldn’t mind a piece of "heaven" along the way.