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Old 12-23-2003, 02:30 PM
elwoodblues elwoodblues is offline
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Default This is just too good to not comment...

Limbaugh's comments regarding the release of his medical records (interspersed with my comments - in blue)

All right, ladies and gentlemen. You know, it's been real frustrating here for the past - what has this been? - past three months. It has been very frustrating to sit here and see what gets released and then reported in the media and to have to remain silent about it for a number of reasons. The occasion for silence is now ended because of the medical records hearing that occurred yesterday here in Palm Beach County Circuit Court. Now, the judge ruled against me on the privacy of my medical records despite the fact that we claim that the prosecution in this case did not follow the law as written by the Florida legislature in securing those medical records.

Where have we heard this before? "That authorities in Florida did not follow the law as established by the Florida legislature." We've heard this in the Gore-Bush recount, when the Florida Supreme Court decided to change election law in the middle of the process, in order to keep counting counties that had been counted over and over again. All these chads, all these magnifying glasses. <font color="blue"> Is he really trying to link the Bush/Gore case to this...that's a stretch even for him. </font>
So what has happened now, we've issued a press release, a statement, if you will, that just went out, and it's already been reported by some places. I want to read this to you and then have just a few comments about this, and then we will move on.

The headline of our statement - it's not really a press release; we just issued a statement in response - "My Lawyers to File for Stay, Appeal Judge's Ruling Denying Motion to Quash Search Warrant on Seizure of Medical Records." Here's the statement. Now, this is odd for me because it's got my name in it and I don't like reading about myself, but there's some quotes in here. So even though I never talk in this third-person business, please permit me in this case because it's a written statement that I'm going to read.

"Judge Jeffrey Winikoff today denied a request by Rush Limbaugh's attorneys (my attorneys) to quash the search warrants issued for the seizure of my confidential medical records. Roy Black, my attorney, said, quote, "We respectfully disagree with the court's decision and will be filing an appeal today. These records will show that there was no doctor shopping. But the larger issue is that the seizure of Mr. Limbaugh's private medical records without going through the process outlined by the state legislature is clearly an invasion of Mr. Limbaugh's constitutional right to privacy. Mr. Limbaugh was not Dr. Shopping. <font color="blue"> Two things, we won't know if he was Dr. Shopping until the records are released...while we'd like to trust Rush on this one, some documentary evidence is usually required. Second, Rush is usually the first person to claim that there is no Constitutional Right to Privacy...apparently now there is. </font>

"He should not have to sacrifice his privacy to prove his innocence. The burden is on the prosecutor's office, not only to prove otherwise, but also to go through the appropriate legal process that protects an individual's right to privacy. We are confident we will prevail on appeal," said Roy Black. In his order, the judge wrote, 'the state is hereby prohibited from disclosure of any of the seized medical records to all third parties absent further order of this court.'" Now, why would the judge say that? Why would the judge put in his order that the state is hereby prohibited from disclosure of any of the seized medical records to all third parties?

I'll tell you why, because the state has been leaking information to the press throughout this investigation. They have been planting information that is not established, throughout this investigation. Of course you've got an eager media lapping it all up. More on that in just a moment. "The judge's order directs Mr. Limbaugh's attorneys to file any motions or pleadings he deems appropriate." So we did; we filed for a stay today. We want to appeal this. If we have to go to a Circuit Court of Appeals, a U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, we will do so. <font color="blue"> Why would Rush go to the US Circuit is this a federal issue? Again, for someone who rails against activists courts and the federal government having too much power, this seems a tad bit hypocritical. </font> This doesn't stop the state from opening the records. They can do it. But we'll just see how much the state respects our desire to follow the legal process all the way out on this.

Now, let me take you back to the beginning of this. Do you recall how you first heard of this story, ladies and gentlemen? It was in a tabloid newspaper. Nothing from law enforcement. You first heard about this in a tabloid newspaper, and everything in that tabloid newspaper article was accepted as gospel. <font color="blue"> Where did the Clinton/Lewinsky story first break...a tabloid newspapers. Tabloids are bad when they write about me, but when the write about you (and I can make a ton of money off of it) they are great. </font> The media ran with it. It was The Truth. Then, we heard stories that I was involved in a drug ring investigation. This was leaked by "anonymous sources," "high-placed government sources close to the investigation." Next, we heard that I was being investigated for drug trafficking - again leaked by anonymous sources, high-place government sources, close to the investigation.

With each of these leaks the media did solemn reports on the possible severe penalties, and the investigation continues, and then they would casually whisper "No charges have been filed." Next, we heard that I was being investigated for money laundering, again leaked by anonymous sources, high-government sources, quote, unquote, close to the investigation. Now, ladies and gentlemen, what happened to all that? Hmm? What happened to all those things? What happened to the drug ring investigation? What happened to the drug trafficking investigation? What happened to the money laundering investigation? Have you heard of them since they were leaked? No. I wonder why? Why haven't we heard about these investigations? <font color="blue"> Maybe they just haven't indicted you yet, Rush. Maybe the investigation didn't turn anything up. Time will tell.</font>

Now maybe we can answer the question. Now, these same high-place government sources have gotten permission to see my medical records. Why do they need my medical records? I mean, if they've got a drug ring investigation going and they've leaked all this to the press, and if they've got drug traffic investigation going and they've leaked all this to the press, and they've got a money laundering investigation, why do they need to invade my privacy to see my medical records? The answer is, because they need my medical records to discover, to learn whether I have committed a crime called doctor shopping.

Drug ring, drug trafficking, money laundering. Now they need my medical records, my private medical records to find out if I've committed a crime called doctor shopping? You mean with all these previous leaks, they now have to invade my privacy to learn whether I have broken the law? Why, I thought based on the leaks I've broken the law all these times! How many of you did? How many of you thought, "Gee, whiz, this is really getting bad." Doctor shopping? Doctor shopping. And they need to invade my privacy to even find out about that. These medical records, by the way, will prove legitimate medical conditions requiring treatment. In fact it was... <font color="blue"> That's exactly why they need your medical records. When you are the only one in possession of the evidence of the crime, that seems like a legitimate use of subpoena power to me. </font>

Well, I don't want to get [into that.] I'm so tempted to just tell you, but I'm just not going to make their job any easier. <font color="blue"> Always leave 'em wanting more...what a showman. </font>
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Old 12-23-2003, 02:36 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: This is just too good to not comment...

Hey, I think Rush Limbaugh is, to quote that great philosopher Al Franken, a big fat idiot, and a lying liar, but I don't really care what he did to get medicine for back pain. I can tell you from experience your life is a living hell from which you would do anything to escape. Doctor shopping doesn't rate high up on my list of societal problems.
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Old 12-23-2003, 08:29 PM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default Re: This is just too good to not comment...

Wow, its not like you to take such a pot shot at someone. But if you are going to do it, you might want to quote someone a little more respectable than Al Frankin, who is simply a blight on society (I sat next to him in a restaurant a few years back and he was incredibly mean to the wait staff).

Your sophomoric comment aside, why don't you like Limbaugh? Do you ever actually listen to his show? I used to dislike him until I actually started listening to him. He is a little bombastic and his callers are usually dope setups to make him look good. However, I rarely find him mean spirited or hateful.

To the issue at hand - it is extremely rare for Florida to go after a pure pain pill abuser as they are in the Limbaugh case. While this does not mean that Rush shouldn't be prosecuted. But, he is being singled out.

I blew a disk out deadlifting in a gym 2 years ago. Pure hell - you just cab't imagine unless you experience it. I would have killed someone to end the pain. I was given a perscription of Oxycontin. That stuff rocked!! I quit it the second I could, even before the pain had completely ended after surgery because I could see myself getting addicted. 60 minutes did a special on Oxy. because so many people who were using the drug as perscribed were getting addicted.
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Old 12-24-2003, 01:22 AM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: This is just too good to not comment...

Limbaugh: I have listened to him a lot, he's very entertaining. But his politics are, suprise, not in agreement with mine. His mean-spiritedness is manifest all the time. One example: feminists = feminazis.

But I don't want to talk politics any more.

Sorry to hear about your disk problem. When I as in the hospital, the man in the next room was screaming, threatening to jump out the window. I was considering following him. As you say, it's incredible, unrelenting pain. Kevin Brown, the Dodger (now Yankee) pitcher, who my doctor said didn't have anything near as severe as what I had, said that, when they asked him, as they do, what his pain was on a scale of 1 to 10, he said 1,000. And I believe him. My pain was in my leg, a big piece of the disc came to rest on the sciatic nerve.

I now take neurontin, which seems to quell the nerve inflammation. While I had surgery to remove the piece of the disk that was resting on the nerve, I don't think a sciatic nerve, being as inflamed as mine was for as long as it was, every really gets back to normal. Exercise, caution, neurontin and hope for the best.

So you see why I don't think it's right to go after Limbaugh for this.

Glad you got off the oxycotin. And I hope your back is in good shape now.
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Old 12-24-2003, 03:57 AM
Cyrus Cyrus is offline
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Default The rush

"Al Frankin ... is simply a blight on society. I sat next to him in a restaurant a few years back and he was incredibly mean to the wait staff."

Boo hiss to FrankEn for being rude to the wait staff. Kudos to Franken for debunking Limbaugh's lies thoroughly and dispassionately (yes, he could've been even more rude to the lying liar!).

Best wishes to you to never experience that back pain ever again. Someone very close to me had an operation to relieve the pressure of spinal disk fluid on the nerves and after the operation was over, successfully, was walking around for weeks in trembling fear, fearing the pain might come backl!

I'm completely indifferent, therefore, to Limbaugh's drug abuse, whether there was or wasn't any, as far as pain killing is concerned. What mildly riles me, however, is the deep hypocrisy of the likes of Rush when it comes to other people's use (or abuse) of drugs. Other than that, Rush could do whatever the hell he wants with his body, absolutely whatever.

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Old 12-24-2003, 10:17 AM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default Re: This is just too good to not comment...

How long ago did you have surgery? I am suprised that you still have problems. That really sucks and makes me feel lucky. My pain cleared up pretty much after surgery when they removed the pressure off the sciatic nerve. My back is a little "funny" at times but it never really hurts. I assume you have seen several experts?

Kevin Browns comment sums it up perfectly. When I was in the emergency room waiting to be seen, I was screaming too and I would have jumped out a window if one was there.

The only good thing was that once I was seen they completely jacked me up on morphine. That was one of the best feelings I have ever had. I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs so I don't get too many opportunities for altered states.
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Old 12-24-2003, 10:27 AM
Utah Utah is offline
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Default Re: The rush

Best wishes to you to never experience that back pain ever again

Thank you

What mildly riles me, however, is the deep hypocrisy of the likes of Rush when it comes to other people's use (or abuse) of drugs

Yes, it is very hypocritical. However, it is also very common human behavior. Most (all) people find it easy to put down or diminish the problems of others if they haven't experienced the problems themselves.

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Old 12-24-2003, 10:39 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: The rush

"What mildly riles me, however, is the deep hypocrisy of the likes of Rush when it comes to other people's use (or abuse) of drugs. Other than that, Rush could do whatever the hell he wants with his body, absolutely whatever."

Come on Cyrus, being riled about someone being hypocritical is being riled about someone being human. Have you ever been "deeply hypocritical?" Isn't it hypocrisy when liberals condemn Rush for being addicted to drugs when liberals urge compassion and understanding for those addicted to drugs in our society?
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Old 12-24-2003, 11:07 AM
elwoodblues elwoodblues is offline
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Default Re: The rush

I think you are missing the liberal position on Rush. I, by many definitions, am a liberal. I wish Rush the very best in overcoming his addiction. Nobody is condemning Rush for being addicted...they are condemning him for being an arrogant blowhard whose has consistently positioned himself as "tough on crime", a strong opponenent of criminal defense attorneys, and someone who has made a living making fun of things like the "vast right wing conspiracy" out to get Clinton. Now when the tides have turned, he's singing a different tune. His statement suggests that "his" crime is no big deal. He hired one of the best criminal defense lawyers in the country. And his position seems to be that there is a "vast left wing conspiracy" out to get him.

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Old 12-24-2003, 08:41 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: This is just too good to not comment...

I had my surgery in April of 2001. It was about a year before I started feeling well. I was good for about six months, then it started acting up again. Not terrible, but bad enough.

I've seen neuorologists, orthopedists, acupuncturists, chiropractors (or however they spell that damn word), psychaitrists (another tough spell), you name it. But it's livable. I work, I play cards, I travel. I think maybe after a while you get used to the pain/discomfort. Some days are better than others; sitting is the worst. I hired a guy fromthe rehab office I went to who has trained/exercise me 3 times a week ever since and I think that helps keep it under control. After a while you kind of get sick going to see doctors so you just accept this is the way it is and try to make the best of it. I've spoken to people who had surgery and were 100% better quickly and others who have had multiple surgeries with no relief. So I guess I should count my blessings. As should we all.

Except for your politics, you sound like a good guy. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

Happy Holidays!
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