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Old 09-14-2005, 09:33 PM
gorie gorie is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

You are kidding right?

He made the first post and it included text from her blog, that she did not grant him access too, nor expect him to seek out and read.

[/ QUOTE ]

Grant him access to???? WTF?

It was a public blog on THE INTERNET, for god's sake. With access to hundreds of millions of total strangers.

She didn't expect it to be read? What the heck is a blog for?

You're tremendously far off base here.

And it seems like you do care, and plenty. Your comments have been quite strident from the start, and very slanted. A dispassionate, even slant on the whole subject, looking at the full context of the affair, it has definitely not been.

Don't get mad, but you are just not looking at this thing square and responding fairly or on the level.

It's hard to believe that someone is protesting that things like blogs are about privacy or that this girl ever wanted anything even remotely like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not mad, just seeing the other side.

imo, just because it was a public blog doesn't mean he needs to go looking for it. And even if he does, he certainly doesn't need to share it or/and criticize in another, even more public forum, where people are known to be in most cases mean spirited.

50% of security is knowledge. If you don't know something exists, you cannot break into it (not implying theft here). He had to seek it out, which implies malice.

Yes, she put it out there, but he also took it for his own gain (bragging).

[/ QUOTE ]

the same could be said about her though, she didn't need to come here and read what he wrote either. and make it into a huge drama, publicize it to her friends by posting about it on her blog with attached AIM log with intention of humiliating chuddo.

and if you think he was bragging, i think you need to read the title of this thread.
Old 09-14-2005, 09:34 PM
ddubois ddubois is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

Can someone repost this conversation or link / PM?

Because I decided to study and not visit OOT for a day, I missed the blog, etc.

[/ QUOTE ]

Because I know how to look at Temportary Internet Files, I have her blog post & AIM convo. Sadly, no one has posted the initial comments to the blog that were erased before I got to it. Bastards.

[ QUOTE ] my dismay Brian has posted photos and a skewed play by play of our dating thing...on his little poker forum.
I mulled it over and decided the best way to deal with his exaggeration of our "dating thing" is to post our little spat. I changed the names bc im not a fan of posting his screen name...(or mine for that matter) which is a clear violation of his privacy..sort of like posting someones photos..after you edited them for total strangers to rate.
The events that occured were somewhat offensive, somewhat impressive and well downright sad...but what can you do.
I chose to put our aim convo up bc I feel it clarifys some of the personal comments he made about me. I am assuming some of the forum folks are reading this bc of the 387 view my blog recieved this week...nice
On a side note...I thought about adding douche bag to his handle...but thats not very nice.
I now see the potential problems of a posting to a blog, but in the end the reason I use this is to keep up with friends and share fun little a 3 date "relationship" that a guy morphed into an epic drama via the forums.
The spicy douchebag files...(okay so I am sort of mean)

olivia: I like "tart in question" almost as much as
Spicy B: que?
olivia: a girl I slept with and saw naked...
Spicy B: how much do you hate me?
olivia: nice brian...I know now what it was about you that was lie about people and post their photos on the internet
olivia: um I didnt sleep with you, and I believe you contacted shannon to get back in touch with me after I wouldnt "return your calls"
Spicy B: i didnt mean sleep as in sex clearly. but yeah i understand the pissedness.
olivia497: Im not pissed but I think its funny. oh and please dont put anymore photos up of me that are followed by "dude you should have been pounding it like a hammer"
Spicy B: yeah, i can remove the file from the photobucket thing now so that the link makes it blank.
olivia: I would appreciate that. Please dont do things like that, I never used your name, or photos, its very mean, and now people hunting down more of my pictures
olivia: its pathetic
Spicy B: yeah, i completely didnt think someone would be that weird to look you up solely from a pasted blog entry.
Spicy B: files deleted so pictures cant show up anymore.
olivia: sure
olivia: thanks
Spicy B: im really sorry. i guess i was just chapped about it and my friends found it pretty funny, and i thought it would make a decent story for some of the people i know on there.
olivia: well maybe asking me about it would be a more logical move instead of asking 150 of your internet buddies.
olivia: I dont care that you read the blog, I didnt know. It wasn't even that negative.
Spicy B: that does make more sense.
olivia: why would I say mean things about you on purpose? wait thats what you did.
Spicy B: what do you mean?
olivia: I wouldnt post something hoping you would read it, thats pretty hurtful. It wasn't even mean.
Spicy B: i just didnt understand it i guess. what do you mean thats what i did?
olivia: put all that stuff on the forum about me
Spicy B: i really didn't say anything bad about you. other than the "tart in question", but that is simply my affinity for british slang.
olivia: yeah
Spicy B: in fact if you read it is kind of clear i was bummed out about it solely because i am attracted to you and find you different than most people i go out with.
olivia: yeah well im not interested...that was a total douche bag thing to do
Spicy B: im really sorry olivia. like i said pretty much every thing i said about you was complimentary
olivia: I was made fun of as lacking intelligence, accused of hooking up with your friends and sleeping with you...which I didnt and you my friend did not snub me, I didnt call you when you were asking to come stay at me new apartment
olivia: bc I wasnt going to just sleep with you...which is clearly what you are looking for
Spicy B: no it really isn't at all.
Spicy B: you know i am not one to sleep around.
olivia: "pound her like a hammer" "try to stick it in" ?
olivia: they say romance is dead
Spicy B: people are idiots. and those are random people i do not know.
Spicy B: olivia i was too shy to even give you a good night kiss, so the thought of having sex is
pretty much the furthest thing from my head.
Spicy B: plus i decided after my last girlfriend that i wasn't going to have sex with anyone i wasn't dating for a while. so thats a non issue.
Spicy B: its not like i posted something like "yeah, she isn
Spicy B: ack hit enter
Spicy B: not like i posted something like "yeah, she isn't my type or really cool. but she is kind of cute and i may shag her after going out a few more times". nothing like that.
olivia: yeah well it was still unfortunate.
Spicy B: i know, and i really am sorry. im genuinely attracted to you, for your personality, looks, and intelligence. im an idiot.
olivia: well it was real...have fun moving back to lexington
Spicy B: i wish you would give me a chance.
olivia: um so you can post it on the internet..."dude hit that and bring a camera" no thanks
Spicy B: you know that isnt how it is and that is not what im like.
olivia: um no I dont know...lets recap.
Spicy B: i really just posed because i couldnt make out what you were saying about me and wanted to get others opinions. plus people find it funny when someone gets made fun of by a girl they took out.
olivia: the first time we hooked up you were all like dont be shy...dont have inhibitions...bc I didnt want to sleep with you, then you make some shitty comment about me not being cute bc I wouldnt talk to you anymore, then you post to a forum with my photos and your friends rag me out..tell me how nice you really are now...please
Spicy B: for one anyone ragging on you is not my friend and more of just some rando on that forum. that forum is an offshoot of some of the poker ones i post on, it is "other other topics" full of random crap and stories.
Spicy B: i dont know what i was thinking the first time we hooked up. just overzealous or didn't really know what i wanted i guess. i was just being a typical stupid guy that had just kind of ended things with a girl i really liked and all that crap.
Spicy B: like i said i haven't slept with anyone in a while and don't plan on it unless i am seriously dating that person.
Spicy B: and the shitty comment about you not being cute was a shitty, jackass comment. one that i have apologized for and have tried to recant.
Spicy B: you know i think you are incredibly pretty.
Spicy B: "food wasn't great and the movie was mediocre, but the conversation and whatnot was great as far as that usually goes on a date. "
Spicy B: "we share the same taste in music and film, have the same political views, she is pretty smart and going to be going to law school next fall."
olivia: umm I know, I read
olivia: I get lost where your "slept with her" comments go to "pound her like a hammer"
olivia: or "I will keep mum about the blog and use it for info"
olivia: or even better..."if you dont use that to get are a dumbass"
Spicy B: one second
Spicy B: "pound her like a hammer" ---some idiot being a jackass
Spicy B: "if you dont use that to get something" -- another one
Spicy B: and my exact quote about saying nothing to you about it was "no i think im going to be mum on the journal. mainly like i said for future reference if we spend more time."
Spicy B: and that is only because i didnt want to bring it up and have it be awkward
Spicy B: also, one of my actual friends suggested that there was a chance you might just want me for entertainment and whatnot. so i was worried that we may hang out some, only to find you writing "yeah i don't really like brian, but he takes me out to dinner and out to do stuff, so that works for me." not that you would ever be the type of person to do that to begin with, just that in the tiny chance you were, i would want to know about it.
olivia: well im not that kind of person. I continued to think about hanging out again bc we had such fun "date banter" and I wanted to get to know you better...not to get a free meal. I offered to go dutch and you were the one who said "would you want it to be more of a date thing"Spicy B : i know you arent that kind of person. i feel really bad.
Spicy B: i honestly haven't taken someone out that i don't know very well and had such a nice time just being in there company.
olivia: well thanks
Spicy B: your welcome. i really wouldn't bother with all this if i weren't attracted to you in the first place. i really feel stupid for posting that and honestly just wanted to get people's opinions on what you were trying to say, as i didnt really understand it myself. im sorry some weird rando e-stalked you and messaged you because of all of that. i didn't link to it solely for that reason and didn't think someone would go to that extent, if it was even possible.
olivia: yeah and there is blog got 177 views. and random guys emailing me on myspace to tell me im pretty
Spicy B: thats really weird. like i said i didnt link to it or anything like that and didnt think anyone would do such things or be able to. :/
olivia: well they can and they did
Spicy B: im sorry. hopefully one is a millionaire supermodel and you'll like him. but chances are they are just creepy dbags.
olivia: yeah they are
Spicy B: like i said i really regret this and i hope you can at least see that, and that i do find you a great person to be around.
olivia: well I just wanted to let you know...since you do wonder.."You think she reads OOT and is showing all of her gf's laughing" I do now, and we are
olivia: please dont talk to me anymore
Spicy B: ouch. im sorry you took everything that way.
Spicy B: i wish you could see that i never said anything negative about you and that i was only trying to get an interpretation of what it is you meant about me.
olivia: well you should have asked me and spared the crap
Spicy B: i really wish you would reconsider and give me a chance.
Spicy B: anything i can do?
olivia: um I think you could borrow some of your internet buddies porn and pound it like a hammer...just not with me
Spicy B: can you please realize it is nothing like that and that isn't me at all?
olivia: sure I will, I just have no desire to go out again. but im sure in some way you are an honorable chap
Spicy B: i thought you enjoyed my company?
Spicy B: ..?

I guess the best way to end this story is to clarify....see a pattern? Im sure some ass will comment on my continued usage of this word.
1.) I called him Lexington Brian bc I was dating another Brian...who I was on a "break" with when I met Lexington Brian, this nickname was coined bc my friends were confused. Incidentally Louisville Brian and I got back together after Lexington Brians little trip to Louisville before christmas.
2.) Several people, including Lexington Brian know he never "slept with me.." He slept over only bc I didn't want him to try and drive back to Lex at like 330 am in bad weather.
3.) Ramsi's is fabulous and I will stand by that forever.
4.) I was never snubbed by Brian, unless by snubbed you mean rejected his many requests to come in town and go get dinner and see movies after Xmas break. Or perhaps snubbed means...My friend Shannon refused to help him figure out how to "win me back"....
5.) My friends do read OOT and we are laughing. (Even he calls you guys douchebags.) Maybe you are nice, but your "pound her like a hammer" comments sort of change my opinion...
and last but certainly not least...
6.) I did enjoy Brians company and was going to hang out more to see how things worked out...but now...not so much.

[/ QUOTE ]
Old 09-14-2005, 09:35 PM
_2000Flushes _2000Flushes is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog



[/ QUOTE ]

Settle down, MRVEGAS.

Old 09-14-2005, 09:35 PM
jokerthief jokerthief is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

Harrassing the girl and making her shut down her blog was messed up. The first few were funny, but some people on here are assholes. Regardless of what she did or what you think of her based on your limited knowledge, she didn't deserve as much as she got. That said, it wasn't so terrible that OOT should be worrying about picking up her shrink's bill. Chuddo didn't do anything wrong in my opinion. This thread started out lame, got really funny, and then burned out. I think it's run its course, lets let it die before its greatness is diluted.

[/ QUOTE ]
i agree with you !

although don't be fooled, her shutting down her blog is part of her massive plan !!

[/ QUOTE ]

Gorie, you're starting to make me believe all women are evil geniuses (present company exluded of course).
Old 09-14-2005, 09:35 PM
yellowjack yellowjack is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog


He made the first post and it included text from her blog, that she did not grant him access too, nor expect him to seek out and read.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I think a lurker (guy with 4 posts, I forget the name) probably found the post and told her about it. It's either that metro guy or Jay.
Old 09-14-2005, 09:37 PM
ononimo ononimo is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

the same could be said about her though, she didn't need to come here and read what he wrote either. and make it into a huge drama, publicize it to her friends by posting about it on her blog with attached AIM log with intention of humiliating chuddo.

and if you think he was bragging, i think you need to read the title of this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

while your efforts are laudable, it's clear that most of the people making a big stink about how the "big bad OOTers" treated "poor innocent Olivia" are essentially just haters.
Old 09-14-2005, 09:39 PM
Jeff V Jeff V is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

"I had the shanghai stir fry...fabulous as ever, I recommended to him the mamma amore, which is my close second..and he thought it was crappy. "

Mmmm I love places that specialize in every type of cuisine.
Old 09-14-2005, 09:41 PM
touchfaith touchfaith is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

You are kidding right?

He made the first post and it included text from her blog, that she did not grant him access too, nor expect him to seek out and read.

[/ QUOTE ]

Grant him access to???? WTF?

It was a public blog on THE INTERNET, for god's sake. With access to hundreds of millions of total strangers.

She didn't expect it to be read? What the heck is a blog for?

You're tremendously far off base here.

And it seems like you do care, and plenty. Your comments have been quite strident from the start, and very slanted. A dispassionate, even slant on the whole subject, looking at the full context of the affair, it has definitely not been.

Don't get mad, but you are just not looking at this thing square and responding fairly or on the level.

It's hard to believe that someone is protesting that things like blogs are about privacy or that this girl ever wanted anything even remotely like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not mad, just seeing the other side.

imo, just because it was a public blog doesn't mean he needs to go looking for it. And even if he does, he certainly doesn't need to share it or/and criticize in another, even more public forum, where people are known to be in most cases mean spirited.

50% of security is knowledge. If you don't know something exists, you cannot break into it (not implying theft here). He had to seek it out, which implies malice.

Yes, she put it out there, but he also took it for his own gain (bragging).

[/ QUOTE ]

the same could be said about her though, she didn't need to come here and read what he wrote either. and make it into a huge drama, publicize it to her friends by posting about it on her blog with attached AIM log with intention of humiliating chuddo.

and if you think he was bragging, i think you need to read the title of this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, I agree, what she did was no better. However, we do need to realize and take into account the fact the her action was actually a re-action the to wheels that he placed in motion by posting this thread.

I think we can all also agree that posting something here, as opposed to entry in a myspace blog, is going to receive a much different, and expected, response.

It's fairly easy to see that her post in her blog is going to receive normal replies, most likely entirely from her friends and that posting here...well...tends to be a little different.
Old 09-14-2005, 09:49 PM
touchfaith touchfaith is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

and if you think he was bragging, i think you need to read the title of this thread.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I went back, you are correct, it had been a while since I read it. He did not appear to brag. He was a but disrespectful in his words, but I'll attribute that to personality/culture since I do now know him.
Old 09-14-2005, 09:50 PM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: read me getting ragged on by a girl i took out in her blog

You are kidding right?

He made the first post and it included text from her blog, that she did not grant him access too, nor expect him to seek out and read.

[/ QUOTE ]

Grant him access to???? WTF?

It was a public blog on THE INTERNET, for god's sake. With access to hundreds of millions of total strangers.

She didn't expect it to be read? What the heck is a blog for?

You're tremendously far off base here.

And it seems like you do care, and plenty. Your comments have been quite strident from the start, and very slanted. A dispassionate, even slant on the whole subject, looking at the full context of the affair, it has definitely not been.

Don't get mad, but you are just not looking at this thing square and responding fairly or on the level.

It's hard to believe that someone is protesting that things like blogs are about privacy or that this girl ever wanted anything even remotely like it.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not mad, just seeing the other side.

imo, just because it was a public blog doesn't mean he needs to go looking for it. And even if he does, he certainly doesn't need to share it or/and criticize in another, even more public forum, where people are known to be in most cases mean spirited.

50% of security is knowledge. If you don't know something exists, you cannot break into it (not implying theft here). He had to seek it out, which implies malice.

Yes, she put it out there, but he also took it for his own gain (bragging).

[/ QUOTE ]

1. No, seeking it out implies curiosity. The imputation of malice is entirely, and I mean 100% and indisputably, incorrect on your part. There's no way in hell you should possibly have come up with malice as a motivation; that's completely unreasonable.

2. You seem to consistently ignore the fact that SHE was the first one to post about their date, not him.

3. What he took was hardly for the purposes of bragging; it was to make fun of himself in an arena where he knew he would be made fun of, and also to ask for people's thoughts, since he didn't know what to make of the situation or how to feel about it.

4. He did not know that people would find a way to dig up her blog or would care enough to do so.

There is a consistent and prolonged pattern of unfairness and very unlikely and unreasonable interpretations in the way you've been approaching this matter.

For whatever reason, it it doesn't appear that this is going to change. Perhaps it's just an attempt to shut down or bog down the thread. But these unreasonable, unsupportable, and sometimes inflammatory interpretations and assertions are just plain wrong.
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