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Old 12-02-2002, 05:39 PM
Kevin J Kevin J is offline
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Default Re: Beginner Stud Question

Thanks Patrick-

At first, I tried putting them in order. I surveyed everyone's cards as they were being dealt. But this way, I was remembering cards I didn't have to because not everyone folds and their cards are right there for me to see. So I don't have to remember these cards. Also, if the 2c was dealt, many times the bring-in was completed and people would start folding before the last up card was dealt and I'd miss what these cards were. This is why I decided on simply looking for the bring-in and going from there. The problem with this is when someone folds their up card out of turn, I have no idea what it was.

I know this is pretty basic stuff and to be honest, I probably shouldn't have been playing in this game. $50-$100 is NOT the place to learn such basic things, but it was a H.O.S.E game and like I said, I'm primarily a hold'em player.
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