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Old 12-26-2004, 11:03 PM
tek tek is offline
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Default The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

Be Afraid: The New World 0rder's Fascist Pedigree
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
April 13, 2002

This 57-cent stamp shows an eagle, which according to Al Martin is an exact copy of the symbol of the Nazi Waffin-SS. The USPS introduced it in February 2001 as the innocuous sounding "art deco" eagle but in light of Sept. 11, its symbolism is ominous.

Martin says this Nazi design will also be used for the triangular arm badges and hats given to participants in the new Neighborhood Watch program. A commercial with Ed McMahon, the new Department of Justice spokesman, suggests that you cooperate with the Neighborhood Watch Association. You will be told how to spot "suspicious" characters or even people you know well, who are suddenly acting "out of character."

Similarly, John Ashcroft christened another homeland security force the "Freedom Corps", evoking the "Freicorps," the German army's "irregulars" that cleared the way for Hitler by murdering social democrats and communists.

These allusions are sinister because the Third Reich was an early attempt at a "New World Order," and the Anglo American business elite was involved with that up to its ears. Are these fascist allusions coincidental? Or, is the elite coming out of the closet?

Economist Robert Brady defined the Nazi state as "a dictatorship of monopoly capitalism. Its 'fascism' is that of business enterprise organized on a monopoly basis, and in full command of all the military, police, legal and propaganda power of the state." (Richard Sasuly, "I.G. Farben," 1947, p. 128)

Nazi Germany was a capitalist paradise. There was a 60-hour workweek, low wages and no unions. Nazi expansionism represented the global ambitions of German cartels that started preparing for war long before they financed Hitler. As countries fell under the Nazi jackboot, they absorbed former competitors at fire sale prices. "For German big business, World War II was a chance to plunder on a scale without precedent in history," writes Sasuly (p.114).

The key to understanding the elite, and the direction of world events, is to understand the psychology of the cartel. Cartels by definition are a conspiracy. Their purpose is to defraud the public by keeping prices high. They do this by controlling competition, markets, raw materials and new technology. They are by definition meglo maniacal, anti-national, and anti social.

One of the earliest cartels was J. D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil, which eliminated the competition by secretly fixing transportation costs with the railroads. While he professed Christianity, Rockefeller is famous for saying the only sin is competition.

The largest German cartel was the chemical, film and pharmaceutical giant I.G. Farben. Farben produced 85% of Germany's explosives in World War Two. In 1926, Farben and Standard Oil entered into a cartel agreement in which Farben stayed out of synthetic oil in return for Standard representing Farben in the US. The upshot of this agreement was that Standard Oil supplied the Nazis with petroleum in spite of shortages in the US. It supplied a rare lead additive without which the Luftwaffe could not fly. It suppressed the production of synthetic rubber in the US, which almost cost the Allies the war.

In turn, Rockefeller got a cut of Farben's other business, which included the many factories that employed slave labor from concentration camps like Auschwitz. (Farben- Rockefeller paid the SS for this labor at bargain rates.) Profits also derived from the poison gas that killed the laborers after their usefulness was expended. This is the real reason the rail lines to Auschwitz were not bombed. Allied bombers hit within 14 miles of Auschwitz but the factories and death camp were off limits. In fact, German industry moved there for this reason. After the war, the CIA established its German headquarters in the undamaged Farben skyscraper in Frankfurt.

The holocaust was very good business. Throughout the 1930's Wall Street investment banks participated in "aryanization" which meant getting Jewish owned breweries, banks, factories, department stores etc. for 30% of their true value. The gold from the teeth of holocaust victims ended up in their vaults. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Nazi war effort was financed by the Bank of England (which, for example, transferred the Czech gold reserves to the Nazis), Wall Street (Prescott Bush, W's grandfather was one of the leading Nazi financiers) and Jewish plunder. It was finessed by lawyer John Foster Dulles, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, who later became US Secretary of State.

After the war, Dillon Read banker General William Draper was put in charge of dismantling German industry and distributing it among the allies. Needless to say, this did not happen. His Wall Street cohorts owned too much of it. Nazis businessmen remained in positions of power, war criminals were transported to South America, or went to work for the CIA.

In contrast, during the war, the allies deliberately prevented Jews from escaping from Europe. If someone sets a house on fire, and someone else blocks the exits, don't they share equal blame? On the first day of World War Two, His Majesty's ship "Lorna" fired on the limping overcrowded "Tiger Hill" as she approached Palestine with 1417 Jewish refugees. The first people killed by the British in WWII were not Germans but Jewish escapees from Germany. Other refugee ships (e.g. the "St. Louis") were sent back to Germany by the US or blown up with all souls on board by British MI-6 (the "Struma"). For the whole story, read "The Holocaust Conspiracy" (1989) by William R. Perl, a Lt. Colonel with the US Army Intelligence Service.

The list of US corporations that had the equivalent of $8 billion invested in Nazi Germany include Standard Oil, General Motors, IBM, Ford, the Chase and National City Banks, ITT and many others. As a result, the men of "We Were Soldiers" didn't know that ITT built the airplanes that dropped bombs on them. They didn't know that Ford and General Motors built the Nazi's trucks and tanks. They didn't know that ball bearings crucial to the Nazi war effort were manufactured in Philadelphia, yet were in short supply in the USA. This was all done with the knowledge and permission of the US government. For details, I recommend Charles Higham's "Trading with the Enemy"(1983). Christopher Simpson's "The Splendid Blond Beast"(1993) and "Blowback" (1988) are also useful.

This information is shocking if we assume that cartels owe an allegiance to their native country. This is not so. They live in a financial virtual reality, a spiritual limbo divorced from common sympathy with their fellow man. Their native countries are important only insofar as they provide patriots to die for the advancement of their financial interests.

If the elite backed the Nazis, why didn't the Nazis win? The elite also backed the Allies. It doesn't matter which version of NW0 the elite gets. The real money is in war and genocide itself. In addition, war degrades and demoralizes humanity so it will accept serfdom.

In conclusion, the Third Reich was an early attempt at the New World Order. The purpose of this kind of "globalization" is to institutionalize the political power of the cartels. This is the hidden agenda behind the current "war on terror," hence the fascist symbols and measures.

Most of our nation's leaders are hod carriers for the cartels, particularly oil. They are careerists who serve a class of people who have spiritually seceded from the human race. This class holds us in bondage while it amasses wealth that affords it neither peace nor joy.

I leave you with a famous quotation by US President Theodore Roosevelt. Uttered in 1906, it is relevant today because as long as cartels rule, the human race is stalled.
"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today."

Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at
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Old 12-27-2004, 12:48 AM
bholdr bholdr is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

Henry Makow, is the inventor of the board game Scruples, and the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto.

[/ QUOTE ]

THIS is your source? you've got to be kidding!
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Old 12-27-2004, 03:18 AM
ChoicestHops ChoicestHops is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

There are many conspiracies suggesting that a New World Order is trying to put us into a martial law. It is scary if you actually read the Patriot Act I and II bills.

However, I just see it as very powerful people using corrupted politics. Iraq needed to be overturn from their dictatorship, but giving the country freedom wasn't the only reason to go in. Politics has turned into business, just like medicine and even churches to an extent.

And, some of the facts in the article are true. Prescott did have financial connections with the Nazi's, whether before the massacre or after I'm not too sure.

The future is going to look bleak. We will have no privacy, the government currently has the right to read our e-mails, tap our phones, and watch out internet usage.

Then you have the VeriChip, which if another terrorist attack occurs you can be certain citizens will have to have it for security purposes.
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Old 12-27-2004, 10:42 AM
jakethebake jakethebake is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

There are many conspiracies suggesting that a New World Order is trying to put us into a martial law. It is scary if you actually read the Patriot Act I and II bills.

[/ QUOTE ]
Benjamin Franklin commented on the Patriotic Act back in 1759, and I agree with him...

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain
a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty
nor safety." ---Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of
Pennsylvania, 1759
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Old 12-27-2004, 11:39 AM
tek tek is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

However, I just see it as very powerful people using corrupted politics...Politics has turned into business...

The future is going to look bleak. We will have no privacy, the government currently has the right to read our e-mails, tap our phones, and watch out internet usage.

Then you have the VeriChip, which if another terrorist attack occurs you can be certain citizens will have to have it for security purposes.

[/ QUOTE ]

The "government" is basically the multinational corporations
represented by their puppets in dc.

What is really bothersome is the same crap that the Nazis did is happening here. Restriction of freedom, privacy, mobility (airport checkpoints now, checkpoints all over later), serial numbers tatooed on forearms in germany--chip implants in the 21st century (mark of the beast?).

And nobody seems to care. If everybody resisted these infractions on our liberty and freedom, it wouldn't work. But I doubt the sheep in this country or the world will resist in large enough numbers.

Ghandi changed India by resisting the British with boycotts and strikes.

It does work, but only if the people of the world do not want to be Orwellian slaves.

To me that is what is "bleak", the prospect of only a few of us resisting.
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Old 12-27-2004, 12:04 PM
jakethebake jakethebake is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

The "government" is basically the multinational corporations represented by their puppets in dc.

[/ QUOTE ]
A ludicrous comment, but aside from that you do realize that the "multinational corporations" you constantly rant about are owned by actual people right? They're not evil, devil-worshipping cults, or alient beings set on world destruction. They're businesses that have become successful by providing goods and services that people desire or need. Your 401k and IRA hold shares in either company stock or mutual funds that own it. They're owned by people like us. We vote for the board of directors that in turn choose management to represent our economic interest. What do you think drove the stock market of the late 1990s? In large part it was an influx of money from individual investors. Where did all the millionaires come from? They were individuals that used their ingenuity to invent something new that other individuals could use to make their lives easier. If you own any company stock or mutual fund then YOU are the multinational corporations that you hate. If you don't, then you're a fool, or maybe a communist, which really equate to the same thing.
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Old 12-27-2004, 01:36 PM
tek tek is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

The "government" is basically the multinational corporations represented by their puppets in dc.

[/ QUOTE ] What do you think drove the stock market of the late 1990s?

[/ QUOTE ]

The same three things that drove it in the previous 1920's bubble:

1) An increase the money supply
2) Low interest rates
3) And yes individual investors with internet access

I did play the market.

But your comment sidesteps the main point of my post. The key part was the reference to the puppets in DC. Hitler was a puppet. Bush is a puppet.

Puppets are used to do the dirty work of the big business interests.

Ask yourself why is there genocide? To get rid of what the elitists call 'useless eaters'. People who can't support the S & P 500 companies are expendable. Freedom is superceeded by greed.
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Old 12-27-2004, 01:51 PM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

anyone worth a lick in regards to conspiracy theories knows that it is the Illuminati that wants a "new world order" and not nazis.
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Old 12-27-2004, 02:39 PM
jakethebake jakethebake is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

anyone worth a lick in regards to conspiracy theories knows that it is the Illuminati that wants a "new world order" and not nazis.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's right. It's the Illuminati. It was run by Col. Sanders before he went tits up. With his wee beady eyes. "Eat my chicken." [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
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Old 12-27-2004, 06:00 PM
gummy d gummy d is offline
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Default Re: The New World 0rder\'s Fascist Pedigree

Much of what you say regarding World War II is probably true. There are also many loose parallels with the U.S.' role in world war I (making money at others detriment, ie. The Lusitania being one example). At some point in your intellectual and political thinking you may come to the conclusion that the U.S. is (was) a nation born of bloodshed, drug dealing, and genereal malfeasance. It is(was) also a nation born of great hope, ideals, and altruism. This contratdiction is simply two sides of a single coin. The more positive side often serving as a political justification for its opposite, ie. manifest destiny)
While wage labor cashed in at the company store in the late 19th and early 20th century was a travesty, it was exactly this exploitation which made possible the industrial revolution and the affluence which it has created. The exploitation of the working class, child labor being an extreme example, was only curtailed by the working class fighting back for rights. Much blood was shed in this struggle. Throughout American history there is the struggle of the elite to beat the working (now consumer) class into submission and the working class fighting back for small gains. There is the struggle for rights and equality and the struggle against the struggle, a constant tug of war. I no longer hold much faith in either side, that is to say, one can not exist or rule succesfully without the other. The most one can hope for is balance.
As far as foreign policy goes, a people, nation can not change its essential character nor its history. So to think that America can genuinely become what is has always purported to be, a beacon of democracy and rights, and extend its self-image (not the reality) to the rest of the world is silly and naive. It is equally as silly to think that any country of collective of people can simply quit struggling (warring) and get along and be peaceful. We are all bound by history, our own and the collective. All we can do is simply struggle on one side or the other. Some of us are lucky enough to simply sit in the middle (class) and straddle both sides.
gummy d [img]/images/graemlins/smirk.gif[/img]
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