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Old 04-28-2005, 03:36 AM
Terry Terry is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: The Appalachian Trail
Posts: 660
Default Re: How much action do I need to give? (crosspost)

Most casinos will tell you straight out what their comp policy is if you ask. A typical deal for a typical player in a typical joint would be for them to comp 40% of theoretical expectation based on a typical loss of 1 average bet per hour, e.g., if you have a $100 average bet they will comp you at a rate of $40/hour of play.

Basically, you aren’t going to get RFB without black chip play unless you’re in a small, out of the way joint. Many, if not most, places count Pai Gow Poker for ½ the rate of “real” games.

Trying to diddle them by making big buy-ins and not betting the money won’t work – you get rated for action, not buy-ins.

Trying to fool the floorman by betting bigger when he is watching could piss him off and get you rated at a really low average bet and get you noted as a mooch. Forget about betting Pass and Don’t Pass on Craps or red and black at Roulette – that stuff just makes you look foolish. The casino staff may not be brilliant, but they really hate it when people act as if they were idiots.

Bottom line: If you want serious comps you gotta put money in action. They count on you steaming and busting out. Basic strategy BJ might work in some places, others will severely limit comps if they know you know how to play. Baccarat is fine if you don’t steam ... Craps too, but don’t expect your odds bets to contribute to your rating.
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