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Old 03-31-2005, 12:36 AM
Sephus Sephus is offline
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Default Re: worst pain ever??

It started with a kidney stone and went down hill from there.

I was in so much pain I couldn't drink anything because I'd just throw it up (they like you to drink a lot when you have a stone to help flush it through). So they hooked me up to an IV and kept me in the ER for about 15 hours. This wasn't so bad because they gave me this wonderful drug called Stadol. About 16 hours into this, they did a CAT scan and saw that the stone was so big it would never pass on it's own so they prepped me and wheeled me into surgery.

The procedure involved going in through the hole in my dick, working a tool up through my bladder, and up the urethra to the stone. Apparently, the tool could be inflated with air to stretch the urthrea enough to pull the stone through (if you are wincing, it gets worse...)

After they got the stone out, they were concerned about infection so they inserted a catheter that had two channels in it, One allowed them to inject fluid to flush my works, the other drained that fluid. For those of you who don't know, cathators are held in place by injecting a small amount of fluid into a sort of balloon that is in your bladder. The doctor then notes how much fluid he put in. When they remove the catheter, they remove that fluid and the catheter slips out....

My Dr. filled my balloon with 15cc of fluid.....problem is, he wrote down 10 cc.....

Next day my nurse comes in to remove the catheter and removes 10cc of fluid, figures the balloon is empty and attempts to pull the catheter out of me (those of you following closely will realize that the balloon in my bladder still has 5cc of fluid in it). Obviously, it won't come out...her solution, PULL HARDER! I thought I was going to die and told her to STOP PULLING!

She calls the Dr. and they figure out there is still 5cc of fluid in the balloon and that she needs to get that out.... Problem is, in pulling harder, the nurse has damaged the seal that keeps the fluid in the balloon and can't get any more out of it.... She freaks and calls in the Dr who figures the only way to get this thing out of me is to run a wire up my penis and pop the balloon.

It felt like fish hooks were being run through my penis....but it worked...sort of... When the balloon pops most of the fluid runs out but not all of it. So the Dr. figures that if he pulls on the catheter, it will force the fluid out of the balloon. So he pulls and again, I cry out in pain... At this point he pulls VERY HARD and pulls the catheter mom who was just getting off the elevators on the other side of the floor heard my screams....but it was out.

Problem is, it damaged the tubing in my penis. About 9 months later I had to have surgery to remove the scar tissue from the tubing in my penis because it was closing the hole and it was hard to piss.... after that surgery (my Dr....a different Dr....kept using the term "reaming" which I really didn't care for) I had to run a cahator up my penis each day in the shower for 6 months to keep it from closing back up...

I'm fine now but this was pretty hellish

[/ QUOTE ]

i think you're the winner.
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Old 03-31-2005, 01:12 AM
Bukwurm Bukwurm is offline
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Default Re: worst pain ever??

I dislocated my kneecap a couple years hurt....after feeling that pain I refuse to listen to women complain about child birth.

[/ QUOTE ]
As a gal, I have to say only a guy could write that.

I've just finished reading the posts, and will list most of the excruciatingly painful things I have experienced:

1. Passed a kidneystone (Dec '81, Mtn Home AFB, ID)
2. Cavity filling w/out anesthesia ('73, West Berlin - the dentist didn't believe in it - seriously. First/last time our family went to him. He was also removed from Pan Am's approved list immediately - I was the first patient he had as a Pan Am "approved" dentist.
3. Waking up when 4th wisdom tooth was being cracked, prior to removal. I was on an IV anesthetic, and oral surgeon didn't believe me when I said I metabolized meds rapidly. ('80 - Chanute AFB, IL)
4. Waking up in middle of anal fissurectomy, for same reason as above. ('89 - Whiteman AFB, MO)
5. Waking up at tail end of breast biopsy - right when surgeon was removing one last cyst; for same reason as above. ('89 - Whiteman AFB, MO) {anyone noticing a pattern there?}
6. Spinal headache receved after #4 - was a week before the ER agreed I had something seriously wrong - by that time I was vomiting everytime I moved - at all - from a prone position. ('89 - Whiteman AFB, MO)
6a. Spinal headache after pre-op CT scan, etc, w/ contrast. (Aug '01 - Orlando)
7. Two days induced labor with my first daughter - in a hospital small enough they didn't do epidurals, etc - natural childbirth if you wanted it or not (and she was 8 lb 10 oz, w/ a 37.5 cm head {15 inches} - slightly above average, especially for a first child). This included getting a 4th degree episiotomy (which is through the muscle layer beneath the perineum, from vagina to anus), and STILL tearing - it was over 6 weeks before I could sit, unless I had a doughnut cushion. ('88 - Whiteman AFB, MO)
8. Breaking a molar in half on a Christmas cookie, while on alert, and having to wait 20 hours for my relief crew to arrive - the squadron commander thought it was something "minor." At the time I was a Flight Commander for the Minuteman II ICBM system, and was 95 ft underground, w/ my PMSy hand holding the key... <vbg> ('89 - 90 miles from Whiteman AFB, MO)
9. Tearing my miniscus, behind the right kneecap, then having to drive myself 90 miles to get home, as my company wanted me to see my own doctor. {I must have been in shock, as it made sense at the time...} (Mar '98 - Fairfield and Cedar Rapids IA)(For various reasons, it was a year before I could have corrective surgery, so this pain was a constant for 12 months.)
10. Ruptured C5-C6 and C6-C7, after a car wreck. (Mar '00 - Mar '01, when I had surgery - Orlando, FL)
11. Ruptured T11-T12, after same car wreck. (Mar '00 - Oct '01, when I had surgery - Orlando FL)
12. Collapsed cervical spine, due to failed spine surgery - Replaced discs w/ wrong size chips, and my neck collapsed into a skewed N shape when I took my hard collar off, three weeks post op. It's irreparable, so am permanently disabled, and on 75+ mg of various narcotics daily, as well as muscle relaxants, etc, to keep my pain level below a 7, for the most part. If I was medicated enough to be painfree, or only uncomfortable, I'd be incoherent. (Mar '01-present - Orlando and currently FL panhandle)
13. Migraines - the type that cause nausea, and can, on occasion, make you pass out. (Since I hit puberty, so about 1970 or so)
14. Sinus surgery, after cauterizing didn't fix the problems, and then having CT scans showing my problems were more widespread than initially believed. The entire process needs to be wrapped into one item. (Aug'96 - Pensacola, FL)

Absolutely none of these things (and I'm sure there are more - these are just the ones that come to mind immediately) hold a candle to:

15. After ANOTHER two days of induced labor, including 9 HOURS of transition (ask your wives, or any gal who's had a child what that means), my second daughter was just starting to enter the birth canal when her heartbeat dropped below 70. As they were paging for a doctor to get upstairs for an emergency C-Section (the AF used midwives at this base, even for a high risk pregnancy like mine, unless a C-Section was planned), the midwife had a few more nurses come in, and about 5 sets of hands pushed from the top of my abdomen, trying to force Elinore out before there was damage, or possibly, a stillbirth. They DID manage to force her out - all 10 lbs 14 oz of her - and before her heartbeat dropped below 50 beats (normal for a newborn is about 140, if I remember correctly).

The pain of this was so bad that the only way I can describe it is, on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst pain imaginable, and all the other above items ranging between 8 and 10, I would put Elinore's birth at 100. Seriously. I honestly thought I was dying at the time, from being ripped in half, and almost welcomed the thought, as it would maybe make the agony go away. In fact, I was torn again - and the damage was much worse than with my first daughter, and I never noticed it happening - it was about 12 hours before I was even aware of any discomfort from the tear, as the other pain was still overloading my circuits. Elinore was in kindergarten before I stopped having routine nightmares about her birth. ('92 - Shaw AFB, SC)

Very longwinded, but, a guy making the above comment about women and childbirth really p***es me off. The only reason I would say my first labor wasn't as bad as my spine damage (which was the worst of the above pains, excluding the births) is because, in labor, the pain goes away - completely - between contractions. Also, whn it's over, it really IS over - and there is a new life to compensate for the pain. The actual intensity of my first daughter's birth, however, was still greater than any of the other items mentioned, other than my second labor and delivery. I do understand the one woman saying the spine damage hurts more - it's a constant, and the lack of relief is overwhelming and has a cumulative effect. Also, most women nowadays get SOME pain relief during childbirth, even if only "to take the edge off."

Closest to the births and spine damage would be the kidney stone, which was also relatively shortlived. After that, I'm not sure how I would rank them. There are sharp pains, dull pains, etc - and all of them registered as "I want to pass out" pains, just in different ways. I can also remember all of them vividly, which is a negative side effect of an excellent memory. I do know that I would still have Elinore's birth at the top of the list, even without the final nightmare, as my body isn't made for 11 lb babies (I'm 5'6" and 115 lbs, with relatively small bones). But, the entire experience is so overwhelmed by the final few minutes of pain that nothing I can conceive of could be worse, other than, possibly, medieval torture.
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Old 03-31-2005, 01:14 AM
kerssens kerssens is offline
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Default Re: worst pain ever??

That was a lot of words and I didn't read it all but I noticed that the original comments pi***d you off....OBVIOUSLY I was not completely serious with that comment and I have read a lot in this thread that completely destroys a dislocated kneecap.
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Old 03-31-2005, 01:58 AM
Bukwurm Bukwurm is offline
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Default Re: worst pain ever??

Believe it or not, I've known guys who ARE completely serious when they say that. (Or how about the guy who said he knew what childbirth felt like, because his wife had gone through it? lol)

So, many apologies for taking offense. I wouldn't have rambled on as much if I had known you were being facetious.

I can truly say, however, with all the rotten things I've felt, childbirth - even the normal one - was the worst. But, since it is a pain with a value, or end result, or whatever, it doesn't usually matter as much afterwards. The new life puts it in perspective. In fact, I told my ex, when my first daughter was less than two minutes old, that I still wanted four children. (Changed my mind about that after Elinore...) It's the meaningless pain that really gets to you, as you can't rationalize it away afterwards.
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Old 03-31-2005, 03:08 AM
theBruiser500 theBruiser500 is offline
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Default Re: worst pain ever??

i've never been injured but this jalepneo pepper in my eye felt pretty bad
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