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Old 12-29-2005, 06:53 PM
Rhone Rhone is offline
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Default Good Taj stories?

Just got back from only my second trip to AC (and only second time playing live). First trip, I played only Borgata and the Trop. This time I stopped by the Taj, and wound up playing about 20 hours of 5/10 there Tuesday and Wednesday. I've got to say I had more fun there than either of the other two places. The characters at the Taj are something else, and while you're waiting an hour for a decent hand to play, it's really the people around you who are keeping you entertained, rather than the game, at least for me.

For example, I don't see any of these things happening at the Borgata.

1) 3am Wednesday morning, a middle aged Asian lady who's been hanging around for a few hours comes over to my table and starts feeling the head of the young guy sitting next to me. She then proceeds to tell him he's going to be married two times.

2) Over the course of 2 days, I played two people who didn't appear to have any teeth. My n is low, but my impression so far is that people without teeth don't play very good poker.

3) An unhappy looking Russian guy has spent about 48 hours straight at the 5/10 tables. He is fast asleep when he is not in a hand.

Got any good Taj stories?
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Old 12-29-2005, 08:10 PM
TheJunkyardGod TheJunkyardGod is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

While it's not as funny as your stories, the last time I played at the taj I sat next to this annoying guy who stunk of baileys. He went to great lengths to tell me that the auto-card shufflers are rigged and how he refuses to play on them. He would also make it a point to show every "big hand" he was dealt to prove his point.

It didnt bother him that he lost all of those "big hands" he was just happy to be dealt them. [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]
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Old 12-31-2005, 05:32 PM
tonypaladino tonypaladino is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

While it's not as funny as your stories, the last time I played at the taj I sat next to this annoying guy who stunk of baileys. He went to great lengths to tell me that the auto-card shufflers are rigged and how he refuses to play on them. He would also make it a point to show every "big hand" he was dealt to prove his point.

It didnt bother him that he lost all of those "big hands" he was just happy to be dealt them. [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img]

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Older guy with a long beard?
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Old 12-31-2005, 06:16 PM
TheJunkyardGod TheJunkyardGod is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?


Older guy with a long beard?

[/ QUOTE ]

Nah, he some faux-high rolling shmuck. It was a 3-6 table and he was buying in for the minimum every time. I was having a pretty lousy night so this guy didnt make things any better. He was one of those close speakers that wouldnt leave you alone unless you gave him a reply.

"You can't trust those auto-shufflers, how you do you know they don't rig the game AM I RITE?" And would sit there an inch or two from your face until you said something like "uhh, yeah really"
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Old 12-29-2005, 10:44 PM
SA125 SA125 is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

This is for all those "I'm playing 10-20 for the first time, not sure if I'm ready, any advice?" posts.

I'm playing 10-20 one night. Straddling isn't allowed so this guy just waits for his cards then raises UTG without looking at his cards and tells us. I saw it and he didn't look. He gets 3 coldcallers, I fold, blinds call. 6 to the flop.

He bets the flop dark and gets 4 callers. He bets the turn dark and gets 2 callers. He bets the river dark and they fold. He's laughing saying "I never even looked at my cards" and drags the pot. True story. I told him they should put a framed picture of him on the wall for the champion he is.
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Old 12-29-2005, 11:51 PM
Psycho21 Psycho21 is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

Why B.S.? You think it is impossible to get stolen from in a casino?
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Old 12-30-2005, 05:19 PM
SA125 SA125 is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

Why B.S.? You think it is impossible to get stolen from in a casino?

[/ QUOTE ]

My posts magnets for these types of responses. I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Who said anything about being stolen from?

If you're referring to my "I'm playing 10-20 for the first time..." point, it was about the skill level at the limit and how it's way overrated by the players who've never played it before. My post showed the skill level is so high at 10-20 you can win a hand without looking at your cards. What the hell did you see me saying?
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Old 12-30-2005, 05:29 PM
DrSavage DrSavage is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

Why B.S.? You think it is impossible to get stolen from in a casino?

[/ QUOTE ]

My posts magnets for these types of responses. I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Who said anything about being stolen from?

If you're referring to my "I'm playing 10-20 for the first time..." point, it was about the skill level at the limit and how it's way overrated by the players who've never played it before. My post showed the skill level is so high at 10-20 you can win a hand without looking at your cards. What the hell did you see me saying?

[/ QUOTE ]

He wasn't responding to you at all. I blame Quick Reply.
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Old 12-31-2005, 05:06 AM
SA125 SA125 is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

He wasn't responding to you at all. I blame Quick Reply.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks Doc. Couldn't figure out wtf he was talking about. BTW - I've seen 2 people at the Taj who were at Bway that night, including the one who I thought was you. The young guy in glasses and BB hat. You ever hit AC?
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Old 12-29-2005, 11:27 PM
Psycho21 Psycho21 is offline
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Default Re: Good Taj stories?

I was in the cardroom when some guy had 40-50k stolen when he stepped away from a table when the game was on a break. There is a moral to this story don't leave money on the table.
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