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Old 09-14-2001, 04:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Default A Theory....

Greetings. I would like other posters opinions on this please...

My Dear Fellow US Citizens:

Let me begin by expressing my deepest sympathies and grief for those who lost their lives in the recent tragic events. Like most of us, I have been thinking long and hard about the attacks, and I have been thinking about the chain of events that led to them – beginning, for all intents and purposes, in 1993 with the bombing of the World Trade Center. I do not wish to appear to be too alarmist, and yet, I would never forgive myself if I did not share my thoughts with anyone who cares to listen.

This attack was obviously planned for a very long time. News reports suggest one or two years of planning. Perhaps that is true, but the idea was formulated long before that in my opinion. The original attack on the WTC in 1993 makes me think of boxers in the initial round of a bout – each opponent sizing the other up, probing for weaknesses. Perhaps it was a “training mission” of sorts, to give the terrorists the opportunity to re-evaluate the action – what went right, what went wrong, what could be done differently. And perhaps the other attacks were for the same purpose.

Then, prior to the millennium celebration the United States learns of a terrorist plot to place bombs in twelve US cities. Could this have been an intentional leak by the terrorists, to lull American Intelligence into a false sense of security? Then nothing until September 11, 2001. All quiet on the western front. And they caught us completely by surprise.

This, in my opinion is just the beginning. Since the bombing, there have been other suspected terrorists arrested at airports. Falsification of documents. Perhaps these are diversionary tactics. This is an extremely intelligent group. They proved that with the meticulous coordination of attacks on the US this week. Why would such a group that has such incredible intelligence attempt to hijack another plane, or bomb a large building when they are completely aware that the US is on such high alert? Like a magician, I believe these more recent arrests to be a sleight of hand – nothing more than a diversionary tactic. To lull us, once again, into a false sense of security. These individuals obviously have no regard for human life -–especially their own. Why would going to prison – or being deported – have any significance to them at all?

Once again we are behaving in precisely the way they want us to.

I cannot believe, by any stretch of the imagination, that they next attacks on our Nation will be in the form of a hijacking, or a car bomb, or other explosive devices – or on the East Coast. These people have proven exactly how sophisticated they are. Create a diversion. In my opinion, we need to be prepared for the very likely scenario of biological/chemical warfare, and in all likelihood in the Midwest where there is a limited number of people of Middle Eastern decent – why kill your own when you can decimate America? Get the nations main areas of agriculture. A little bit of anthrax in a crop duster, maybe? Destroy the nations food supply.

And those who are currently being arrested and probably deported. Won’t they have the last laugh? They got the American taxpayer to fly them home – to a safe place – as disease spreads across America like wildfire.

I hope to God in Heaven that I am simply being paranoid, but in this case I believe that paranoia is quite appropriate. These people are brilliant and sophisticated and they want to destroy us. Tuesday’s attack proves that they have the determination, the financial resources, the knowledge and the disregard for any life at all to do just that.

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Old 09-14-2001, 05:09 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A Theory....

In response to you post on the point of the pilot who has falsified documents: I listened to NPR today and they said this was a pilot with his brother's ID card. He was just questioned and not arrested. Unfortunately the media is the only real source of info most of us have and they can build on to every mole hill they can find. Of course we need to guard against terrorism but paranoia is just playing into their hands. Let me give you a COMPLETELY hypothetical situation: Israel is responsible for the plane crashes. They did it to get full military support from the US. We go in kill all of the Palestinians and celebrate their deaths. The Israelis feel justified because they just protected their people and secured their homeland. The very simple fact is that we don't have enough information to act yet (at least as a whole people) other than to find out who is responsible. Our responsibility as a nation is to make sure the issues that brought about this tragedy get addressed even after the guns stop smoking.

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Old 09-14-2001, 05:12 PM
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Default Re: A Theory....

"in the Midwest where there is a limited number of people of Middle Eastern decent"

Detroit has the single largest Arab community in the US. The first Mosque built in the U.S. was built in Des Moines, Iowa (though Iowa's arab and muslim populations are small).

"I hope to God in Heaven that I am simply being paranoid, but in this case I believe that paranoia is quite appropriate"

Paranoia is never appropriate. It is a barrier to logical understanding.
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Old 09-14-2001, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: A Theory....

"These people are brilliant and sophisticated "

If that's true how come they're dead?

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Old 09-14-2001, 05:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A Theory....

Paranoid? Healthy paranoia.

Want to destroy us? Yes, I'm afraid so.

Why? It doesn't matter. It's enough, more than enough, that we know the what. The why is only academic.

Because of the enormous scale of death from the recent attack, we now have license to hunt them and exterminate them. We would be fools to do otherwise.
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Old 09-15-2001, 02:56 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A Theory....

***Why would such a group that has such incredible intelligence attempt to

hijack another plane, or bomb a large building when they are completely aware that the US is on such high alert? Like a magician, I

believe these more recent arrests to be a sleight of hand – nothing more than a diversionary tactic. To lull us, once again, into a false

sense of security***

Well, the government is clearly aware of this idea, and is making an effort to figure out what else may be coming. There have been warnings that further attacks may come in a different form. As far as these extra attempts at hijacking, I think it's unlikely they are diversionary tactics, because they serve no purpose: we are already distracted enough by the events of Tuesday by themselves. It is more likely that these extra attempts are simply the actions of terrorist cells whose missions were interrupted by the speed of the US response to the attacks. If their plane didn't take off on Tuesday, then they would just wait until planes started taking off again, and try it again, perhaps with some slight adjustments to attempt to avoid increased security. Fortunately we were prepared.

I believe there is a difference between unreasonable paranoia and and planning for possible events. You may be correct in your concern about chemical/biologiccal warfare, certainly many of the people who have been speaking about US response have been worrying about that. I think rooting out the terrorist organizations is the way to deal with this. You can't stop one madman from strapping some dynamite to himself, but you can stop an organization of madmen from planning a massive assault, by making sure there are no organizations of madmen.
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Old 09-15-2001, 05:22 AM
Posts: n/a
Default These are Dangerous Times

I do not believe that any recent events have been "diversionary tactics" in preparation for a larger assualt. However, now that the scale of America's likely response is becoming increasingly evident, there is a great risk that further massive terror attacks are being planned. And I agree that the next attacks are more likely to involve biological, chemical, or possibly nuclear weapons than hijacked planes. If such attacks occur, much of our planet may be uninhabitable after the dust settles. This would appear to be a huge factor in favor of rapid and decisive action.
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Old 09-15-2001, 11:30 PM
Posts: n/a
Default It\'s only a prelude

And if we don't act decisively millions (yes, millions) may perish.
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