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Old 02-22-2003, 08:25 AM
Martin Aigner Martin Aigner is offline
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Default Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

For me this one of the stupidest (or is it most stupid? sorry for my english) phrases I know. Still, you can hear it in television about 20 times a day in the USA.

Why on earth should God even consider to bless America? What is so special about America?

I really donīt think, that God (no matter whatever God you believe in) is interested in any nation on earth. Nations arenīt important. It all should be about the humans. Still, the phrase goes "God bless America".

There is one more thing which gives me a headache. Even if it was "God bless the american people", again: Why should he? What is so special about american people? (I guess it should mean the people of the USA)

Because there is a high percentage of religious people in the USA? Well, there are countries with a christian religion, where religion seems to be a more important than in the USA, such as Poland, Italy and all/most countries in middle and southern America.

Because people in the USA love each other more? Have higher moral attitudes? ...?

Anyone knows the reason.


Martin Aigner

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Old 02-22-2003, 09:46 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

"For me this one of the stupidest (or is it most stupid? sorry for my english) phrases I know. Still, you can hear it in television about 20 times a day in the USA."

I would guess you're not a USA citizen. What network plays the song every day let alone more than once? I can't remember the last time I heard it on TV in the USA. I think you exaggerate a great deal with this statement. Which undermines your credibility from the get go.

"Why on earth should God even consider to bless America? What is so special about America?"

The song is a very simple and IMO humble prayer asking for IMO simple guidance and blessing from "god." I say humble because any individual making such a request for themselves would IMO be awfully modest. By your logic why should anyone pray and ask for "god's" blessing and guidance? What's so special about anyone.

"I really donīt think, that God (no matter whatever God you believe in) is interested in any nation on earth. Nations arenīt important. It all should be about the humans. Still, the phrase goes "God bless America".

Ok you hate nationalism. That's all you're really trying to say. Yes the USA does tend to be a very patriotic nation. Your post could have been made in one sentence:
"I hate USA nationalism"

I actually respect those who don't believe in nationalism. I don't have any respect for someone who lies, distorts, denigrates, ridicules, belittles, exaggerates and obfuscates to make a simple point. I don't agree with my friend John Feeney about dealing with Hussein but I respect his pacifist viewpoint a great deal and in the final analysis John is right about the insanity of warfare. Too bad you can't use John's post's as a model for honesty, dignity, clarity, and intelligence I might add. I guarantee you that John new he was going to get flack for his viewpoints before he posted. Too bad you can't express a viewpoint clearly and rationally rather than show ignorance, stupidity, and hatred. Your message about nationalism might be viewed more reasonably.

"There is one more thing which gives me a headache. Even if it was "God bless the american people", again: Why should he? What is so special about american people? (I guess it should mean the people of the USA)"

It's a request for guidance not to be treated as something special. Obviously you aren't familiar with the song at all.

"Because there is a high percentage of religious people in the USA? Well, there are countries with a christian religion, where religion seems to be a more important than in the USA, such as Poland, Italy and all/most countries in middle and southern America.

Because people in the USA love each other more? Have higher moral attitudes? ...?"

You've got a lot to learn about freedom of religion in the United States of America and about the USA for that matter. Somehow I don't think you'll put much effort into trying to learn more [img]/forums/images/icons/smile.gif[/img].

Here is breakdown of the words:

"God bless America land that I love"

Yes Americans do tend to be patriotic.

"Stand beside her and guide her through the night with a light from above"

A simple request for divine guidance.

"From the mountains To the prairies,
To the ocean white with foam "

Yep America has em all.

"God bless America, My home sweet home."

A final request of the simple guidance requested earlier and a re-iteration of a bit of patriotism and good feeling about America.

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Old 02-22-2003, 09:56 AM
IrishHand IrishHand is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

Nice long response, but he wasn't referring to the song.

He was referring to the manner in which politicians, media personalities, etc. boldly declare "God Bless America!" (generally near the conclusion of their current diatribe).
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Old 02-22-2003, 10:40 AM
Martin Aigner Martin Aigner is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

Well I think you go my point in a few words. Thank you :-)


Martin Aigner
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Old 02-22-2003, 10:39 AM
Martin Aigner Martin Aigner is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

Hi Tom,

"I would guess you're not a USA citizen. What network plays the song every day let alone more than once? I can't remember the last time I heard it on TV in the USA. I think you exaggerate a great deal with this statement. Which undermines your credibility from the get go"

You are right that Iīm not an american citizen. But I wasnīt refering to a song. Actually I didnīt even know that there was such a song. I was just refering to the phrase.

"Ok you hate nationalism. That's all you're really trying to say. Yes the USA does tend to be a very patriotic nation. Your post could have been made in one sentence:
"I hate USA nationalism" "

Do I hate nationalism? Well, it depends. I admit that Iīm not too much of a patriot. I do favour the national sportsguys on events or my local team, but thatīs pretty as much as my patrotism goes. We havenīt done anything to be born or raised in one or another country, so I donīt see too many reasons to be proud of that matter of fact, no matter what citizen someone happens to be. And I admit that I think if everybody thought that way, there wouldnīt have been and still be as many wars as there are.

BTW, Iīm pretty sure that if any american was born/raised where I live (Vienna, Austria), heīd love to live here (since it is a better place to live for several reasons ;-) )

"It's a request for guidance not to be treated as something special. Obviously you aren't familiar with the song at all."

Again, I didnīt mean the song.

"You've got a lot to learn about freedom of religion in the United States of America and about the USA for that matter. Somehow I don't think you'll put much effort into trying to learn more ."

Well, thatīs what you think. But I can assure you that I do put some effort to learn more. Simply for the matter of fact that big parts of the world (and this includes europeans, too) are afraid of the USA. I donīt know whether you have ever been in europe, but all in all Iīve spent about half a year in the USA. And I do like the country. Still I do have some problems with americans. (Just as I do have some problems with europeans, too). Some of the problems have its roots in cultural differences, some ob them just seem to be misunderstandings.

"Yes Americans do tend to be patriotic."

You sure can bet on that :-)

"The song is a very simple and IMO humble prayer asking for IMO simple guidance and blessing from "god." I say humble because any individual making such a request for themselves would IMO be awfully modest. By your logic why should anyone pray and ask for "god's" blessing and guidance? What's so special about anyone."

Well, I think you are right on this one. But part of the reason why I posted my post was that I was in the USA for vacational reason 2 weeks ago. Iīve seen this propaganda for war in all the TV-stations. It really was kind of shocking to me. Not that america wants to go to war (although I am shocked about this, but that was not part of my post), I simply was shocked about the propaganda, which Iīve never seen before. And suddenly, these innocent words "God bless America" became part of the propaganda to me. English isnīt my mother tounge, so I might be completly wrong about this, but these words implicate in a very sophisticated way to me, that the USA is superior to any nation on earth. This phrase is not about anyone seeking help from god for himself, (although in its origing it might have been meant this way). This phrase should mean: "We are better. So God will help us".

I hope, I cold make my point clear. Itīs not that easy to make the point clear in such a discussion, when you talk/write in a foreign language.


Martin Aigner

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Old 02-22-2003, 10:48 AM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

Well I don't think it matters that much--if people want to be religious, fine--if they don't, fine with me too--I don't see what's wrong with asking for a little divine guidance or help--and it's rather natural for anyone anywhere to be a bit more concerned about what's happening close to home than far away--

"BTW, Iīm pretty sure that if any american was born/raised where I live (Vienna, Austria), heīd love to live here (since it is a better place to live for several reasons ;-) )"

This is off-topic, but I'd like to visit and play some poker in Vienna as soon as they get rid of the smoking in the cardrooms. I've heard the smoke is so thick you can cut it with a knife (almost;-))

Is there any sort of movement in this direction in the Austrian cardrooms or restaurants--just wondering--I love eating out and visiting cultural attractions but to be honest if the smoke is as bad as I've heard I will have to pass for the foreseeable future.
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Old 02-22-2003, 11:52 AM
Martin Aigner Martin Aigner is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

Well Iīm afraid the problem with smoking wonīt be solved pretty soon. You can compare it to the gun-lovers in the USA. We have just as many smoke-lovers here. And unfortunatly I canīt see any light at the end of the tunnel.

But it honestly isnīt that big a problem in the restaurants. I hate smoke, but Iīve never felt any annoyance while dining. Even here people donīt use to smoke while dining, so thatīs not that bad. But it sure is a problem while playing poker. A big problem. I usually handle it the way that I try to place myself between 2 nonsmokers. And because of the aircontition some seats are better than others. In tourneys, this doesnīt help of course.

What Iīve recoginized in the last time is that the smokers arenīt that ignorant to nonsmokers anymore. They still smoke, but at least they put the ashrey behind. Although smokers in Las Vegas are still more considerate than the smoking players in europe.

Anyway, I still can strongly recommend you to visit Vienna for a pokertrip for several reasons: Very bad players, good games, wonderful city for sightseeing, and if you win something in tourneys itīs completly taxfree. Ainīt that bad :-)


Martin Aigner
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Old 02-22-2003, 12:09 PM
MMMMMM MMMMMM is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

I played for many years in smoky cardrooms and still wonder how much damage I might have done to my lungs. Since I've had the pleasure of playing in smoke-free cardrooms in more recent years, I can't see going back to the old ways, for me, especially if the smoke is heavy.

Do you expect that the Europeans will ever so slowly come around to the realization that smoking indoors is incredibly harmful to their own health and the health of others?

With all the things that are banned in Europe--as brad pointed out, referring to someone in England as a "homosexual" can get one arrested--can't Europeans see that forcing others to breathe their smoke in places of public accomodation is a great deal worse and more of an assalt than any name-calling could possibly be? Name-calling or even racist epithets may hurt someone's feelings--but smoke hurts others' health.

I'd love to visit Europe but if it's as smoky as some say I'd be rather reluctant. Once you get used to smoke-free environments stepping into smoky rooms is like being hit with a ton of bricks--you can feel it, and you feel it afterwards and the next day too.

Hopefully some day...
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Old 02-22-2003, 11:07 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: Can someone explain to me the phrase \"God bless America\"

Touching on a few points.

"Do I hate nationalism? Well, it depends. I admit that Iīm not too much of a patriot. I do favour the national sportsguys on events or my local team, but thatīs pretty as much as my patrotism goes. We havenīt done anything to be born or raised in one or another country, so I donīt see too many reasons to be proud of that matter of fact, no matter what citizen someone happens to be. And I admit that I think if everybody thought that way, there wouldnīt have been and still be as many wars as there are."

Fair enough, I respect that viewpoint, and it has merit IMO.

"Well, thatīs what you think. But I can assure you that I do put some effort to learn more. Simply for the matter of fact that big parts of the world (and this includes europeans, too) are afraid of the USA. I donīt know whether you have ever been in europe, but all in all Iīve spent about half a year in the USA."

Yes I've been to Europe but certainly I wouldn't claim to be very knowledgable at all about customs, morals, and laws of the countries I visited. Being in the USA for 6 months isn't a guarantee of anything. Your statements about religion in the role of that religion and the USA indicates to me a lack of knowledge.

"Well, I think you are right on this one. But part of the reason why I posted my post was that I was in the USA for vacational reason 2 weeks ago. Iīve seen this propaganda for war in all the TV-stations."

Could you elaborate? Are you saying that the news media is utilizing propoganda (lots of news sources in the USA btw so if you can remember specific ones that would be helpful)? The US government? Both?

"Not that america wants to go to war (although I am shocked about this, but that was not part of my post), "

They want Saddam disarmend the stated positions of Blair, Bush, Annan, Blix, etc. There's more or less unanimous agreement in the UN about that.

"I simply was shocked about the propaganda, which Iīve never seen before. And suddenly, these innocent words "God bless America" became part of the propaganda to me."

It would be wrong to refer to unilateral opinions in the USA. There is no doubt that some in the USA that believe the USA is entitled to devine guidance and intervention. I'm certain it's not the majority opinion though. The USA govt is secular and there is ongoing struggle here, in the USA, to have it remain that way.
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Old 02-22-2003, 11:15 AM
adios adios is offline
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Default BTW

You may have studied this already but I would doubt it. If you want to learn about the role of religion in the USA government study the controversy (including court decisions handed down) about the Pledge of Allegiance and the use of the word "God" in it. I've got to run.
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