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Old 11-19-2005, 07:06 AM
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Default Re: Morality and Evolution

I think that morality is something we all aspire to in an attempt to rationalise our more selfless actions, perhaps so that others may act in a similar way when they are engaging with us. In essence, it might be considered a form of preferred actions that we subjectively impose on society/humanity. However, the key words are "we", "subjectively" and "impose" - morality is not constant.

For example, there are psychological papers that relate the narratives of criminals who stole to feed their family, as society had "forced" them to commit crimes in order to survive. In their instances, the commission of crime is "moral". Likewise, soldiers.

Personally, I subscribe to the view that life is intrinsically personal and subjective - it is what we make it. Therefore, our morality is based entirely on what we want it to be. And then I lapse into A.J.Ayer: "Anything interesting about Ethical Philosophy can be written on the back of a postcard"
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