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Old 05-22-2005, 12:51 PM
Dynasty Dynasty is offline
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Default Re: Yoda


He walks gingerly with a cane, unless there's fighting to be done, in which case he displays remarkable agility. This doesn't really make sense to me. Is he old and arthritic, or just faking it?

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If you really want and answer, Yoda's gingerly walking is genuine. When he's in combat, he uses the force for the agility he displays. He chooses not to use the force for normal physical activities.

I wonder why none of the other jedi adopted his jumping-spinning strategy.

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It's really, really hard.

Where are the other creatures of Yoda's species, and why hasn't someone assembled an army of these nimble midgets?

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Yaddle was a member of the Jedi Council in The Phantom Menace. She was killed in a novel later. She's the only other member of Yoda's unnamed species to be seen. Here's a picture of her from the film.

Any army of "Yodas" hasn't been assmembled because it would provide no advantage. Being a "Yoda" doesn't give you any special ability.

After fighting to a respectable draw with the sith lord, Yoda decides to pack it up and go into exile. Further, he supports the idea that Luke should live on Darth Vader's home planet, with the name Skywalker, as the best strategy for "hiding" him.

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What could Yoda do? The Emperor controled the entire political structure of the Republic/Empire. The Senate actually voted to install Palpatine as a permanent Emperor. He also controlled the entire military. The Clone Army was programmed to be completely loyal to the Emperor. In addition, the Jedi were discredit for attacking and disfiguring the Emperor.

The Emperor's victory over the jedi was as complete as it could get. All that was left for Yoda and Kenobi to do was retreat and find a way to win.

As far as hiding Luke, it appears Yoda was right. Nobody ever discovered his presence there.
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Old 05-22-2005, 01:29 PM
[censored] [censored] is offline
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Default Re: Yoda

Just to add onto Dynasty's answers. Luke is able to be hidden, even with the Skywalker name, because any observers from the outside would assume him to be the son of Owen and his wife.

Besides one of the most critical events from Ep 3 is the faking of te children's death along with Padame. Vader believes them to be dead so he would not actively seek them out either physically or with the force.
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Old 05-22-2005, 01:56 PM
KDawgCometh KDawgCometh is offline
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Default Re: Yoda

About Luke on Tatooine, after watching Phantom Menace again, its noted that the Republic/Empire doesn't real have much penetration on Tatooine. So it'd be easy to hide him there as the Empire oesn't really pay much attention to it. Remember, Qui-Gon said that if Anikan had been born in the Republic, that he would've been identified at a young age, but becasue of Tatooine's remoteness, he wasn't
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Old 05-22-2005, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: Yoda

At some point Yoda needed to fight but I agree with other's that this would have been more powerful if it was held off until a confrontation with Darth Sideous.

The more I think about it, the more I believe Mace Windu should have played a larger role through out the trilogy. He should have been the General Jedi leading the clone army and facing off with Count Dukoo in part 2.

Meanwhile Yoda would have remained the wise yet peaceful master. This creates a natural tension between Mace -the proactive warrior wanting to take it to the emperor's forces and the wise but passive Yoda wanting to trust in the force. Then once Mace in betrayed and killed, Yoda has no choice but to take action against the emperor himself. The audience then would get a final payoff in Ep 3 of getting to see Yoda fight for the first time instead of in part 2. I think this would have made it much more memorable and powerful to have the "pacifist" Yoda finally pushed into combat at the end.

Additionally this perhaps provides additional motivation for the exile as Yoda deals with the guilt of not acting until it was to late.
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Old 05-22-2005, 02:09 PM
KDawgCometh KDawgCometh is offline
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Default Re: Yoda

but it made lots of sense for Yoda to fight Dooku as Dooku was his apprentice. Whereas we have no real connection between Mace and Dooku that we know about
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Old 05-22-2005, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: Yoda

but it made lots of sense for Yoda to fight Dooku as Dooku was his apprentice. Whereas we have no real connection between Mace and Dooku that we know about

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That's good point. Last week a read one of the latest books which goes into the Dukoo - Yoda relationship more.

I still like the OP's original point that a not so eager to fight Yoda would have been more powerful. I also think that taking the 3 films as a whole the Mace Windu character was underused which ultimately led to his "death" by betrayel not being as powerful as it could have been had been used more in 1 & 2.
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Old 05-22-2005, 02:28 PM
SuitedSixes SuitedSixes is offline
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Default Re: Yoda

Write this post correctly, did you not.

Why, do you see?

To have you back, nice it is.
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Old 05-22-2005, 02:36 PM
ArchAngel71857 ArchAngel71857 is offline
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Default Re: Yoda

1. the best part of Yoda "fighting" in Episode II (or any of the prequels) is when Dooku tries to shove a lightning bolt up his ass, and he just lets it absorb into nothing and goes "much to learn you still have." Sounds like the Yoda I know from ESB.

2. One thing that irritates me about Yoda's dialogue in the prequels is every sentence he says is "Yodaized." In ESB and ROTJ, Yoda does not mix around his syntax with every freaking sentence at the cost of clarity. "The cave, remember the cave." "No, There is another." "There is another Skywalker." Not "the cave remember. Another, no, there is." "Skyalker is there another." It's like they wrote all the dialogue for Yoda, then just put the words in a hat and pulled them out. "Around the surviviors, a perimeter create." If I as a clone trooper, all the jedi would have died in episode II because I would have turned around and been like "what? what are you asking me to do?"

3. One thing I'd like explained to me is Obi-wan appearing to Luke Hoth. "You must leanr from Yoda (or something) THE JEDI MASTER WHO TRAINED ME." No he didn't, Qui-Gonn Jinn trained Obi-Wan. and in ROTJ "I thought I could train him just as well as Yoda. I was wrong." It is implied here that obi-wan thought he could train anakin just as well as yoda trained obi-wan. but if yoda didn't train obi-wan then it seems to say "i thought i could train him just as well as yoda trained <his apprentices>." Well, let's look at the apprentice we know Yoda trained, Dooku. Didn't turn out so well, did it? So this statement looks wrong. I guess you could draw the line Yoda->Dooku->Qui-Gonn->Obi-wan->Anakin.

4. Also, no one ever mentions Yoda other than Luke and Obi-wan in ESB and ROTJ. Vader alwasy tells Luke "Obi-Wan has taught you well." Obi-Wan hasn't done [censored]. He put a blast shield and Luke's head and told him to turn off his targeting computer. Yoda rides his back like pissed off ex-girlfriend and makes him lift things while teaching him maxims about the light side of the force. Yet, the Emporer and Vader never say anything about Yoda.

5. If I could "fix the movies," as has been mentioned, I'd make Episode II Episdoe I. Split up Episode III into Episode II. Make the latter part of Episdoe III into a new Episdoe III but make it happen about 3-6 years after ROTS. That way you can have Padme alive with Leia for a bit, you can draw out Anakin's turn to the Dark Side and apprenticeship with Sidious, you could have Obi-wan and Yoda in the first few years they hide and have obi-wan looking in Luke. The end of this one of course would be the saem as ROTS with Anakin losing his body and becoming more machine. But whatever, if you excuse me i have to go polish my lightsaber and not get laid tonight.

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Old 05-22-2005, 03:27 PM
PhatTBoll PhatTBoll is offline
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Default Re: Yoda

4. Also, no one ever mentions Yoda other than Luke and Obi-wan in ESB and ROTJ. Vader alwasy tells Luke "Obi-Wan has taught you well." Obi-Wan hasn't done [censored]. He put a blast shield and Luke's head and told him to turn off his targeting computer. Yoda rides his back like pissed off ex-girlfriend and makes him lift things while teaching him maxims about the light side of the force. Yet, the Emporer and Vader never say anything about Yoda.

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Why would Vader assume that Luke has been training under Yoda? Nobody on the dark side has any reason to believe Yoda is still alive, let alone secretly training untalented actors in the ways of the force. He knows that Obi-Wan was cavorting around with Luke, so he assumed that Obi-Wan gave him his training. Was Luke supposed to say, "Sorry Dad, but Yoda taught me that one." That would be colossally stupid.

Another complaint I had about the continuity between the movies was the way Luke's aunt and uncle feel about Obi-Wan in IV. You'd think they would have a little more compassion for a guy who fought baddies all across the galaxy and went to great lengths to bring their nephew to them. Not only that, but he's a badass jedi who is there mainly to keep an eye on the kid and, by extension, them. I guess you could say that they don't want him to get swallowed up in all the nastiness, but how long were they really going to keep Luke's true heritage a secret from him? He already knows that his dad was wrapped up in some crazy political intrigue, he would have gotten curious about it sooner or later.
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Old 05-22-2005, 03:36 PM
ArchAngel71857 ArchAngel71857 is offline
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Default Re: Yoda

4. Also, no one ever mentions Yoda other than Luke and Obi-wan in ESB and ROTJ. Vader alwasy tells Luke "Obi-Wan has taught you well." Obi-Wan hasn't done [censored]. He put a blast shield and Luke's head and told him to turn off his targeting computer. Yoda rides his back like pissed off ex-girlfriend and makes him lift things while teaching him maxims about the light side of the force. Yet, the Emporer and Vader never say anything about Yoda.

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Why would Vader assume that Luke has been training under Yoda? Nobody on the dark side has any reason to believe Yoda is still alive, let alone secretly training untalented actors in the ways of the force. He knows that Obi-Wan was cavorting around with Luke, so he assumed that Obi-Wan gave him his training. Was Luke supposed to say, "Sorry Dad, but Yoda taught me that one." That would be colossally stupid.

Another complaint I had about the continuity between the movies was the way Luke's aunt and uncle feel about Obi-Wan in IV. You'd think they would have a little more compassion for a guy who fought baddies all across the galaxy and went to great lengths to bring their nephew to them. Not only that, but he's a badass jedi who is there mainly to keep an eye on the kid and, by extension, them. I guess you could say that they don't want him to get swallowed up in all the nastiness, but how long were they really going to keep Luke's true heritage a secret from him? He already knows that his dad was wrapped up in some crazy political intrigue, he would have gotten curious about it sooner or later.

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Well the Emporer didn't seem to think that Yoda was dead, which is another reason i would have Episode III closer in time to Episode II.

I agree with Owen and Veru. It seems that Obi-Wan and them are good buddies at the end of III. Then in IV it's like Obi-Wan is that brother you don't invite to Thanksgiving. Another thing I would start in my new Episdoe III is for Obi-wan to start going by Ben. That way when he says "That's a name I haven't heard in a long time," it isn't just because 20 years take place between screen time.

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