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Old 07-28-2005, 11:39 AM
Posts: n/a

If this is happening, then you do not truly understand poker. That, and you are arrogant.

The absolute best poker players suffer bad beats and pretty much all but one tend to understand that it is part of the game (I don't think there is anyone who doesn't know who the one exception is).

To start with, go back to the fundamental theorem of poker. Your objective is to play as close as possible to how you would play if you could see everyone's hands. But even if you COULD see everyone's hands, you would still lose a decent percentage of those hands because you would still be lacking information about the future - about what cards are going to come up on the board.

Lets say, hypothetically, you have AA - the other players at the table have 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, and TT - while you may have each of them dominated, against ALL of them, 18 out of the 32 remaining cards in the deck will beat you - that means you are an underdog, despite holding top pair pre-flop.

While I recognize that this is an extreme example, it highlights the point that you WILL lose some hands that you think you should win - and you WILL lose some hands even when you are an extreme favorite - even a 99% favorite loses 1 out of 100 times.

My suggestion is to focus less on the outcome and more on your play. If you go all in with AK and some schmuck calls with 72 and the flop comes 772, you lose, but you know you played the hand correctly - and THAT is all that matters.
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