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Old 12-14-2005, 03:50 AM
LoaferGee12 LoaferGee12 is offline
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Default Re: mid pair against flop raise,

This situation is both common and difficult. Reasonable arguments can be made for both calling down and folding the turn. You don't want to be always folding or always paying off, so you need to look at the little things that are unique to a particular hand and give you a better or worse chance.

1. Why would someone mess with a PFR with an AK on the flop? Shouldn't that discourage bluffing most of the time?

2. It's a flush draw--not! Look at the hearts on display: AKJ. This guy coldcalled preflop and now he has a flush draw? What cards does he have in his hand? It's possible he has the flush draw but the odds are dramatically lower than normal because he either has a completely ridiculous coldcall or one of a very small number of starting hands that have two pretty big hearts.

3. The turn nine is a poor card. There is a very good chance 9 [img]/images/graemlins/heart.gif[/img] is in his hypothetical flush draw and that means he just picked up five new outs. You have great potential to be "right" and lose anyway when he scores on the river.

So I would fold the turn this time.

[/ QUOTE ]
God I wish I could think this g00t.
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Old 12-14-2005, 08:00 AM
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Default Re: mid pair against flop raise,

What bothers me here are the stats of the villain. PF ratio 40/10 tells us that this guy is calling a lot compared to raising, but what is the most important thing is that is he cold calling instead of raising with cards like AK or AQ? So, a read would be valuable again.
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Old 01-01-2006, 12:57 AM
wacki wacki is offline
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Default Re: mid pair against flop raise,

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