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Old 07-07-2004, 04:15 AM
John Cole John Cole is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

I know this because my daughter just took the test. She reading at 3 years old and was doing 5th/6th grade math in kindergarten so we went to a specialist to get her some help.

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I hope it wasn't Ann Coulter.
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:00 AM
SlyR SlyR is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

I'm beginning to get the feeling that I'm beating my head against a wall here...


End Social Security, SSDI, and SSI immediately, and you can add 10 million to the homeless population within 30 days.

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From where did you get that figure? I've asked on more than one occassion for a source, and you haven't produced one. So far, your most credible source is College Dropout Michael Moore.


Who can sympathize with the Nazis? Why Prescott Bush. He financed the Thiessen family interests and had assets confiscated by the US government in 1943 for trading with the enemy.

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What does that have to do with anything today? I'm sure several of us have had slave-trading ancestors; does that make us all racists? Each man should be held accountable for his own efforts.

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Just as Fox News is not "fair and balanced" , conservative talk radio is not civil nor rational.

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I urge you to actually investigate the personal backgrounds of Fox News' hard news reporters. You'll find that as far as their individual political leanings go, it's about half-and-half. As for O'Reilly, he takes great care to point out that he's not a Republican, but an independent, and that his show is not an objective news program, but a talk show.


Anyone that disagress with Limbaugh, Drudge, or a host of their impersonators is classified as a terrorist sympathizer or hater of America.

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I listen to Rush quite frequently, and he often gets callers with whom he disagrees. He treats most of these callers with the same respect he would show someone who agreed with him. The accusations of being unpatriotic only are brought out when someone has sought to make frivolous political attacks on a War-Time President for the purpose of their own political gain.


I didn't get a tax cut as a single middle income earner. I paid more federal tax in '04 than '03.

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I'm not familiar with your personal situation, of course, but I would bet that you're either conveniently forgetting something or you have the worst tax guy around. Even my single, lower-middle income fiancee received a federal refund check.

As for paying more this year than last, I hope you did. I hope we all did. It means we're earning more. If you don't like it, then don't advocate the practice of increasing the tax burden on those in increasingly higher tax brackets.


You sadly are another that justifies war for economic profiteering, while thousands die. Ask Jesus to forgive you and you can tell yourself that it is all ok.

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Again, resorting to slanderous statements in lieu of real arguments. I advocate war for correct reasons, one of which is not economic profiteering. Although, has there ever been a single war which did not increase revenues for some private enterprise? Does that fact devalue our legitimate reasons for fighting? As for the thousands dying, wait with that statement until we actually break the two thousand mark - for the sake of accuracy.

You should be ecstatic over the limited casualties, btw. Your favorite pundits were predicting several dozen thousand last February.
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:07 AM
natedogg natedogg is offline
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Default Not to belabor the point but...

jw ranted incoherently and said: Have the majority of seniors who can work, work until the day they die!

You do realize that for all practical purposes, the current social security program entails just that?

jw ranted some more:If they can't work, let them starve on the streets!

Ummm one more time. Abolishing the Social Security program and poor starving homeless old folks do NOT go hand in hand. As a matter of fact, Social Security is and will continue to be increase as a major cause of the elderly being poor.

Sorry to interrupt you with facts and reasoned discourse, carry on with your mad rantings. Exclamations points sure are a cool way to prove you are correct aren't they?

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Old 07-07-2004, 05:19 AM
jokerswild jokerswild is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

Start by getting some figures on average senior income from AARP. Follow that up with government statistics on Medicaid and nursing facilities. The government has excellent data on the numbers on SSDI, Medicare, and Food stamps. The next stop is subsidized housing statistics available from HEW and HUD. I’m sure that if you want me to I could give you the links. I do grow tired of informing elitists of the true nature of the lower classes in America. The unemployment rate is another statistic that is a fallacy. It doesn't count those who have used up all their benefits. Nor does it count the underemployed. Bankruptcy rates and foreclosures are another good indication of how the other half lives.

1943 is not 200 years ago. In 1933 a man was appointed chancellor of a state under murky electoral circumstances. Shortly thereafter a "terrorist" attack took place on a government installation. This attack resulted in immediate legislation to limit civil liberties in order to provide "security." Within a few years, the same regime openly attacked Poland. It falsely claimed that Poland had attacked its borders. Poland posed zero threat to the homeland.

Now, let us fast forward to 2001. A man took office under murky electoral appointment. A terrorist attack on a government installation resulted in passage of the Patriot Act. This restricts civil liberties in order to provide "security." The following year, the equivalent of the chancellor attacks a country that poses no threat to the homeland.

I agree with you. Bush should be judged by his own actions. He is a fascist. Replace the scapegoat group of Jews by Muslim fundamentalists and we have an eerily similar situation.
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Old 07-07-2004, 09:53 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

"I'm fluent in 4 languages, and could easily defeat you in your proposed wager."

Do Pig-Latin, Canine and Gibberish count? [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 07-07-2004, 10:36 AM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

Some facts they fail to mention:

75,000 African-Americans were purged from the vote register before the election. The company that did the purging knew that it was flawed. People were turned away from the polls because they had a name similar to some other convicted felon, or for other reasons.

The largely white suburbs had error checking machines which people could test their completed ballots with. If it was in error, they were given new ballots and another chance to vote correctly. The largely black areas did not have this machines and ballots with errors where simply cast out.

So when you eliminate 75,000 black voters off the top, then throw out more black votes a few percentage points higher than white votes, Bush squeaks in by a few hundred votes.

I don't think this was a Jeb Bush thing. I think it was a racial thing, with the black vote largely Democratic and Palm Beach is largely Republican, So Bush supposedly "won".
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Old 07-07-2004, 12:52 PM
spamuell spamuell is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

Sure the liberals ignore the fact that he cooks the data to fit his conclusions.

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This isn't true. I know many liberals, myself included, who despise Moore.

I just hate going to see a "documentary" and not being able to know at the end whether I can repeat anything in it as fact or whether it's out of context and I haven't been aware of the full circumstances in which a decision was made.
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Old 07-07-2004, 01:00 PM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: Conservative talk radio in hysteria over Fahrenheit 9/11

"What did Jeb have to do with 2000's election process?"

His right-hand woman Katherine Harris who was in charge of the Florida electoral proceedings had a lot to do with it. I posted on the debacle recently and the journalist I linke to, Greg Palast, has come up with a lot of evidence that Harrish and Jeb Bush were aware of various flawed and illegal tactics that reduced the democratic vote including barring people who had the right to vote, poorer vote-conting technology in democrat-leaning counties and other issues. Search for the post if you'reinterested, I have to run.
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Old 07-07-2004, 03:51 PM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default I\'ll Sweeten the Pot

Its hard for me to discuss the film since I havent seen it - but there are a lot of facts about the movie that dont seem to be in dispute so I will comment as much as I can.

I do accept your dare. Do you accept mine - I have offered you a free $50 on the election lie and you have so far failed to accept or respond. To sweeten the pot, Ill even offer you a free $100 more. How's that for a dare?

Does Moore lie when he indicates that the Bush's have major economic ties to Saudi Arabia?
No, he lies when he twists and diplays the facts in a way that lead viewers to the wrong conclusions. The supposed pipeline deal that was discussed was dead a long time ago and it was supported by the Clintons.

Not a question of fact (but Ill add anyway)- so what if he has ties to Saudi's? You cant be in the oil business and have ties to the biggest oil producing country? This excludes you from being president?

Is it a lie that Richard Clarke has "testified" that Bush had little interest in Osama, but immediately cast his anger towrds Saddam? No, it is not a lie.
No, he lies when he makes viewers think that Bush quickly let the Bin Laden family leave when at the same time omits the fact that the movie's protagonist, Richard Clark, was the one who authorized it. You dont have a problem with this massive ommission?

Not a question of fact - so what if the Bin Laden family left. What does that prove?

Is it a lie that Halliburton is making millions upon millions in a no bid contract?
Nope. It is a lie though to omit that the same party he is supporting also used Halliburton for no bid contracts. If I recall correctly, those no bid contracts that were implimented were from the Clinton era.

Although not a question of fact - so what if they are making money. Is that not the goal of a company?

Is it a lie that Bush made close to a million dollars by selling his stock in Harkin when he had been advised by legal counsel not to sell?
I know nothing of this so I cant comment

Is it a lie that the Supreme Court decided the election, and that a recount of every county in Florida had Gore winning?
MASSIVE LIE - I have offered you $150 to show otherwise. If its not a lie then you have a quick $150.

Is it a lie that thousands of African-American voters were disenfranchised by the State of Florida and that Florida failed to notify them before election day?
MASSIVE LIE - I asked for proof but you have shown none. How can you be so strong in your convictions but not be able to provide a shred of evidence?

It's so much easier for fascists to listen to Goebbels impressionists like Limbaugh. Fascists enjoy believing the fairy tales of party supremacy. It makes their fragile egos feel better than everybody else.
Whats the point of this comment? As I have said, I am not a Bush supporter - although I do like Rush sometimes. I could never figure out why liberals hate Rush so much? I always hear them bashing him but I almost never see them give examples. Is it because they dont actually listen to him?
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Old 07-07-2004, 04:35 PM
jokerswild jokerswild is offline
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Default Re: I\'ll Sweeten the Pot

Here's a start: but you will never pay. It's just a slimy debate tactic typical of inferior minds.

A federal judge warned Friday that he intends to stay on track for a trial in August on a voter lawsuit challenging the way Florida ran the flawed November 2000 presidential election.

U.S. District Judge Alan Gold cited "the importance and immediacy of the claims" as he rejected attempts by two state agencies and a company that helped shrink voter lists to get out of the case.

The NAACP and four civil liberties groups are suing the state, several counties and the contractor over procedures for voter registration, voter lists and balloting.

"I am on a track for trial, and I want to be sure everyone understands that," the judge said. He added it was unclear to him whether reforms enacted last year eliminated the need for the lawsuit, as the state argued.

Assistant Attorney General George Waas argued the new state law was "a major undertaking born of a major cataclysmic election" and should be tested to see if it corrected the problems.

"New Florida legislation has significantly changed the waterfront as far as this case," said Raymond Bergan, attorney for ChoicePoint. The Alpharetta, Ga.-based company delivered names to be stripped from county voter rolls and remains in the case as a defendant.

But voters' attorney Anita Hodgkiss responded that voters "should not be forced to wait through another election to wait to see if the state has fixed it."

Voters complained that they were turned away for a variety of reasons from busy polls in an election ultimately decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. Many said they were improperly labeled felons who were ineligible to vote, and others said their registration forms were never processed.

"I felt like, as a citizen and a voter, my voice was heard today," Tony Payne of Fort Lauderdale said after attending the hearing. He said a co-worker who had never received as much as a traffic ticket was listed as an ex-felon, and said several friends were turned away by poll workers.

The judge noted he rarely rules from the bench but decided to do that in the voter lawsuit to show his "serious intent" to keep the case moving.

Gold was addressing procedural motions by the state Highway Safety and Children and Families departments to be dropped from the suit. They were accused of violating the federal motor-voter law by failing to process voter registration forms filled out at their offices.

"This is really a victory for the plaintiffs and the voters of the state of Florida," said Hodgkiss of the Washington-based Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, who represented voters at the hearing.

Attorneys for the state and the company had no comment afterward on the ruling against them. Bob Sanchez, Highway Safety spokesman, said it wasn't unusual for dismissal motions to be rejected.

Gold must decide whether to give voters another chance to amend their lawsuit before the case moves forward.

Motion to Dismiss Denied

A lawsuit filed by civil rights groups who contend black voters were disenfranchised last November won't come to a quick resolution.

U.S. District Judge Alan Gold has denied motions by Secretary of State Katherine Harris to dismiss the suit and by a county elections supervisor for a summary judgment. The judge's order was filed Tuesday.

The lawsuit, which included complaints from the Nov. 7 presidential election, asked the judge to eliminate punch-card ballots used in 25 counties, fix the state's system for purging voter lists and monitor Florida elections for 10 years. There was no effort to overturn the results of the presidential race won by George W. Bush.

"We're pleased the court ruled the way it did," said Anita Hodgkiss, an attorney with the Lawyers' Committee For Civil Rights Under Law. "All of these were important steps for us."
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