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Old 09-18-2003, 01:39 AM
BruceZ BruceZ is offline
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Default State sponsored suicide bombings by children

In a thread below, I claimed that:

1. Arab schools teach children to hate Israel and the west, and that it is honorable to destroy the infidels.

2. Arab schools and Arab society teach and encourage children to become suicide bombers.

3. Children are encouraged to become suicide bombers through propaganda campaigns consisting of cartoons depicting suicide bombers as heroes to be emulated.

4. Arab states sanction and financially support suicide bombings, and the teaching of schoolchildren to become suicide bombers.

5. Arab states financially support a number of terrorist groups.

I had assumed that all of this was common knowledge, but to my surprise, someone challenged me to present some evidence for this, so here are some links.

Palestinian Authority links:

1. Children Learn to Laud Palestinian Suicide Bombers • On the Children’s Club (a Sesame Street-like children's program broadcast on PA-controlled TV) Statements about what is supported by the PA. Requires Acrobat Reader.

2. Palestinian child martyrs

3.'Paradise Camps' teach children to be suicide bombers


4. Folk story about suicide bomber in Iranian Children's Newspaper (Illustrated) Do not install language unless you want to read it in Arabic.

Report on state supported terrorist groups and suicide bombing:

5. Suicide bombing attacks against Israeli civilians Note section VI on financial and logistical support, and VII on the role of the PA.
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Old 09-18-2003, 01:54 AM
ACPlayer ACPlayer is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

Could not get into the first ultra secret organizations website.

Ignored the next 3 as obvious propoganda from dubious sources.

Generally agreed with the last. Suicide bombings are something that a human rights organization should condemn. I have read some of the many reports from Amnesty that condemn this as well. No big deal.

I was curious why you labelled the links with the lead in: Palestinian Authority Links.

Out of curiousity the diarrhea of words, by all parties,on the other thread was about this. The more interesting question is why this happens - and not that it happens.
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Old 09-18-2003, 02:39 AM
BruceZ BruceZ is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

Could not get into the first ultra secret organizations website.

Why not? I just did. It takes a few seconds to load, and you need Acrobat Reader to read the pdf. It has a compilation from a variety of news sources about PA sponsorship. That's why I labeled them that way.

Ignored the next 3 as obvious propoganda from dubious sources.

If you bothered to read it you would know that number 4 is an example of a "children's book" written for Iranian children of the type that I mentioned. You can dismiss everything as not from a credible source if you want to, but there are plenty of other examples from many sources, including the ones I saw on national news. I just picked that one at random, and it isn't the most over the top. Here, maybe you'll believe the Jeruselem Post instead:

Jeruselem Post

Read it in Arabic if you think it's propaganda. It's terrorist propaganda, yes. You don't learn anything new by ignoring everything you don't agree with. If you do that, you're no better than those you claim to despise for suposedly doing the same thing.

Generally agreed with the last. Suicide bombings are something that a human rights organization should condemn. I have read some of the many reports from Amnesty that condemn this as well. No big deal.

Read the sections that detailed how these organizations get their funding.

Out of curiousity the diarrhea of words, by all parties,on the other thread was about this. The more interesting question is why this happens - and not that it happens.

No, I was told that "I didn't have a shred of evidence to support what I was saying, and I was just making things up". So the interesting thing for me, and the next step for the other posters, was to prove that there is evidence that it happens, and that it is supported by the state. If some person tells me I don't know what I'm talking about, we're going to go to the mat every time. It may take a little work, but I won't be the one proven to be ignorant of facts. Then maybe next time I give an informative statement, certain parties will open their mind and listen and learn something before they open their big yap and call me a liar. I don't appreciate that.
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Old 09-18-2003, 03:13 AM
ACPlayer ACPlayer is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

I ignored the middle three based on the URLs and the knowledge that the last was from a source worth reading. No regrets, cant read every thing on the web and a known relatively unbiased source is better than some apparently biased ones.

Still dont see the point you are making, other than suicide bombings happen, martyrdom is glorified. But that is all pretty clear. Non of this reflects on why it happens or what it means.

MMM seems to think that this means that Islam is a bad, bad religion. I think it is because all religions are bad and teach hatred of and intolerance of other religions (to varying degrees as the world cycles through eco-political cycles).

I think that the timing of Islam being the religion doing the killing (along with the Zionists, but that is a separate discussion perhaps) these days is because that group as a whole is being persecuted by the rest of the world. There are few safe havens today for muslims - Balkans, Kashmir, Palestine, India, US (after 9/11), now what US has done to Iraq, some of the middle east run by US supported dictators (Saddam in the 80s, Shah in the 70s and 80s, House of Saud, Qatar, Oman, UAE presently)-- they fear what this means to them, turn more inward, criticize each other less (family unit coming together in a crisis), making them easy targets for zealots trying to persuade innocents to strap on bombs and press red buttons.

Note that muslims in the far east are a bit less restive as they live in slightly better political situations (Indonesia comes to mind) though now they are being infiltrated and used by middle east zealots.

I still dont get the point of your original post, so have sort of rambled above.

Incidentally the error i get with the first link is, i use PDFs all the time in my work.

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Old 09-18-2003, 03:53 AM
BruceZ BruceZ is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

I stated that if you want to know what the Arab state's real attitude is towards Israel and the west, you can't go by what they say publicly because they are duplicitous. A better indicator is to look at what they teach in their government controlled schools, and I stated what I knew that was. That was challenged for lack of evidence, hence the links that show what is being taught and encouraged by the state and by society in general. It also shows that money from several Arab states is being used to fund Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and other groups, so those states must support the objectives of these groups. In the case of Hamas, that objective is the anhiliation of Israel.
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Old 09-18-2003, 04:16 AM
Stu Pidasso Stu Pidasso is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

It also shows that money from several Arab states is being used to fund Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and other groups, so those states must support the objectives of these groups

[/ QUOTE ]

I know the United States is trying to stifle funding to these groups. I wonder if having 140K in troops in the region is influencing the success of those efforts.

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Old 09-18-2003, 05:16 AM
brad brad is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

'so those states must support the objectives of these groups. In the case of Hamas, that objective is the anhiliation of Israel. '

u realize israel helped found hamas?
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Old 09-18-2003, 06:24 AM
nicky g nicky g is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

"I stated that if you want to know what the Arab state's real attitude is towards Israel and the west, you can't go by what they say publicly because they are duplicitous. A better indicator is to look at what they teach in their government controlled schools, and I stated what I knew that was. That was challenged for lack of evidence, hence the links that show what is being taught and encouraged by the state and by society in general. It also shows that money from several Arab states is being used to fund Islamic Jihad, Hamas, and other groups, so those states must support the objectives of these groups. In the case of Hamas, that objective is the anhiliation of Israel. "

You've offerd no evidence for what is taught in most Arabic government-run schools. You've offered no evidence that they teach children to hate the west and kill infidels. You've offered evidence that there is some PA propaganda in favour of suicide bombings, that the bombers themselves try to indoctrinate children, and that "several" (what happended to "most"?) states fund Hamas and IJ. It does not follow from this that most Arabic government run schools teach children to hate the West and kill infidels.
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Old 09-18-2003, 09:15 AM
ACPlayer ACPlayer is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

Well, I too would take issue with your statement regarding Arab states. Lets look at:

Saudi Arabia: The state is pro-US and is supported by the US in keeping its population in check

Egypt: Same as above.

Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, UAE: Same as above but to different degrees.

Iraq: was happily neutral, raping and pillaging their own popoulations and wealth until 1991 when the US Ambassador gave ambiguous signal to Saddam prior to his dumbass takeover of attempt if Kuwait.

Turkey: Not arab, but muslim, still friendly.

Morocco, Tunis -- I dont know.

Whatever I missed I dont know.

The only states that are against the US are Iran and Syria.

Hamas' attitude could be elimination of Israel or the betterment of the Palestinians. To them those two are the same thing.
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Old 09-18-2003, 05:38 AM
BruceZ BruceZ is offline
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Default Re: State sponsored suicide bombings by children

Here's the text of the first memo, in case you can't open the pdf.

APRIL 9, 2002
The Support Network of Palestinian Suicide Bombers
“Those governments, like Iraq, that reward parents for the sacrifice of their children are guilty of soliciting
murder of the worst kind. I expect better leadership, and I expect results….They're not martyrs. They're
murderers. And they undermine the cause of the Palestinian people.”
President Bush, April 4, 2002
Israel's current military operation is aimed at uprooting the terrorist infrastructure operating from
Palestinian territory and reducing the Palestinians' ability to launch suicide attacks against Israelis.
Palestinian leaders, including Yasir Arafat, have been encouraging the use of suicide bombings against
Israeli civilians. The Palestinian Authority and Arab states have been providing financial incentives in
support of these and other terrorist attacks. Religious leaders and educational materials promote acts of
"martyrdom" against Israelis.
Palestinian Leadership Continuously Calls for Suicide Bombers
· “We are all potential martyrs, the whole Palestinian people.” Yasir Arafat said. Then, referring to the
Netanya suicide bomber, that killed 27 Israelis at a Passover Seder, Arafat added, “Oh God, give me
martyrdom like this.” (The Washington Post, March 30, 2002)
· It would be unfair to deprive a suicide bomber of the title of shahid, [a martyr who fell in the process of
fulfilling a religious command, the “Jihad” or “Holy war”] said Palestinian information minister Yaser
Abed Rabbo. (The New York Times, April 4, 2002)
· Friday mosque sermons broadcast on PA controlled TV have called on worshipers to arm themselves or
their children with explosives to pursue holy war against the Jews. (The New York Times, Apr. 2, 2002)
“They think that they scare our people. We tell them: in as much as you love life, the Muslim loves death
and martyrdom. There is a great difference between he who loves the hereafter and he who loves this
world. The Muslim loves death and [strives for] martyrdom. He does not fear the oppression of the
arrogant or the weapons of the blood-letters. The blessed and sacred soil of Palestine has vomited all the
invaders and all the colonialists throughout history and it will soon vomit, with Allah’s help, the [present]
occupiers.” --July 8, 2001, Sheikh ‘Ikrimeh Sabri, the highest-ranking cleric in the PA, in the Al-Aqsa
Mosque in Jerusalem.
Financial Incentives to Choose “Martyrdom”
· On March 28, leaders of the Arab League met for a summit in Beirut and pledged $330 million over six
months to support the Palestinian Authority, plus an additional $150 million to support the Palestinian
“uprising.” (The Washington Post, March 29, 2002)
· Iraq’s Saddam Hussein increased his financial pledge to Palestinian families of suicide bombers from
$10,000 to $25,000. (Associated Press, April 3, 2002)
· A quasi-governmental committee in Saudi Arabia last year pledged $5,333 to “each family that has
suffered from martyrdom.” (The Washington Post, April 9, 2002)
· The Israeli military finds a “terror invoice” signed by Chairman Yasir Arafat authorizing payment for
ceremonies honoring suicide bombers, as well as money to support families of the suicide bombers. (The
Washington Post, April 3, 2002; MSNBC, April 3, 2002)
Social Incentives to Choose “Martyrdom”
· Far from condemning the Palestinian suicide bombers, the Arab League summit’s final communiqué
praised Palestinian suicide bombers: “We address a greeting of pride and honor to the … valiant intifada,”
it said. “We greet with honor and pride the valiant martyrs of the intifada.” (The Washington Post, March
29, 20020)
· The suicide bomber improves his or her social status after death as well as that of his or her family. The
father of the suicide bomber who killed 21 Israeli teenagers at a Tel-Aviv discothèque said, “I am very
happy and proud of what my son did and, frankly, am a bit jealous.… I wish I had done it myself.” (The
Jerusalem Post, Aug. 15, 2001)
· Palestinian students at al-Najah University in the city of Nablus glorified suicide bombings in an
exhibition entitled The Sbarro Cafe Exhibition, celebrating the August 9, 2001, suicide bombing of the
Sbarro pizza restaurant in Jerusalem, which killed 15 people and wounded dozens more. (Associated
Press, Sept. 23, 2001)
· Suicide bombers also become heroic figures once they have committed attacks. Their names and
faces appear on posters and in graffiti in the streets of major Palestinian cities. Calendars are
illustrated with the "martyr of the month," and paintings glorify the dead bombers in Paradise. A
recent invoice, found in Arafat’s headquarters, makes it apparent that in the case of the al-Aqsa
Martyrs Brigade, the PA itself pays for this publicity. This publicity not only rewards suicide
bombers but it also encourages other men and women to carry out more attacks.
Children Learn to Laud Palestinian Suicide Bombers
· On the Children’s Club (a Sesame Street-like children's program broadcast on PA-controlled TV), a
young boy sings: “When I wander into Jerusalem, I will become a suicide bomber.” (The Jerusalem Post,
Aug. 15, 2001)
· Four summer camps are currently training eight to 12-year-olds for suicide bombings. (The Jerusalem
Post, Aug. 15, 2001)
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