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Old 10-21-2005, 12:58 AM
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Default Being able to enjoy college?

I came across this thread the other day:

His thread really hit home to me on a few categories but there were differences.

First and foremost, I am in school right now with NO plans of dropping out. I have already completed 2 years and am in my third year and I definitely agree wholeheartedly with peoples comments about how college leaves outs. I also know if I were to drop out now and something happened down the road where I needed to go back to college I would have a hard time doing so.

Ok, so that whole point to be made is out the window. So what's the point of this thread you ask?

Well, alot of the comments in that thread had to do with college being the "best years of your life". My freshman year here, I would agree was the best year of my life, I went out and partied pretty much every night, made LOTS of friends, chased alot of girls, got drunk, and was loving it to death. Ok, that's great. My second year alot of my frends that I had got me into poker and we would play poker every day together, but it was a social fun thing to do with a buncha friends. Money wasnt even the issue it was just fun to get together, watch the game, and drink a few beers. Then I started getting better and eventually got into online poker. I started to play more and more but still would see my friends. Fast forward to my junior year now. I still play poker online and already knew the importance of trying to enjoy the other aspects of college like everyone mentioned in that thread. I've tried to go out to parties like I used to, they are boring to me and not fun. I turn down friends trying to get me to go out all the time because it just is not as fun as it used to be. I've actually TRIED to just go out there and do it but I always end up not enjoying myself and just thinking why am i doing something I just do not want to do? Just because it's expected to go out on the weekends does this mean I have to go out if I don't want to? I used to go out every weekend freshman year because I loved to, and I wish I could still love it now but I just don't.

Other things are... just hanging out with friends. I hang out with my friends less and less because it's just not an interest to me. Yes I try to force myself out at least 2-3 times a week to see them but I still get bored doing this. I go out to a party nowadays and think to myself "So is this what people consider to be the best times of their lives?" Maybe the parties around here suck because we're in the middle of no where but they certainly are not all that fun. If they were i'd go.

It's gotten to the point where all I genuinely want to do is stay in my room, talk to friends online, listen to music, and play poker. This is more interesting to me and productive than going out. And the problem is that I DONT want it to be. I would rather enjoy doing something more social but it's like ive lost interest in that and feel as though i've grown out of that getting wasted stage. It somewhat feels like a deprsesion, i'm not sure. I've lost interest in hanging out with friends, lost interest in going out all the time, lost interest in socializing, etc. And I don't know what to do about it.

Even currently i'm still at the point where im forcing myself out just for the sake of going out but I constantly ask myself why? I saw numerous posts in the other thread where people saying college is the time of your life and you should enjoy it while you can. Well what do you do if college is just no longer fun? It also may be important to note that... i've struggled with depression and anxiety all my life and in high school I always was on the computer playing video games, got put on an AD... then boom, had a social life and desire to get out there and be around people within a month. Got a girlfriend and everything. Then near senior year of high school I had quit the meds, and started to feel as though it wasnt that I was scared to be social, just that I had lost desire to. Hmm... sound similar right? I decide that if im going to be able to enjoy college im going to need that desire back, so I get put back on meds. College comes around and I feel rejuviniated, loving it. Ok.. then I decide sophmore year, I don't need meds anymore, I already have a huge network of friends, mission accomplished. Now here I am junior year feeling like all I want to do is sit in my room relaxing and playing online poker.

Again, it's not that i'm unable to socialize, when I go out I end up running into all kinds of people that I know from my freshman year because I was pretty popular and alot of them talk about how they haven't seen me in a while. Then when I go to friends house it's fun I guess but not very. I've got friends who don't like to go out and party anymore either and just drink at their house. Other friends who just play video games. I've rationalized staying inside because i'm making money, enjoying what i'm doing, and that i've tried to go out and do something else but don't enjoy it the way I used to.

So now what? I've also lost motivation to get good grades in school, lost motivation to get girls (this takes efforts folks), lost any desire to meet new people, etc. I've rationalized this as well by just telling myself that after college i'm not going to be seeing many of them anyway and then i'm out in the real world so whats the point? Why not just start early, work hard towards my goals and financial freedom now, so then I can be the one enjoying life while others who decided to enjoy college are working at a 9 to 5?

I'd like to state that no I do not want to be a professional poker player.. I see no stability there. I wanted to just make as much as I could now when I had no expenses or respnosibilities, so that I can get a head start on making money in investing later. If I spent too much time out partying and goofing off now, whose to say this money that's able to be made on the internet will still be there 5 years from now? I want to make it while I can and use it to fuel other business endeavors later in life.

I also viewed what I was doing now as an investment in life. I do not plan on being locked in my room 5 years from now. I plan to work on making money for a few short years, and then get everything else up to par.... people say poker's not going anywhere and to enjoy time spent in college. Well, way I see it is money to be made online might be going somewhere, and even if it's not, the time where I have no expenses or responsibilities is. Whereas, girls.. they're not going anywhere, people to socialize with arent going anywhere, parties aren't going anywhere.. hell by the time I graduate i'll be able to move somewhere where the parties actually are fun. Booze isn't going anywhere... so I assumed if I am able to retire early through working hard now, i'll be able to enjoy all the forementioned things for alot longer than 4 years because hey, where's vegas going?

So i'm looking for advice on either how to enjoy college because I do want to, or comments on my rationalization on why there really is nothing wrong with not going out all the time right now.

My situation right now is that I probably play poker or just relax in my room 4 days a week and the other 3 i'll spend alot of time on the computer but i'll also go out, try to see my friends and socialize but not enjoy myself while I do. Is there a problem? I feel guilty being on the computer so much when i used to always go out. But I think my rationalization has a few good points, please comment.
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Old 10-21-2005, 12:39 PM
Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus is offline
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

Well I know what you mean man, if that helps. You're not the only one out there.

Anyways, I'd recommend doing what you're doing, but with a couple changes. Yes, parties are generally stupid, I mean, it's usually just a bunch of people walking circles in a house consuming mass amounts of alcohol, then peeing and puking everywhere. But you have to realize it's what your friends do for fun and therefore, you should lighten up and figure out what makes it fun for them, and then do it. I suggest getting ridiculously drunk first, then going to a party.

Now, your main motivation for going to these parties is girls. I think you need a girlfriend. If you rope one in, then you'll have an even better excuse to not hang out with your friends or go partying because you can be pussy-whipped. Then you're set. You can do what you want to do(poker) while having your girlfriend around all the time to take care of you and make you feel special and important. Ahh, it's a good feeling.

I can relate because I've been in the exact same situation. I'm currently dating this beautiful chick who is a perfect complement to my home-oriented poker life. She's been the filler for that big depressing hole in my life; you know what I'm talking about.

In summary man, keep doing what you're doing, but go out more, make yourself enjoy it (there is a reason billions of people love partying), talk to women, get drunk, make an ass out of yourself, etc... Plus, there's the chance that you might hate yourself in a couple years when you look back at your college years and only see a computer screen.

Good luck.
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Old 10-21-2005, 01:21 PM
AceofSpades AceofSpades is offline
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

It sounds like you are depressed and using poker as an alternative to your meds. I've had somewhat of the same situation, (never been diagnosed as having depression, but I've wondered if I had it many times) though I've never had meds of any kind, so I understand where you are coming from. Those feelings of just staying in, not really having the desire to do anything except be alone and play poker, read, sleep, etc. I'd really recommend to try going back on the meds for a little while and see how you feel. Of course parties can be pretty dumb sometimes so maybe you just burned out on them, what about other activities that you used to enjoy, do you still do them, enjoy them as much?
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Old 10-21-2005, 02:30 PM
felix83 felix83 is offline
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

It seems clear you're going through cycles where you decide you don't need meds anymore, get off the meds, and then get depressed until you go back on them. I was depressed for a long time but never on meds, but I know they work for a lot of people. Get back on them and then see if it helps, at this point you have very little to lose giving them a shot.

It's good to be growing up, but when you don't enjoy anything, that's when it's time to make a change.
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Old 10-21-2005, 08:54 PM
The Goober The Goober is offline
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

i've struggled with depression and anxiety all my life

got put on an AD... then boom, had a social life and desire to get out there and be around people within a month. Got a girlfriend and everything.

I had quit the meds, and started to feel as though it wasnt that I was scared to be social, just that I had lost desire to.

I get put back on meds.

College comes around and I feel rejuviniated, loving it

I decide sophmore year, I don't need meds anymore

Now here I am junior year feeling like all I want to do is sit in my room relaxing and playing online poker.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just stay on the meds. I think they are overused sometimes and aren't for everyone, but clearly they are really helping you.
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Old 10-21-2005, 10:10 PM
Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus is offline
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

I still say screw the meds. Listen to my advice. You just have some holes in your life, and you can make a choice: either fill those holes with meds or fill them with what your life really needs.
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Old 10-21-2005, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

Plus, there's the chance that you might hate yourself in a couple years when you look back at your college years and only see a computer screen.

[/ QUOTE ]
I know, that's why I said repeatedly that I WISH I could enjoy going out. I've tried to force myself go go out all year, and it's not any fun or getting any better. I turned down about 5 different friends this weekend asking me to go somewhere, I just did not want to. But what you're talking about with the girlfriend and all, yeah i've been there. That was another reason I had quit the meds. I figured I had a girlfriend, I was happy, everything was fine. But when you break up with your girlfriend and you're still in that mode where you want to be at home on the computer, then it will take alot of motivation to change that. Motivation I do not seem to have right now.
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Old 10-21-2005, 10:25 PM
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

I still say screw the meds. Listen to my advice. You just have some holes in your life, and you can make a choice: either fill those holes with meds or fill them with what your life really needs.

[/ QUOTE ]
I've been trying to get out there and change things but I have very little motivation. I feel overwhelmed and stressed all the time and feel like I can never get anything done. It's very hard. It's like im stuck in a rut and I can't get out. I force myself to go out, but it still takes sooooo much effort for me to go out when freshman year I wanted to. You couldn't have paid me to stay home any weekend freshman year.
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Old 10-23-2005, 04:36 PM
zPro zPro is offline
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

lost motivation to get girls (this takes efforts folks),

[/ QUOTE ]

This is all you need to get out of your slump.

Delete all your awesome porn and everytime you feel horny, GET OUT OF YOUR DORM/HOUSE.
Chat up some college sluts, or anyone. Just get social.

For one week, have a single goal.
GO out, anywhere. Clubs, bars, coffeehouses.
Make poker secondary.

Socializing is fun, you just forgot.
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Old 10-23-2005, 04:54 PM
Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus is offline
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Default Re: Being able to enjoy college?

lost motivation to get girls (this takes efforts folks),

[/ QUOTE ]

This is all you need to get out of your slump.

Delete all your awesome porn and everytime you feel horny, GET OUT OF YOUR DORM/HOUSE.
Chat up some college sluts, or anyone. Just get social.

For one week, have a single goal.
GO out, anywhere. Clubs, bars, coffeehouses.
Make poker secondary.

Socializing is fun, you just forgot.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said. I also think this is the OP's problem.
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