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Old 08-06-2005, 10:52 AM
Myrtle Myrtle is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

As America moves closer to socialism

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I think maybe you're a little too sensitive. I really can't see how America is moving closer towards socialism.

Home ownership, if I'm not mistaken, is at record highs. Small business ownership, if I'm not mistaken, is at record highs.

I'd just relax.

However, if/when online poker is declared illegal, I'll grab my torch and I'll stand along side you as we storm the gates of our oppressors.

[/ QUOTE ]

I admit my position on politics is relatively extreme, so it is possible that I am too sensitive. Also, I'm very young(22) and have only been closely following politics for a couple of years. After hearing about China and Russia's joint military training I got a knot in my stomach. But then I thought about how people must have felt during the Cold War.

I guess in some sense ignorance is truly bliss.

[/ QUOTE ]

squeek.......You may be doomed to a life of constant aggravation, but you're not the Lone Ranger in that regard.

I think what's much more important is your state of mind, and how you deal with the inconsistencies of the reality of your observations.

Ignorance may be bliss for many....but not all. Ignorance for some is a stagnant pond where the only thing that grows is life-choking pond scum. Ignorance is the polar opposite of enlightenment and true learning. Ignorance is many times accompanied by a black-and-white, cocksure attitude by it’s’ holder that “they know better, and have all of the answers”.

Be open-minded and hold the search for truth and learning higher than your own opinion. Understand that your current position on any subject should always be open for scrutiny and revision, should new information deem it reasonable.

Compare your attitude with that of the other young, prolific poster in this string.........

It should put a smile on your face.....It does on mine.

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Old 08-06-2005, 11:14 AM
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

For what it's worth I'm actually in favor of the new emminent domain laws. I wasn't at first, but shortly realized its a good idea. It would be good if they goverment put in a provision that made the compnay or government who is taking over your land to pay you 10-15% more than the value of your property, that way everyone wins.

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If you weren't 18 years old and naive I would really go off on you for your ignorance. It is appalling.

You think that everyone wins if a house that someone's family has lived in is razed to make way for the newest corporate monstrosity? Hey, it's okay though. We paid them $115,000 for their $100,000 house so I'm sure they'll be fine with that.

Get a clue.
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Old 08-06-2005, 12:04 PM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

Why do you support new eminient domain laws?

Do you realize the potential social costs of those laws?
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Old 08-06-2005, 12:05 PM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

Start watching the daily show and laughing.

Think of it like a bad beat, nothing you can do.
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Old 08-06-2005, 02:15 PM
FishHooks FishHooks is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

Why do you support new eminient domain laws?

Do you realize the potential social costs of those laws?

[/ QUOTE ]

First I like to thank you for actually trying to debate this issue unlike some people who have started flaming me for my ideas, but I knew it would happen on this issue.

I'm in favor because it benefits the community. For example in my city they moved a lot of houses to build a 6-8 lane road right throught the middle of the city connecting to a new bridge to the nearby city. This now saves everyone a tremendious amount of time and is good for the community overall. This would even be good for businesses, it would help economic growth in the city and provide more jobs. Many people have said things like "well my family has lived in this house for years we can't leave now, etc". When that project happend in my city that I mentioned above, most of the houses weren't even demolished, they just dug up the houses and put them on a huge trailor and just moved them across town, you dont have to takedown the house. Unless your really attached to your grass that your house is on I don't see why this is such a big problem.
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Old 08-06-2005, 02:22 PM
cardcounter0 cardcounter0 is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

Again, you don't know what topic you are "debating".

Building a hiway thru a city is for the public good and the hiway is public use and public property. This has always been the traditional rules of govt. seizing private property.

The recent ruling was on a private citizen taking property, using it for private use (office buildings, etc), private business getting most of the benefits, all simply because he offers to pay more in property taxes than the current owners.

See any difference? Under this new ruling, anything you own could be seized if someone is willing to pay a local government entity more than what you pay in taxes.
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Old 08-06-2005, 02:26 PM
FishHooks FishHooks is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

I know, I used the city example to show that you dont have to demolish houses and that you can just move them. If you look at my post you will see that I also said it would be good for businesses. Good for the community for things like job growth, growing economy which is also more taxes for the city.
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Old 08-06-2005, 02:28 PM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

Old eminient domain laws allowed for roads and other such public works. New eminient domain laws after Kelo allow the government to confiscate your property and sell it another PRIVATE party so long as that party can make a case that it can use the land better. If Wal Mart wants to build a store on your land it can completely bypass the free market and simply use its money and influence to pressure politicians into getting thier way.

What it essentially amounts to is government ownership or all private property and government planning of our economy.

For a discussion of the potential effects of redefining "public use" to mean "public purpose" see pages 40-41 and 56-58 of the surpeme court opinion:
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Old 08-06-2005, 02:31 PM
lehighguy lehighguy is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

As stated, the ruling essentially amounts to government planning of the economy. It also erodes property rights, the single most important protection that makes the free market possible.

If you think socialism and government economic planning will create jobs and growth then you can support the new eminient domain laws.
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Old 08-06-2005, 02:45 PM
FishHooks FishHooks is offline
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Default Re: Being a libertarian in America is stressful.

I think you guys believe this will be abused too much. I dont think it will have as much of an impact as most of you believe. Because it will cost the business a ton of money to buy all the property from the people, rezoning fee's etc. I think these type of things will mostly be used when you have really nice property and really crappy houses built on the land, where the property is worth 10 times as much as the house. You see this situation a lot around my area. Some houses that are worth $40k are on lots that are worth over $500k, I think this is where you will see most of this law make a big impact.
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