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View Full Version : Girl touble--ADVICE wanted

06-07-2005, 05:34 PM
Here's my problem. I have no trouble going out, finding attractive chicks, meeting/greeting & getting phone numbers, etc. The problem is that by the end of the night, I've had so much to drink (and am generally a bad listener, especially when I'm studying tits&ass) that I forget basically everything about the chick that she told me. This makes the next contact sort of awkward. I got their name & number, but have to ask them do they live on the Upper East Side or Brooklyn? Are they studying to become a medical assistant or in fashion? This sucks for me because it's blatantly obvious that I have been hitting on more than one chick, and don't listen well/get too drunk. (By the way, don't tell me to drink less--part of the charm that works for me is being a little out of control, increases confidence & complements my usual tasteless humor I'm told.)

As an example, Sat night we go out, hit a birthday party in a club in midtown. Turns out we're there on the early side, and some lonely chick is sitting at the bar, I join her, turns out it's her birthday party tonight too, a few drinks later I got her number & some info that she's doing some legal intern crap or something, her party starts soon after as does ours, so we don't chat more that night. It won't be a problem to come up with some lawyer jokes or something when I talk to her next. But, 30 minutes later I'm hitting on girl #2, damn cute but from out of town, only in town for 1 week. Buy her a few drinks, touchy-feelyness ensues. My pal is about to drag me out of the place to go to UWS for house party that promises more chicks, so I get digits, offer to take her out later in the week. By now I'm drunk enough that I honestly don't remember anything about this chick except her name (well, I had to look it up in the phone), home state, and that she's only in town for a week. OK, house party, within 20 minutes I'm making out with a slender HOT chick (easily the hottest of the night) with perfect body, cute and mischevious... so drunk that when I ask her for her number, I have to pull the ol' "uh, how do you spell your name?" routine, which was the predictable backfire "you know more than one way to spell jill?" ([censored]). Somehow I manage not to take her home with me, wake up the next morning with zero knowledge of what neighborhood she lives, what she does, how old she is, the whole 9 yards. Just a name, number, knowledge that she was damn hot and interested that night anyway... Sure, she's a friend of a friend of a friend, but goign through all that to get a cheat sheet is goign to get back to her eventually, and not worth the trouble.

So my question is, how do I go about making next contact without looking like a jackass. I mean, after you say "hello" you know you're going to have to talk about what you learned about her that night, eventually (either in the first call or date/meeting whatever). I need something, I figure, that lets them know that I know nothing about them but hopefully saving a little face so they don't think they're not important to me (of course, this is the case, but the image of honesty and forthrightness is what I'm goign for here).

Hook me up fellas. Posted this anonymous b/c my brother knows my usual screename and reads my poker posts--don't want to set a bad example. Just want to juggle as many of these bearded clams as possible without letting them all fall to the ground at once.

06-07-2005, 05:39 PM
Meh. This is awesome and could have been me 5 years ago. Enjoy it while it lasts.

FWIW I pulled the "How do you spell your name? crap in Vegas a few years back... - A-M-Y"

06-07-2005, 05:40 PM

Hook me up fellas. Posted this anonymous b/c my brother knows my usual screename and reads my poker posts--don't want to set a bad example.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. Who are you really?

06-07-2005, 05:41 PM

Hook me up fellas. Posted this anonymous b/c my brother knows my usual screename and reads my poker posts--don't want to set a bad example.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair enough. Who are you really?

[/ QUOTE ]

Someone from New York who actually posts about poker and has a drinking problem.

I don't post about poker.

06-07-2005, 05:47 PM
What makes you say a drinking problem? Plenty of folks drink to the point where things become fuzzy--be sure that I'm not saying I don't remember the events of the evening, or where I went, etc... it's not that I'm blacking out. I just get all the details that these chicks tell me jumbled up. I know one of those chicks was a dental assistant and one was a paralegal or something like that. I'm pretty sure one lives UES and hte other on long island somewhere. I remember Ms. Utah is from Utah.

I only drink a night a week or so, and rarely get piss drunk. Put it this way--just redact the drinking parts of the original post and treat it as if I'm solely a bad listener (which is definitely true, I mostly just don't care about these chicks except that they are hot).

06-07-2005, 05:51 PM
Soooo....you're saying you can stop whenever you want?

06-07-2005, 05:54 PM
Find, goddamit, I drink too much. Have trouble stopping. By a pussy's definition of alcohol addiction, I qualify. But that's not going to solve my problem at hand ("sorry I don't remember anything about you, I have a drinking problem").

Seriously, something funny would work for me, based on the impression I left with these chicks. But humor isn't my strong suit when I'm basically apologizing...

Patrick del Poker Grande
06-07-2005, 05:58 PM
partygirluk gives lessons on love for $0.25. You might want to contact him.

06-07-2005, 05:58 PM
Find, goddamit, I drink too much. Have trouble stopping. By a pussy's definition of alcohol addiction, I qualify. But that's not going to solve my problem at hand ("sorry I don't remember anything about you, I have a drinking problem").

Seriously, something funny would work for me, based on the impression I left with these chicks. But humor isn't my strong suit when I'm basically apologizing...

[/ QUOTE ]

You should just keep this account because whatever your real account is, this one must be better.


Keep a small pad and pen with you. Write down stuff if you so happen to meet 3 chicks in one night.

Soul Daddy
06-07-2005, 05:58 PM
I don't get it. If a large part of your charm is that you're this out of control party guy, then these chicks don't actually expect you to remember intimate details of the conversations they had when you were out of control drunk.

06-07-2005, 06:04 PM
Yeah that angle occurred to me, but I'm not a hanging-from-chandeliers type of drunk, I just get away with pulling tricks like telling her "let's start making out in the middle of the kitchen and make everyone feel uncomfortable" i'm pretty sure because she digs the sense of humor she gets with me+some booze ("jeez, I bet I could make a meal out of your body for a week").

06-07-2005, 06:05 PM
Us Chovanists (spelling.. wtf) don't think of women by their names. Instead - we like to think of them by what they are. Hot blonde tight jeans..

Short Brunette Sheer Thong
Curly Hair Big Tits...

etc... results these impulses to itematize the girl and you'll remember her name.


06-07-2005, 06:06 PM
Yeah that angle occurred to me, but I'm not a hanging-from-chandeliers type of drunk, I just get away with pulling tricks like telling her "let's start making out in the middle of the kitchen and make everyone feel uncomfortable" i'm pretty sure because she digs the sense of humor she gets with me+some booze ("jeez, I bet I could make a meal out of your body for a week").

[/ QUOTE ]

Obviously you don't need this website.

PickUp Lines for the Playas (http://www.pickupx.com/)

06-07-2005, 06:09 PM
Find, goddamit, I drink too much. Have trouble stopping. By a pussy's definition of alcohol addiction, I qualify. But that's not going to solve my problem at hand ("sorry I don't remember anything about you, I have a drinking problem").

Seriously, something funny would work for me, based on the impression I left with these chicks. But humor isn't my strong suit when I'm basically apologizing...

[/ QUOTE ]

You sound fun. I bet that unability to take a joke gets more and more fun the more you drink.

PM Bruiser. If that fails, go begging to Boris.

06-07-2005, 06:09 PM
Good idea, but since we both know I'm never going to be toolish enough to carry around a [censored] notebook with me, let's focus on the damage control angle here. Especially since I got htis one really *really* hot chick that I already pulled this [censored] with waiting for a call.

What do you think of this? I call her up, tell her something like "So, the chick I usually take showers with is visiting her grandma all day, you want to be a stand in?" and then after I get the predictable huge laugh jump in with something like "seriously, though, we have to get together sometime real soon because my memory is so fuzzy from when we met I can hardly remember what you look like"

[censored] that sounds horrible, will never work. c'mon, help me out with this one dudes

Patrick del Poker Grande
06-07-2005, 06:12 PM
Say "hey, hot chick. Let's have a date." Then, ask her how her day was and whatever else. You know her name - you're meeting the minimum requirements.

Seriously, this doesn't really seem all that difficult to me. Why is the general OOT population so weak and helpless? If you can't pull this one off, you don't deserve to get any farther with this girl.

06-07-2005, 06:14 PM
I hear ya dude, but you gotta picture this last chick, it was a costume party where you're supposed to dress up as someone's fantasy and this chick had on a camoflouge one piece miniskirt/dress thing with a thick leather belt sort of Patty Hearst looking and long dark gorgeous hair, face to die for, firm, high tight ass on her, what looked like perfect size tits for her (didn't grab 'em, what the F was I thinking)
with these kind of looks, everything else is basically immaterial after a couple drinks.

06-07-2005, 06:15 PM
"How do you spell your name?"

[/ QUOTE ]

"That's good, because the last 'Amy' I met spelled it with an I, two E's and a silent Q."

06-07-2005, 06:18 PM
we get the point, you got a hot girls digits.........
want me to call her for you? i live in gramercy.

06-07-2005, 06:21 PM
Good idea, but since we both know I'm never going to be toolish enough to carry around a [censored] notebook with me, let's focus on the damage control angle here. Especially since I got htis one really *really* hot chick that I already pulled this [censored] with waiting for a call.

What do you think of this? I call her up, tell her something like "So, the chick I usually take showers with is visiting her grandma all day, you want to be a stand in?" and then after I get the predictable huge laugh jump in with something like "seriously, though, we have to get together sometime real soon because my memory is so fuzzy from when we met I can hardly remember what you look like"

[censored] that sounds horrible, will never work. c'mon, help me out with this one dudes

[/ QUOTE ]

good until the last part. Honesty is good, but not too much honesty.

Call her up, setup a date, and go out. Then in person you can mix in reality, "i definitely drank a lot the other night" with humor and you're set. If you can remember anything specific at all, bring up the fact that you remember the opposite. "So I was thinking of taking you skydiving" when you know she hates heights. If done right it will make her laugh, show her you do remember, and ease the situation into a place where she can talk about things again.

Pocket Trips
06-07-2005, 06:22 PM
(By the way, don't tell me to drink less--part of the charm that works for me is being a little out of control, increases confidence & complements my usual tasteless humor I'm told.

[/ QUOTE ]

No need to read any further than this.... Stop using alcohol as a crutch. If you are so " wild and crazy" while drunk and it works for you, grow some balls and have the courage to act the same way sober or at least not drunk enough where you can't remember distinguishing details about the girls you meet.

It is a confidence problem. I used to be the same way till I realized that I am obnoxious person both sober and drunk so I might as well be my obnoxious self sober.

06-07-2005, 06:24 PM
You kind of seem like an [censored] to me.


06-07-2005, 06:25 PM
since when do they censor "badass" around here? gay.

06-07-2005, 06:37 PM
This is easy. Just get one girls # and info per night, and then you won't get them mixed up. As for the other girls you meet later that night, just try to get a BJ or something and forget about trying to get their #.

06-07-2005, 06:41 PM
Find, goddamit, I drink too much. Have trouble stopping. By a pussy's definition of alcohol addiction, I qualify. But that's not going to solve my problem at hand ("sorry I don't remember anything about you, I have a drinking problem").

Seriously, something funny would work for me, based on the impression I left with these chicks. But humor isn't my strong suit when I'm basically apologizing...

[/ QUOTE ]

You sound fun. I bet that unability to take a joke gets more and more fun the more you drink.

PM Bruiser. If that fails, go begging to Boris.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, but then Bruiser would be PMing himself.

C'mon Danny we all know its you.

06-07-2005, 06:43 PM
Wtf? Don't drink so much.

06-07-2005, 06:56 PM
How is the answer anything but not drink excessively all the time?

new avatar was a suggestion from pshreck.

06-07-2005, 06:57 PM
i didn't read a single word of your post past the title, but i'm pretty sure the answer is get drunk, call her, then put it in her pooper.

06-07-2005, 07:01 PM
I hope someday when I am married and in my 30s I understand life as well as jake.

Usually this plan works great for me when I am drunk, any girl that wants to hangout again after hanging out with me while I am wasted is not interested in a not sober me, so it usually doesn't matter. All my sober qualities come off as a huge bonus. Does anyone follow me?

06-07-2005, 10:05 PM
Get drunk first. Then call her.

06-07-2005, 10:20 PM
Try going home with her that same night, put it in her pooper, then don't bother calling her. Problem solved.

06-07-2005, 10:43 PM
Alright dudes, called the hot chick Jill up (girl #3), it went well. A couple jokes, told her that the memory of her body was so vivid in my mind that other details had faded. She was flattered rather than pissed, *goal*.
She's the long island girl (knew one of them was from LI) but she lives w/ her parents so I'll never have to go all the way the [censored] out there, ever. (She's college educated BTW, just working for some doctor friend of the family that works out there, so it's a convenience thing, she's not trash. Not that it would matter.) Said she'd be in the city for weekends, so I'm going to have her be my weekend girl. Couldn't have worked out better, in many ways.

As a thanks for the advice, I'll snap some photos of her and post them here along with some trip reports of hookups. I got a strong feeling that I'm going to tell this chick I have a bad back and so can only hit it in positions from Row 2, No 1&2 from the sex positions thread. At the end of the summer when this thing invariably fizzles, I'll try to tape a picture to the back of her head and snap a photo mid-stroke... I think that would be the ultimate coup-de-grace. Of course, other suggestions are welcome...

Oh, and if any of you figure out who I am and leak any of this back to my girlfriend, I'll track you down, I promise.

06-07-2005, 10:57 PM
I don't think it really matters all that much to them if you don't remember. Chicks won't be turned off by you talking to other girls, they like to know a guy isn't deperate.

I say just talk to them normally and you should be ok. If they ask about that night then brush it off. Turn it around on them and say "Why? Did you talk to that many guys that you don't remember me?" or something similar. Just remain the confident party guy that you were in the bar and what you answer the questions with won't even matter.

06-08-2005, 12:04 AM
Tape recorder.

06-08-2005, 12:52 AM
I have a smart phone (phone with a keyboard, etc) that comes in really handy all the time for situations like this, and many others. When you get her number, just add a couple of short notes about her background/personality - then atleast you won't be clueless about who she is once you get around to calling her. Most girls will definitely cut you some slack also, if they know you were drinking heavily the night you met them. And if she's still being a bitch about it........don't forget you still have two other girls you can call. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Little Fishy
06-08-2005, 02:09 AM
kinda shady, but start bringing around a tape recorder and record everythign that happens... if you bring a girl home on the first date and she finds it she'll be slutty enough that some cock and bull story about being an undercover cop, should do the trick

I know this is terrible, and I've never done it, but I'd be interested in seeing how it works

06-08-2005, 04:46 AM
"The problem is that by the end of the night, I've had so much to drink..."