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Old 12-13-2005, 02:09 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2004
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Default Re: No More Leap Year

We miscalculated how long a second should be so that 31536000 of them equal the amount of time it takes for the Earth to do a full revolution around the sun...

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No such miscalculation was made.

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Don't be a tease. Go on...

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Leap years aren't caused by any miscalculation, it's just because of the fact that the amount of time it takes the earth to orbit the sun is not an even multiple of the amount of time it takes the earth to spin on its own axis.

I'm with tony here. What a waste to take this extra day and tack it onto the end of a dinky little month during the winter and pretend like nothing happened. We should take the extra day and make it a total party day. Don't even give it a weekday name (so it would go monday, tuesday, super-special-party-day, wednesday,...), make it illegal to for any non-essential businesses to be open, and everyone would just go nuts for 24 lost hours.

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Let's make that day Work for Free for the Emperor day!
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