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Old 07-07-2004, 04:46 PM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default Re: I\'ll Sweeten the Pot

He uncovered very substantial evidence that Florida Governer Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Kathrine Harris (who was, by the way, co-chair of the Bush-Chenney campaign), and the head of Florida elections knowingly barred about 97,700 eligible voters from casting their ballots in the election.

Here is a link about other voters being turned away:;notFound=true

So it really doesn't matter how carefully you examine the hands, and how many times you declare "Yep, a flush beats a straight". If the cards were dealt from a stacked deck, it wasn't a fair game.
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:02 PM
jokerswild jokerswild is offline
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Default a good start

Gore Won Florida!
On November 27, Republican Secretary of State Katherine Harris officially certified George W. Bush as the "winner" in Florida by 537 votes.
Since that date, independent investigations by the media have revealed that many illegal votes were counted - while many legal votes were not.
If the votes in Florida had been counted by non-partisan election officials in compliance with the law, Gore would have won Florida.
Unfortunately, George W. Bush, his brother Governor Jeb Bush, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, a partisan Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Republican-owned media did everything in their power to prevent a fair and legal count of the votes.
In other words, these Republicans used their enormous power to steal the Presidency of the United States. Indeed, the untold story of Floridagate is as chilling as Watergate.
This is a crime against American democracy. demands a thorough investigation and the prosecution of all criminal actions.
And because he is ultimately responsible for the Theft of the Presidency, we call upon George W. Bush to resign.
Note: To read all of the coverage on of Election 2000 and related stories, click the following links:
• Theft of the Presidency (major revelations)
• Stolen Election
• Katherine Harris
• Jeb Bush
• Felon Purge
• Election Reform
1. Media Consortium Statewide Count of "Undervotes" and "Overvotes" Proves Gore Won Under ANY Standard
The Media Consortium hired the National Opinion Research Center to examine 175,010 ballots that were never counted in Florida. The investigation took 8 months and cost $900,000. No matter what standard for judging ballots is applied, Gore wins.
Gore Gain Gore Deficit
or Lead
Certified by Katherine Harris
Valid votes found after certification +59 -478
Correctly marked paper ballots +493 +15
Full punches +100 +115
Poorly marked paper ballot +309 +424
3-corner chads -208 +216
2-corner chads -111 +105
1-corner chads -45 +60
Dimples with sunlight +88 +148
Dimples -41 +107
Unfortunately, the members of the Media Consortium insisted on distorting the analysis of their own clear data (see "Spin Control" below).
2. Miami Herald Statewide Count of "Undervotes" and "Overvotes" Proves Gore Won by 662
Without counting a single hanging or dimpled chad, Gore won by 662, according to the Miami Herald. The votes below were crystal clear votes as determined by the Herald's accounting firm, BDO Seidman. Under Florida law, all of these ballots should have been counted by election officials on Election Day. Their failure to do so is Official Misconduct, not "Voter Error"!
Gore Gain Gore Deficit
or Lead
Certified by Katherine Harris
Clear "Undervotes" (optical scan)
+319 -218
Clear "Undervotes" (punch card)
+198 -20
Clear "Overvotes"
+682 +662
Unfortunately, the Herald insists on distorting the analysis of its own clear data (see "Spin Control" below).
3. Other Media Counts Lead to the Same Conclusion
You can see the same data in greater detail here:
• The Miami Herald
• Unknown News
Date Event Gore Gain Gore Deficit
or Lead
11/27/00 Certified by Katherine Harris
12/8/00 Florida Supreme Court ruling
+383 -154
12/18/00 Lake County (Orlando Sentinel)
+130 - 24
12/19/00 Broward (Palm Beach Post)
+164 +140
12/29/00 Hernando (Hernando Today)
+4 +144
12/30/00 Hillsborough (Tampa Tribune)
+120 +264
1/3/01 Gadsden (
+40 +304
1/14/01 Miami-Dade #1 (Palm Beach Post) - minus prior recount included in 12/8 -6
-209 +100
1/20/01 Collier (Naples News)
-226 -126
1/27/01 Palm Beach #1 (Palm Beach Post)
+682 +556
1/28/01 15 County (Orlando Sentinel) -minus prior recounts in Lake and Gadsden +366
-170 +752
2/10/01 Orange (Orlando Sentinel)
+203 +955
2/15/01 Seminole (Orlando Sentinel)
+13 +968
2/26/01 Miami-Dade #2 (Miami Herald)
also: how the media twisted this recount into a "Gore lost" story
+49 +1,017
3/8/01 Osceola (Orlando Sentinel)
+25 +1,042
3/10/01 Palm Beach #2 (Palm Beach Post)
+102 +1,144
3/10/01 Martin, St. Lucie (Palm Beach Post)
+92 +1,236
Total Gore Gain from Recounts +1,773
4. Overvote Analysis - Gore's True Margin of Victory
If every county in Florida - not just the Republican ones - had state-of-the-art voting machines that allowed voters to correct their mistakes, Al Gore would have won by 46,466.
Date Event Gore Gain Gore Deficit
or Lead
1/28/01 Analysis of overvotes in 8 counties by the Washington Post
+28,510 +28,510
1/28/01 Analysis of overvotes in 15 counties by the Orlando Sun-Sentinel
+944 +29,454
2/8/01 Gore-Libertarian overvotes in 16 counties by Orlando Sun-Sentinel
+797 +30,257
3/10/01 Analysis of overvotes in Palm Beach County by the Palm Beach Post (overlaps Washington Post analysis above) +6,607
5/11/01 Analysis of overvotes statewide by the Miami Herald (overlaps with all of the above)
5. Disputed Votes
There are several categories of votes that have been widely disputed. Unlike the votes above, these disputed votes could not have been resolved by county canvassing boards, either on election night or during the subsequent recounts.
It is impossible to quantify most of these categories, but we can try to give our best estimates.
Categories favoring Gore
• Absentee ballots cast statewide by Republican voters following the illegal solicitation of absentee ballots by the Florida Republican Party: 50,000?
• Absentee ballots that could not be read by voting machines, but were illegally "duplicated" by county election officials: 10,000 (60% Bush?)
• Legal voters who were disenfranchised by Katherine Harris through the criminally inaccurate purge of "felons": 1,100 (90% Gore)
• Absentee ballots cast in Seminole and Martin counties by Republican voters following the criminal alteration of defective ballot applications by Republican operatives: 5,000 (99% Bush)
• Votes meant for Gore but cast for Buchanan because of the "butterfly ballot" in Palm Beach: 3,000 (100% Gore)
• Voters who went to the polls but were unable to cast a vote because of language problems (and no translators) or physical disability: (70% Gore)
• Registrations submitted from black colleges but not processed: (90% Gore)
• Overseas military ballots that were not legal, but were counted because of massive pressure from the Bush campaign: 680 (71% Bush)
• Police checkpoints near black precincts: 0
Categories favoring Bush
• Illegal votes by felons: 5,600 (90% Gore?)
• Premature network projections for Gore 10 minutes before polls closed in the Panhandle: 10 (60% Bush?)
6. Racial Discrimination
Florida voters were not treated equally. If you were black, your vote was significantly less likely to be counted. This was not because blacks were less experienced voters - this was due to institutional racism.
• Whose Votes Don't Count?: An Analysis of Spoiled Ballots in the 2000 Florida Election
• Report of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
• NAACP et al v. Katherine Harris et al
• Votes of Poor Are Discarded 3 Times More than Votes of Rich Across the US
7. The Untold Story
A wide range of suspicious activities were reported by eyewitnesses and the news media. Many of these activities have still not been investigated.
• Questions the U.S. News Media Refuses to Ask about the Stolen Florida Election
• Oral Majority: The Evidence Room
• The Florida Overvote: Tragic Mistake, or Katharine Harris with Tweezers?
• "Lost" Votes and a Stolen Election
• Bush Never Won Florida
• 13 Myths About The Results Of The 2000 Election
• The Florida Disaster: Before, During, and After
• Scary Facts about the Florida Vote
• Al Gore's Margin of VICTORY in Florida
• How Did This Happen?
• Election 2000 FAQ
• The Five Worst Republican Outrages
• Democracy Subverted - November 2000 Election Irregularities
8. Spin Control - Media Distortion of the Stolen Election
Each new revelation about the Stolen Election has been accompanied by articles that were deliberately distorted by editors and reporters to deny the reality that Gore Won Florida.
• Miami Herald Distorts Florida Recount Analysis to Hide the Terrifying Truth: Its Own Data PROVE Al Gore Won Florida
• Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner
• The Bush Propaganda Machine Strikes Again in Florida
• Now its Unofficial: Gore Did Win Florida
• Gore Moves Ahead in Florida Recount
9. Republicans Would Never Accept a Gore Victory
• NY Times Exposes GOP Absentee Ballot Fraud That Stole 292 Votes for Bush
• Bush Set to Fight An Electoral College Loss
• A President by Judicial Fiat
10. The Republican Criminals Who Shut Down the Miami-Dade Recount
These are some of the thugs who staged a riot at the Miami canvassing board and shut down the recount. Most of these thugs are present or past employees of Congressional Republicans. The riot was led by Rep. John Sweeney of upstate NY. All of these thugs - and their Congressional bosses, led by Tom DeLay - should be prosecuted for criminally interfering with a federal election.
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:40 PM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default Re: I\'ll Sweeten the Pot

Son, I have never failed to pay a bet or to pay a challenge. I also dont throw out wagers and then back out. I am willing to back up my assertions with cash - are you? This is a damn gambling forum for heaven's sake!

You have said a zillion times that the election was stolen. I said, okay show me a credible recount and I will simply give you $150. You have failed to do so. Please explain why you cant.

I did not make the wager offer on the disenfranchised voters because there is too much potential gray space. However, if I am wrong I will be the right to admit it. I havent read this yet and I dont have time right now. However, I look through it and if I think there is truth, I will admit it.

I will put up or shut up and I will say when Im wrong. Why cant you?
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Old 07-07-2004, 06:30 PM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default Re: I\'ll Sweeten the Pot

This is too vague to be used as anything. This article was 4 years ago. Certainly, there has got to be something better than this. Where are the lawsuits and where are the names?
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Old 07-07-2004, 06:46 PM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default LMAO - An inferior Mind Strikes Again

Well, you might think I have an inferior mind. However, I did learn long ago that if you are try to strongly argue a point then you shouldnt provide strong evidence to the contrary. I am surprised 22 years of impressive schooling didnt teach you that.

Here is the story at the bottom of the link you provided. I highlighted the fun parts for you. Notice that Gores campaign manager even agrees.

But hey, better luck next time.

And Still The Winner ...

MIAMI, Feb. 26, 2001

"There were many people who expected there was a bonanza of votes here for Al Gore, and it turns out there was not."
Herald executive editor Martin Baron

(CBS) A review of 10,644 uncounted ballots in Miami-Dade County showed Al Gore would not have gained enough votes to overtake George W. Bush in Florida when those votes were combined with results from three other counties where the vice president requested manual recounts, a newspaper reported.

Gore would have gained no more than 49 votes in Miami-Dade, The Miami Herald reported in Monday's editions. When combined with Gore's gains in Broward, Palm Beach, and Volusia counties, he would have not have overcome the Bush lead.

If a more stringent standard had been applied, Republican George W. Bush probably would have gained votes, according to the paper.

Democrats had widely predicted that Gore would have won the 2000 presidential election if a hand recount had been allowed to proceed. They had predicted a net gain of about 600 additional votes in Miami-Dade County alone. That would have been enough to overcome Bush's 537-vote margin in the whole state of Florida.

The Florida Supreme Court had ordered a hand count of ballots that didn't register a preference when votes were counted by machine. However, the U.S. Supreme Court stopped the hand count, making Bush the next president.

The four counties used punchcard ballots, which state lawmakers are considering eliminating in favor of optical scanning equipment for the 2002 election in all 67 Florida counties.

The review, sponsored by the newspaper, its parent company Knight Ridder and USA Today, studied undervotes, or ballots where machines were unable to read votes for president.

"There were many people who expected there was a bonanza of votes here for Al Gore, and it turns out there was not," Herald executive editor Martin Baron said Sunday.

The newspaper found that 1,555 Miami-Dade ballots were marked in a manner that might be interpreted as a vote for Gore. An additional 1,506 bore some kind of marking that might be interpreted as a vote for George W. Bush. There were 106 markings for other candidates.

No markings for president were found on 4,892 ballots, and 2,058 ballots bore markings in spaces that had been assigned to no candidate. An additional 527 ballots were deemed to have markings for more than one presidential candidate.

The Herald used broad liberal standards, including counting every dimple, pinprick and hanging chad identified in the section for presidential votes on the ballots.

Republicans said the Herald's results indicated that Bush was always the legitimate winner.

"President Bush was lawfully elected on Election Day. He won after the first statewide machine recount," said Mark Wallace, a Miami lawyer for the Republican Party. "He won after the manual recount, and he won at the conclusion of all the litigation."

Democrats said the review shows neither side could have known how the recounts would turn out.

"This underscores how unpedictable the whole recount strategy was, on both sides," said Doug Hattaway, former Gore campaign spokesman. "This shows Bush's tactics of delaying and blocking vote counts didn't really benefit him."

The Herald and Knight Ridder retained a public accounting firm, BDO Seidman, LLP, to conduct the inspection, which took more than 80 hours spread over nearly three weeks.

A BDO Seidman accountant sat in the Miami-Dade elections office and recorded information about each undervote. The ballots were handled by elections officials. A Herald reporter also reviewed each undervote ballot and made a separate and independent assessment of its characteristics.

A research firm hired by several news organizations, including The Associated Press, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, also is reviewing 180,000 Florida ballots that did not register a vote for president during machine counts.

The Palm Beach Post previously released the results of its own review of 10,600 Miami-Dade undervotes. In that count, the Post found Bush gained six more votes than Gore.

The Palm Beach Post, which used a more restrictive standard than the Herald, concluded that Bush would have gained 251 votes and Gore would have gained 245 votes. No overvotes, or ballots where machines detected more than one presidential vote, were counted.

The certified results in Miami-Dade were 328,808 votes for Gore and 289,533 for Bush, according to the Florida secretary of state's office. Statewide, Bush won Florida by 537 votes out of about 6 million cast.
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Old 07-07-2004, 07:26 PM
jokerswild jokerswild is offline
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Default yes , you did strike again

Your post is common knowledge and not well informed.

Here is my answer to Slyr from yesterday.You obviously didn't read it, or did you? Of coiurse the fact that Florida was sued by the NAACP will be sleazily ta ta'd by you. You lose.You owe me money.

The US Supreme Court ordered that the Florida Supreme Court decision be remanded. This vacated the Florda decision, and would have resulted in every county in Florida recounting. When this was done past the arbitrary date set by the US Supreme Court to report the results,(precedent had been set by the Kennedy-Nixon election in which results for the electoral college were not finalized until the month of January)Gore won. As it stood, Bush won by default. The real argument that informed Republicans make is that Gore was suing for the recount of only four counties. When the recount was done in only those four counties, Bush won. Thus, informed Republicans blame the Gore team for failing to sue to have all counties recounted. Neverhteless, if the US Suporeme Court had permitted the recount to continue into the first week in January in all counties, Gore would have won and been sworn in on January 20. Of course this assumes that the votes would have been counted by as disinterested parties as those that counted after the election. More than likely, vote tallies would have been held back in key counties for both sides, and a steal of some kind would have transpired. This is common. Read Caro's works on Lyndon Johnson for prime stealing tactics.

Now, I don't argue that the Kennedys may not have stolen the election in 1960. It is more than likely that they did.

Moore was actually much more careful than I expected him to be. He could have been much harsher. Generally, he has Bush cook his own goose. Videos of contradictory statements made by Bush, and Bush administration officials, make up the majority of the film.
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Old 07-07-2004, 08:41 PM
Rooster71 Rooster71 is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

Rush Limbaugh is probably the most popular talk show host in the history of the world, but how can anyone take him seriously? My answer is that most of his followers listen to him as their only source of "news" and "viewpoints", therefore anyone that disagrees is a "lib." Most of his followers have no other source of information than him.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ha! Where do you get this stuff? Or did you just make it up? Thought so.

If these people are so smart, why do they need a fat, self-absorbed, dopehead hypocrite to formulate their viewpoint for them?

[/ QUOTE ]
You mean the way Michael Moore does for the libs?

[/ QUOTE ]

Like most other "conservatives", you offer no information of value. Just crap. I find it very curious that you use the word "libs", since this is a word Rush spouts it off a couple hundred times every show. You are obviously one of his parrots.
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Old 07-07-2004, 08:45 PM
Rooster71 Rooster71 is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

Some facts they fail to mention:

75,000 African-Americans were purged from the vote register before the election. The company that did the purging knew that it was flawed. People were turned away from the polls because they had a name similar to some other convicted felon, or for other reasons.

The largely white suburbs had error checking machines which people could test their completed ballots with. If it was in error, they were given new ballots and another chance to vote correctly. The largely black areas did not have this machines and ballots with errors where simply cast out.

So when you eliminate 75,000 black voters off the top, then throw out more black votes a few percentage points higher than white votes, Bush squeaks in by a few hundred votes.

I don't think this was a Jeb Bush thing. I think it was a racial thing, with the black vote largely Democratic and Palm Beach is largely Republican, So Bush supposedly "won".

[/ QUOTE ] a previous poster said "you're not supposed to use facts." Not fair!
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Old 07-07-2004, 08:53 PM
Rooster71 Rooster71 is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

Michael Moore has made millions of dollars trashing capitalism. Big deal.

It's free speech. It's free enterprise. Sure the liberals ignore the fact that he cooks the data to fit his conclusions. So what?

Just remember, he does it for one reason - to make Michael Moore a rich man. I may disagree with him. I may think he's an idiot. But hey, he's got a shtick and it works. He's no different than Rush.

[/ QUOTE ]

Exactly! Why do so many people fail to realize this?

Michael Moore is a Hollywood filmmaker, so who really expects 100% accuracy from him? On the other hand, Limbaugh proclaims himself to be the "beacon of truth"...LOL

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I'm sure there are some crackpots somewhere that believe everything Moore says, but Limbaugh actually has HUGE numbers of people that believe him. Really sad.
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Old 07-07-2004, 09:00 PM
Rooster71 Rooster71 is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

It's so much easier for fascists to listen to Goebbels impressionists like Limbaugh. Fascists enjoy believing the fairy tales of party supremacy. It makes their fragile egos feel better than everybody else.

[/ QUOTE ]

I couldn't agree with you more.
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