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Old 07-13-2004, 01:42 PM
DcifrThs DcifrThs is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

seems like a worthy goal! another thing that might work well is, if you like to run, sign up for some local road races where you live. sign up for a 10k race in a couple of months, and it will give you a goal to train for. you would be amazed at what you can accomplish with a good, reasonable training program. I never thought I could run a marathon, but I got in to the nyc one a couple years back and now I've run two! hal higdon has a bunch of good, free training programs on his website,


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this is excellent advice.

i run 4-5 miles per day and am now 100% addicted to it. i used to weigh about 200-210 lbs (i'm 5-7.5 or 5-8 so that is a good amount on my frame). i now weigh 150odd pounds (although i had a bad swing the other way and was at 130odd for a little while)...

running and eating right was the absolute no question key to the loss of weight and my lifestyle is now such that its almost impossible for me to gain more than 5-10 lbs by eating wrong. i also have to eat right to maintain my weight so if i stop eating again i lose the weight too quick since i run so much.

your goals are definately doable and i would suggest a few things:

1) walk 1.5 miles BEFORE you eat dinner every day (it takes so little time and is quite enjoyable says those who i've talked to who do it)

WHY? there were studies done that showed that a person excersizing vigrorously burned LESS FAT than somebody walking at a slow/medium pace. fat doesn't get burned as efficiently at a high rate of anerobic respiration (aparantly) and therefore a slow walk before dinner EVERY DAY (in addition to your "workouts") will really show a significant difference.

2) eat things you love. i happen to love corn and lima beans together for lunch. tastes good and is really good for you. i also do something very bad, which is i skip breakfast b/c i like sleep above eating (but just barely) so i don't eat till about 1/2 every day. this is bad b/c i eat more later in the day and thats worse than eating earlier in the day. so find foods you love and eat breakfast and lunch and dinner around healthy foods.

3) DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES eat extra trans fats. no candy, no partially hydrogenated oils (chips etc.) and NONE OF THAT CRAP: eat bananas! they are delicious and healthy. apples, peaches pears etc. are also good. if you have a sweet tooth buy strawberries and blackberries (oh, god blackberries are awesome)


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Old 07-13-2004, 01:47 PM
tiltboy tiltboy is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

Posting this, if only because knowing that other people are aware of it will make it harder to mess up

I'm fat, I need to be less so. I have a plan to make that happen.

Thoughts, advice, abuse?

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You might be interested in trying a cyclical ketogenic diet (see especially the forums for more information on the diet). A CKD is a modified low-carb diet where you periodically do a carb-load, sometimes referred to as a refeed, in order to refill your muscles with glycogen and avoid the muscle wasting that typically occurs on a strict low-carb diet. This was designed for use by bodybuilders and works great, with the added benefit of allowing you once a week to indulge in the carbs you've been denying yourself all week. I've been on it for almost 6 months now and have gone from 188 to 174 lbs, dropped from a 34+" to a 32" waist, and from 23%bodyfat to just under 16%. Love handles? Gone. It is not for everyone, but then again no diet is. Once you drop the weight and bodyfat some of the non-hardcore bodybuilders I know on the diet use their refeed day as a "free" day and eat whatever they like. Some add another refeed day during the week or do two days on, five days off. Just something to consider.
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Old 07-13-2004, 01:57 PM
tiltboy tiltboy is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

Don't worry about lifting weights and all that. You can't get rid of a belly with situps. Do stuff that's fun.

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I liked most of your advice but I have to take exception to this. First of all, some of us actually like to go to the gym and lift. I've been a regular (3x per week) lifter for more than a decade and I treasure my time in the free weight room. I also play league tennis and run and walk and swim and lots of other active sports so you can do both and being strong can help you do the other activities.

Another factor is the weight lifting is GREAT for losing fat. The more muscle mass you put on the higher your metabolism so you'll burn more calories even when you aren't in the weight room. Um, and equating situps to weight lifting is a little disingenuous. It is true that you can't spot weight loss, but you can build stronger core muscles that will help you burn more overall calories.
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Old 07-13-2004, 02:05 PM
tiltboy tiltboy is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

Anyone who is on the atkins diet is an idiot. I would almost go so far as to say that anyone who buys a diet book and reads it is an idiot.

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You know I generally like your advice but this is by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen you post and one of the stupider things I've seen at 2+2 and that is saying something.

Have you not seen the results of the latest research studies showing the advantages of a low-carb diet? You should check them out before spouting off on an area where it doesn't appear you are an expert.

Secondly, there are diet books and there are diet books. I think you are referring to the 'fad' diet books that have little basis in science, however, there is a whole 'nother world of diet books out there that you've apparently not been exposed to which outline sensible, scientifically-supported approaches to dieting.
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Old 07-13-2004, 02:15 PM
sublime sublime is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

I'm fat, I need to be less so. I have a plan to make that happen.

Lift weights, its vital. Which reminds me, I am getting very soft [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

One book I would recommend is "Hardgainer" by Stuart McRobert.
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Old 07-13-2004, 03:17 PM
tiltboy tiltboy is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

I'm fat, I need to be less so. I have a plan to make that happen.

Lift weights, its vital. Which reminds me, I am getting very soft [img]/images/graemlins/blush.gif[/img]

One book I would recommend is "Hardgainer" by Stuart McRobert.

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Ditto, anything by McRobert is good. For a beginner, I might also recommend Power to the People by Pavel Tsatouline. It is a little overpriced IMO so check out some of the used book places like but it is a sensible program that doesn't require a lot of equipment or time.
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:29 PM
Alobar Alobar is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

Don't worry about lifting weights and all that. You can't get rid of a belly with situps. Do stuff that's fun.

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I liked most of your advice but I have to take exception to this. First of all, some of us actually like to go to the gym and lift. I've been a regular (3x per week) lifter for more than a decade and I treasure my time in the free weight room. I also play league tennis and run and walk and swim and lots of other active sports so you can do both and being strong can help you do the other activities.

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I think he was saying that if you only have an hour to spend you are better off doing cardio to lose weight than you are weight lifting. Which is true. I'm not going to knock weight lifting, I used to compete as a power lift way back in the day (that expression sounds funny coming from a 26 year old). But if you only have an hour a day to exercise and your goal is wright lose you are much better off riding a bicycle or playing basketball than lifting.

A pound of muscle only burns about 20 calories a day on its own, which isn't going to drastically help weight loss. A 20 year old male who first starts a body building program can only expect to add 20 pounds of muscle in his first year of weight lifting. This doesn't add up to that great a caloric defeciet per day for the aveage person.

So while the "more muscle burns more fat" statement is true, its more a sales pitch by gym managers to get overweight people in the gym than it is an actual answer to weight loss. Like I said, I'm not knocking weight training, I would atually recommend incorporating maybe 1 or 2 days a week into your "activity schedule" for someone trying to lose weight, because it has so many other benefiets. But I have to say, weight loss really isnt one of them.
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Old 07-13-2004, 06:42 PM
Alobar Alobar is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

walk 1.5 miles BEFORE you eat dinner every day (it takes so little time and is quite enjoyable says those who i've talked to who do it)

WHY? there were studies done that showed that a person excersizing vigrorously burned LESS FAT than somebody walking at a slow/medium pace. fat doesn't get burned as efficiently at a high rate of anerobic respiration (aparantly) and therefore a slow walk before dinner EVERY DAY (in addition to your "workouts") will really show a significant difference.

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This is a little misleading. When exercising between about 50-65% of your maximum heart rate your body uses oxygen and stored fat most efficiently for fuel. When you exersice at a higher rate you start to get your fuel more from sources otehr than fat. Exercising above this zone won't cause you to not lose fat, or to lose less fat (the more calories burned in this higher zone will excelerate weight loss), its just you arn't burning the fat as fast while you exersise (hopefully that made sense).

Most people arnt exercising above this zone really anyway, so it doesnt matter much. Also regular walking wont get you into 50-65% of your max heart rate anyway, it needs to be a vigorious walking. Which I would actually say is better than running for someone first getting into exersise, or someone very over weight. But in the end tho, its calories in vs calories out, and running burns more calories than walking, so once you are at a level of fitness where running is an option it is the much better choice for weight loss.
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Old 07-13-2004, 07:02 PM
Alobar Alobar is offline
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Default Re: Dids\'s WSOP \'05 Get Less Fat Incentive Plan.

You know I generally like your advice but this is by far the stupidest thing I've ever seen you post and one of the stupider things I've seen at 2+2 and that is saying something.

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Well I've got to disagree with vehemently. This is hardly the stupidest thing I've ever posted [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

I have VERY strong feelings about the atkins diet and the people who are on it. Which is why I used the word "idiot", what I should have said was "misinformed and ignorant".

Obviously you are knowledgable in the atkins diet (or at least I'll take your word for it, seeing as how you've actually read a study on it), so I could debate you about why it is a bad diet plan, but prolly not change your mind, in the same way you prolly couldn't change mine. Whats wrong with the atkins diet and the people on it tho is that it has become nothing more than a marketing ploy. I would say 95% of people know absolutely NOTHING about the atkins diet other than "carbs=bad", which is complete and utter nonsense. And with the marketing blitz by every food marketer and restraunt in the nation jumping on the "low carb" bandwagon, your average person now just thinks "welp, I want to lose weight, its time to quit eating carbs!", and they will lose some weight initially because when you cut carbs you cut lots of water weight, so when they go by the number on the scale on day 3 of their diet they think they are acheiving the desired results. wrong!

Carbs are a very important part of a well balanced nutritional health plan, cutting them out is a bad thing. Especially if you don't even know WHY you are cutting them out. It's like if you look at a box of red vines, on the front it says "ZERO FAT!!!". Like I can eat a box of licorice and I'm eating healthy and losing weight because there is no fat in it (hopefully its obvious this is completely false). In the same way that the fat you eat doesn't suddenly just become fat in your body, carbs you eat don't suddenly turn into fat in your body. Yet this is precisely what people are being led to believe.

I also shouldn't have said "any diet book" as this isn't true, you are right. It's any "fad diet book", but in my opinion its the same thing.
When you say "which outline sensible, scientifically-supported approaches to dieting" I generally consider this as a nutrition book, and would recomend anyone who wants to go on a "diet" read, as it will prove infinitaly more valuable than any crap "diet book".
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Old 07-13-2004, 10:28 PM
BassMasterK BassMasterK is offline
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Default Re: I lost 40 in about 3 1/2 months, here\'s how:

The simple fact is if you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight. Simple. Period.

How do you calculate how many calories you burn?

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That's a very good question and I'm no expert, but I learned this much. First off, we burn calories all day long, even without doing anything special and each person has their own "internal furnace" that burns at slightly different rates although we are all generally within a few hundred calories of each other. When I would jog in the gym, there was a readout on the the treadmill for calories that was a generalization based on your weight and how fast you were running. I knew it wasn't super accurate, but would put me in the ballpark of how many calories I burned. This was a big eye opener. When I saw how long I had to run to burn off one made beer look much less desirable. I have no idea how much I burned during the weightlifting I did, but I knew that the more I converted fat into muscle, the more calories I burned even at rest.

So basically I figured more from the calorie intake end. I knew whatever working out I did was going to burn more calories than I normally did because I was only playing hoops once in a while and would probably be in the 350 - 650 calorie range depending on how hard I went at it. So by lowering the calorie intake, and knowing I had raised the calorie output from doing nothing to working out every day, the pounds started to melt off. It took a bit to really start because muscle weighs more than fat so at first it seemed like I was just stagnant, or even gaining a bit, but once the weight started coming off it just kept going and that was motivation enough to keep at it.

It's hard to describe how much better I felt, even within a month. My workouts got easier and easier to physically do just from not having the extra weight to move around. When I hit my goal I felt like I was back to being 21.
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