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Old 10-14-2005, 03:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Default The Solid White Line...

Let me know if anyone is with me here...

In my state (and I assume most if not all US states), it is "illegal" to cross a solid white line on the highway. Everyone follow? Sure ya do.

So coming home from work there is always this entrance ramp I get on (to the right lane of the highway), which has a solid white line all the way to the "end" of the ramp, for at least 12 car-lengths). Each day, the highway is slow right there, and it never fails that some idiot in front of me tries to get over WELL before the end of the ramp, and thus crossing the line to do so, slowing me, and everyone behind me down.

WHY!? It should be noted that there is NO LEFT EXIT FOR AT LEAST 4 MILES, so there is no need for anyone to rush to the left side.

I ALWAYS try to drive to the end of the on-ramp (because it both: puts me ahead of about 10 slow-moving highway cars, AND is the only "legal" way to enter the highway)

When I do this though, people on far right-hand lane of the highway always notice that I'm "getting ahead of the highway traffic", and try to c*ck-block me when I try to enter their lane, as if I'm "cheating".

I always yell in my head "ITS ILLEGAL TO CROSS THE SOLID WHITE LINE HO!!" lol.

So, basically, I get punished for being one of the few people that understands the legal way to drive, and also understands that it benefits me to follow the rules in these instances.

Does anyone else ever come across this situation? Does it bother you as much?
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