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Old 12-20-2005, 12:24 AM
lighterjobs lighterjobs is offline
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Default why creek nation casinos are terrible (okla)

hopefully i don't come off as too anal in this post, but these things kind of bug me. today i went to creek nation casino in okmulgee (30 min south of tulsa) with some friends to play some poker. we show up and the only game going is 1-2 nl so we all sit at the same table. i have only played no limit one time in my life at cherokee. i played 2-5 nl for 30 minutes while waiting on a limit seat to open up so i don't know very much about the game. i'm just there trying to have some fun and gambool it up.

the first hand of the table i pick up AA and raise it to eight total. the dealer looks and me and says "next time announce raise, or it's just a call." i look at her kind of puzzled and tell her it wasn't a string bet and i had all the chips i was raising with in my hand and she tells me she knows, but i have to announce "raise".

i don't pick up any hands for a while and i am in the small blind. for some reason when i bought in they decide to give me all red chips and no white. at this point i only have one white chip and it's in the pot. there are a few limpers and it's up to me. i pull back the white chip with my right hand. put it next to my chips and throw out a red. the dealers says "raise". i definately didn't want to raise and told her i didn't announce raise. she then tells me that if i don't say i'm just calling, it's an automatic raise. keep in mind this is the exact same dealer that said if i don't announce raise, it's just a call.

my last hand of the night i'm on the button and catch JJ. there are a few limpers and i reach for seven white chips. i am holding the stack in my hand and kind of cut the chips in half to a stack of three and a stack of four. i drop the three first then the four, all in one motion. the dealer looks at me and says "next time you put your chips in like that your bet can only be three". i didn't really pay attention since it was my last hand anyway and just said okay. the guy to my right told the dealer it wasn't a string bet and then another guy chimed in saying it wasn't a string bet. the dealer then told us it was his game and he will run it like he wants to. the flop was AKx so i folded my cards out of turn and left.

the place is so unprofessional it's unreal. we went through probably five dealers and only one of them was competent. when a three flush would flop the dealers would say "oh who's got the flush draw" or something along those lines. there was another hand where a guy bet 50 on the river when it was heads up. the guy went all in for like 10 more and the original bettor was bluffing. the dealer was agging him on to call saying "come on it's only ten more you've gotta call come on".

another thing that really bothers me about the place is the way the dealers were trained. i'm a trained poker dealer and dealt for about six months. the techniques these dealers use are terrible. they cut the deck with two hands. they give the one seat their card by using their thumb and kind of knocking the card off the top of the deck etc. and the floor are all very incompetent.

this poker room has only been open for about six months but please don't play at the creek casinos if you don't have to.
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