Thread: Childishness
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Old 11-07-2005, 09:42 PM
WackityWhiz WackityWhiz is offline
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Default Childishness

Couldn't really think of a better title, as this could play out as me being childish or my friend...

So I join a friends game in diablo (private so it's just us) and I do Act 1 for him in nightmare cuz he isn't very high level. I do a meph run after that (to those of you who don't know, it's a guy you kill who drops decent items. My buddy was complaining that he didn' have any gold so I was going to grab all the stuff from Meph so my buddy could sell it.

I drop most of my inventory on the ground so I can grab all the items and I come back and they are all gone (except for 2 items). I go over to Charsi (a computer character who buys/trades items with players) and all of my charms and items are in her inventory.

I'm like WTF MAN, why did you sell all my [censored]?!?!?! and he goes on to tell me that he didn't do it and the game must've messed up. I ended up buying back my items from charsi, but my most valueable charm was missing. It is a 30% magic find grand charm + other stuff I don't remember. I was holding this for a friend because you can't carry more than one.

So... my "friend" is on my bowling team and we hang out sometimes. What is my play here? I mean it's just a game, and it doesn't bother me that I don't have the items anymore, it's just the fact that he did this. I'm 99% sure that he sold my items, the game just doesn't do that stuff.

Would I be childish if I just don't talk to him anymore? What do I do?
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