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Old 08-06-2005, 01:26 AM
wegs the wegs wegs the wegs is offline
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Default Re: This is sick.

In a way, I'm lucky that I'm part Dutch. The thrifty characteristics are still there, never really spending more than I need to... to an extent. I play 1/2 and 2/4 NL. I'm thinking about getting an iPod, and sinking $400 into it with accessories and I woudn't really bat an eye. Yet I slug it out through to earn the points to get the gift cards to make the ipod free. Stupid, but paying for something that I can get for free with a little work is just wrong in my mind. The money can go to better use.

Just be generous with your blessed life, how many 22 year olds can make bank like you do. Give to charities, help friends out, stuff like that. Just don't be a dick about it. Treat them with respect, don't let them become mooches either.
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Old 08-06-2005, 03:06 AM
naphand naphand is offline
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Default Re: This is sick.

Maybe everyone in the USA, but I can tell you now that even considering that everywhere there are flash wide-boys it is most definitely not a common human characteristic. This is far more socially in-bred than you may realise.

Even so, it is mostly harmless. There are better things to do with money and more considerate attitudes but, he is young...
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Old 08-06-2005, 03:43 AM
bernie bernie is offline
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Default Re: This is sick.

Move out.

You'll learn the value real quick.

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Old 08-06-2005, 03:54 AM
jph0424 jph0424 is offline
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Default Re: This is sick.

I am also a 22 year old college student playing 10/20-30/60 short-handed and making bank. I used to be really frugal with my money but am much less so now. The thing I would suggest to you is not to look at every situation in life as +/- EV. If you have this mindset you will start giving up things that are really important to your life. If you start saying I am making $250/hour playing cards, is it worth it for me to go workout or hangout with my friends or go to class, you are heading down a bad road.
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Old 08-06-2005, 04:29 AM
bottomset bottomset is offline
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Default Re: This is sick.

Move out.

You'll learn the value real quick.


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Old 08-06-2005, 05:29 AM
misfit misfit is offline
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Default Re: This is sick.

your father has a wife and at least one child to think about. he is thinking of your future and your mother's. he also seems accomplished and probably content with his life and toys dont make him any happier. you on the other hand are young, making more dough than your debt, and therefore you have disposible income. do him a solid and get him something extravagant that he would never get himself, and as long as your saving some and whatnot keep spending it, its what its there for. enjoy it money is worthless paper till u spend it.
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Old 08-06-2005, 06:07 AM
SittingBull SittingBull is offline
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Default Hello,Truth! Who bankrolled U for 30/60 game?

Just wondering. How long have u been playing this limit? Texas Hold'em?
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Old 08-06-2005, 06:48 AM
Josh W Josh W is offline
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Default Re: This is sick.

i had this problem too, so i bought a condo in LA.

now, my girlfriend is much more frugal than i am, and i know that she is right (i own multiple pairs of $xyz sunglasses...a total waste). so, i've started investing more and saving more.

i'm thinking about another condo...

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Old 08-06-2005, 03:34 PM
The Truth The Truth is offline
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Default Re: Hello,Truth! Who bankrolled U for 30/60 game?

Thanks for the responses guys.
I've been playing for around 2 years. I have been at 30-60 full time for a couple months, since party took off the cap on number of tables. Bankroll question.. I started with like 50 bucks, and won a little tournament that paid out like 300 or something. Then I started playing small stakes NL, and progressed from there.

I do live on my own, but dad does pay my rent. My school and everything is covered by scholorship money. I think I will be picking up the rent and bills this month. My dad has a fairly strong grasp of some of the concepts of poker and bankroll management. So, he hasn't pressured me to pick up my own rent and bills, until I brought it up. However, the cost of rent etc is really insignificant at my current stakes.

Are there any other potential dangers of this sort of success? I personally have worked a couple manual labor jobs in high school, but I couldn't see myself doing it again. Not because I mind the work, but because of the tremendous gap in pay. So if the poker bubble were to bust, I'd be hard up. I'm not sure i'll be satisfied being a doctor or a manager or whatever. I guess "spoiled" is the word at least to some extent. I know there are a lot of people my age on the board in a similar situation. Its not that I am upset at my success. I worked hard to get where I am, and I earned everything I got. You don't just luck into making tons of money, you work and work and work. I dont want to seem unsatisfied.

I've strongly considered taking a couple years off school, or at least cutting down to like 2 classes. The amount of money I am making now is significantly more then I will make when I finish with school years from now as a doctor.
Anyone think that it would be a horrible idea to cut back to just a couple of classes a semester (2 intead of 4-5) and spend more time earning money while I decided exactly what I want to do with my life. I am a pre-med student and I am doing well, however I am not sure its what I actually want to do. Especially when money is not an object.
What potential negatives of this might I be missing?

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Old 08-06-2005, 04:11 PM
SittingBull SittingBull is offline
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Default Truth,the \"ideal\" purpose in attending college is NOT...

whether u will earn MORE money or NOT. The reason should be because u ENJOY the field of study that u are engaged in.
If the sole purpose of ur attending college is to make money,then u would do much better by specializing in 2 trades. Skilled electricians,auto mechanics,plumbers,Etc.
earn much more than the average college graduate.
Remember,playing 30/60 on a reg ular basis requires a MIN. bankroll of 18K. Now this assumes that u are more of a conservative player who can frequently beat the field.
If U tend to be somewhat loose,then u will need about 36K to continue to remain viable. Again,we are assuming u can beat the field over time.
U WILL eventually run into a down slide of about 12K at some point in ur poker career.When it does occur,it will happen in a relatively short period of time. It doesn't make any difference how well u play. The trick is to have enough of a bankroll to carry u thru these occasional "storms" and while U are in the "storms",u need to continue to maintain DISCIPLINE and PATIENCE--do not start to "crack"--reduce ur playing standards.
Of course,this is easier said than done. It's difficult to do during "try" times.
If U can't handle this,u WILL be losing MORE than U should during the "stormy weathers".
One very good poker player was having such a banner year that shew was thinking about quiting her daytime job to play poker full-time for a living.
She eventually stumbled into a "break wall" when she encountered one of thes big "storms". She decided that she had better keep her day job after all.
Even if U are making more money now then UR dad,U are really looking at the short picture.
The fact of the matter is that over a long period of many years,ur dad's income will far exceed yours.
It might NOT seem like it right now.
Remember,UR dad experiences NO money "down size".
He ALWAYS earns money. This is NOT the case for the poker pros. An excellent poker pro will lose about 30%-35% of the time that he's working. There will be months where he will LOSE money. UR dad NEVER has a LOSING month.**********************************
I agree that u should take 2 courses per semester,keep up with ur grades, and play poker more. U really should do what u enjoy doing if u can afford to do so.
In addition,U WILL encounter a "reality check" of what the REAL poker pro's like is about.
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