Thread: squash
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Old 11-29-2005, 09:13 PM
housenuts housenuts is offline
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Default Re: squash

if the "danger aspect" of squash scares you then you belong in front of your computer all day long.

haha, this reminds me of a game i played the other day with some random guy. i'm on a squash ladder so i meet up with him for a game. before it starts he says "ok, if i'm ever in front of you, in the way of your shot, don't shoot and it's your point, because no one wants to get hit in the back"

i said to him, 'alright, but i don't care if you hit me. you can smoke me in the back for all i care'

he looked a little perplexed. a little into our game he was sort of in front of me. i hit it off to the side, not really very close to him, and he stopped and said 'see, that's what i'm talking about those. don't hit those'

ok buds, grow a pair.

oh ya, haha, at the start he also said "where's your goggles? i got an extra pair if you forgot yours"

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