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Party Poker Pot-Limit Hold'em, $0.50 BB (9 handed)
MP1 ($36.30) MP2 ($30.05) Hero ($54.10) CO ($24.25) Button ($29) SB ($68.97) BB ($7) UTG ($19.25) UTG+1 ($23.80) Preflop: Hero is MP3 with T[img]/images/graemlins/club.gif[/img], T[img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img]. UTG calls $0, UTG+1 calls $0, MP1 calls $0, MP2 calls $0, Hero calls $0, <font color="666666">1 fold</font>, Button calls $0, SB completes, BB checks,50,50,50,50,50,50, Flop: ($4) J[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img], T[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img], 4[img]/images/graemlins/diamond.gif[/img] <font color="blue">(8 players)</font> <font color="CC3333">SB bets $2</font>, BB folds, UTG folds, UTG+1 folds, MP1 folds, MP2 folds, <font color="CC3333">Hero raises to $8</font>, Button folds, SB calls $6. Turn: ($20) 2[img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] <font color="blue">(2 players)</font> <font color="CC3333">SB bets $19</font>, Hero calls $19. River: ($58) 5[img]/images/graemlins/club.gif[/img] <font color="blue">(2 players)</font> <font color="CC3333">SB bets $30</font>, Hero calls $26.60 (All-In). Final Pot: $114.60 <font color="green">Main Pot: $111.20, between Hero and SB.</font> <font color="green">Pot 2: $3.40, returned to SB.</font> Would you call these bets, with no read on SB? What would you do if a fourth heart came on the river? |
Unfortunately, consistent with fishy play by the villan you are often behind here. I'm not sure whether I would have called the turn or the river, but it's a tough spot.
i would definitely call both the turn and the river. if a 4th heart had hit the river (aside from the 4 [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img], obviously), i'd fold, or check behind and hope.
1st, you should think about raising a sea of limpers with TT given your position. Playing TT for set value only isn't my style. A raise to $3-$4 is about right. Your decision should be made on the turn, not the river. Given the stack sizes your turn call pot commits you. Calling the turn when getting 1:3 on your 1:4 draw with just enough implied odds to make it worth while, if you believe he'll pay off your FH. Now, why can't you give us a read on the SB? Both of you have larger then buyin stacks. You both have to have played here for a while. You should know if he accumulated the stack by playing poorly or well. Oh, And calling all in with your stack is a great way to reward the fishy play. I'd call any sized bet with a draw from you if you insist on paying me off. At .50BB you probably get shown the flush 2/3, a bluff 1/10 times and 2 pair or a lower set the other times. Thanks, MarkV. |
SB turned over Js9c, and I took the huge pot. When he made a bet the size of the pot on the turn I decided that his intent was to intimidate me. I didnt think someone would bet a flush draw into a large field at this level, and it was impossible for him to have top pair and a flush draw.
the most interesting thing to me here is that given the right opponent whether you play on or fold doesn't make that much difference.
going all-in you're getting about 3:2 on your money, so if he's a yahoo and would play on with a lot of non-flush hand, you should call him down. picturing an average player there you actually didn't face a big decision! in other words, whether you play on or fold - in the long run over many repeats of the same situation - you about break even. once the table's postflop play tightens up (assuming you don't know the individual player well), you have more of a decision. matt |
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