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Old 02-25-2003, 02:39 PM
adios adios is offline
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Default Re: question for the anti-war guys - NOT A FLAME

My post wasn't intended to be a flame. It's a legitimate laundry list of the reason I've read and heard. I'll address my friend Ray's post later but I don't think Bush has done a very convincing job about threat of Iraq to the American public. As to the laundry list, let's take number 1) Israel is in violation of UN Resolutions. If countries want the UN to address this issue as well as the issue of Iraq disarmerment perhaps some sort of "linkage" needs to be proposed by those countries that feel that way. Perhaps the UN process is flawed in such a way that it can't be effective. However, to ignore the process and put one's head in the sand regarding the UN resolutions that apply seems to be a total repudiation of the UN itself. If that's the case then those who oppose military action to enforce the UN resolutions need to either come up with an alternative or state that the UN was wrong in passing the resolution in the first place. What I'm seeing is that there are many that simply have an agenda to trash the republicans and Bush. I have literally read nothing from those who are vocal in their denunciation of the USA in this matter say that UN Resolution 441 is wrong and/or the UN is worthless organization and/or Annan and Blix are wrong in their efforts. There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today about why Germany is so opposed to military action. It's well worth reading IMO. Very sad when you realize the horrors of war that have been endured and inflicted by and on mankind. Germany has basically taken a pacifist stand against military action and as I've stated before I respect this stand. I think the UN offers the best hope for world peace and freedom for mankind. It's certainly not a perfect organization but it can be a damned inconvienience to blatent political agendas (a good thing). The trouble with the UN IMO is that there is lack of leadership and too many political agendas being promoted by it's members, USA included. And for those who question the wisdom of the American people during this whole crises, polls have consistently showed that Americans want UN Security Council approval before undertaking military action against Iraq. We'll see how it unfolds but the UN as an effective organization is in jeopardy IMO.
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