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Old 08-01-2004, 01:22 AM
Acesover8s Acesover8s is offline
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Default Re: Playing Aces after the flop


Your preflop reraise here is not good. Granted, one of the best situations to be in with AAxx in PLO is to be able to put in a big re-raise before the flop, you must realize that in this case your reraise is not very large, less than 1/4 of the stack of your main opponents. You are out of position with an open hand.

So what are better strategies?

1) Do not reraise, if you hit a good flop you are in good position to reap a big reward.

2) Min-reraise. Usually this does not help your case, but you will not be necessarily put on AA, obviously you can't or you would've put in the big raise. Occasionally, what will happen here is most of the field with call the raises, the button min-raises again and you can make the big push. I was playing in the stars 3-6 game one night when a habitual min-raiser got stubborn with the player behind him who kept min-raising him back, this went back 7 or 8 times before the pot got large enough for the solid player to put in the big raise and get him all in preflop with AA.

Lastly, if you put in occasional reraises with hands less than AA, you have aware enough opponents who know that you are capable of doing this, AND you have good control of your opponent postflop you do not give your hand away postflop. This is more applicable in a large-stakes live game however.

In this hand you obviously check/fold.
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