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Old 12-23-2005, 12:33 PM
Vuron00 Vuron00 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 84
Default Re: Sng\'s and Bluffing

Some of the things mentioned in these posts aren't actually bluffs. Open-raising from late postion and then firing a CB bet isn't a true bluff. Pushing from the BB when the SB completes also isn't a true bluff because you normally have +EV when you do it.

A true bluff is a bet with absolutely nothing against a player who may actually have a hand and getting him to lay it down. In order for this to work, one of two things has to happen....

1) You either have to know that Villain is a weak/tight player or is playing with scared money and will be afraid to get in large pots.

2) In order to bluff correctly, you have to represent some sort of hand and, more importantly, Villain has to be just good enough to be able to put you on the hand you are trying to represent.

At low levels, #1 might be true, #2 rarely is.

In order to run a successful bluff, your betting pattern should make sense. Too many times at low levels, you'll see a check flop, check, turn, river push and you know its a bluff. This also happens quite often when weaker players miss their draws and think they can just bluff by betting a huge amount of chips.

I'd be extremely careful about bluffing early in low limit SnG's.
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