View Full Version : A rush to Border Town...

12-04-2001, 11:09 AM
The greatest enemy in the Valley of Patience (VoP) is boredom. Now the permanent residence of the Valley don't have this problem. The Rocks are so patient, they don't even realize the passing of time. The Gladiators are to busy watching the game for tells, patterns and habits of the enemy, when their not in the hand. When they are in a hand, their to busy cutting their victims with their mighty sword Edge, so they never get bored. The Numerical's of the Valley, are always working on equations to find the probability of the current situation. Boredom, is the fate of the visitors to the VoP, most visitors come from Border Town (BT). The population of Any2card Town don't have a clue where the VoP is...

Emotional outbursts are the first sign the VoP is wearing thin on their nervous system. Their knees start jumping, their hands fondle the chips with expert shuffling, they manipulate the chips into other surprising ticks. Their actions appear disturbed, like the pacing of a caged animal. Some twitch, some mumble, others cry and sing the bad beat blues. But the eventual out come is always the same. Find the fastest road back to Border Town, where it is appropriate to let your emotions cloud your desicions.

The case, of the man on a rush, will best illustrate what happens. He came from BT to the Valley because he wants to be a better player. He understands three of the four P's of poker. The fourth P, politeness, he man never learn. He wins with Big Slick, pocket Queens, AJ suited in the big blind etc.. He gets a rush of big cards that win and to all those who see his winning hands, he looks like he's in the VoP.

Then cometh the first bad beat..."How could you call my raise with yada yada yada..." he cries without politeness. Then he goes into hibernation mood, releasing hand after hand, but the bad beat weights heavy on his mind. He wants to keep the win, he wants all to know he is the best at the table, but how many more hands can he release before he self destructs. Bad beat number two arrives, and the cards go flying across table at 92 miles per hour. Mr Snoitome has entered the game, he tried to put the breaks on, but 92 miles per hour and the cards sucked him back to BT.

The rest is an old story, the win becomes a loss and it wasn't his fault.

SPM,...saw Mr Snoitome coming and went home with the win...

12-04-2001, 05:59 PM
The felt olympics will be starting Jan, 1 2002 at a card room near you. DON'T MISS THE ACTION!!!