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Old 12-23-2005, 12:27 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Ethics of Datamining/Banned Software use

Terribly biased poll, as others have pointed out.

I don't think third any third party software can be considered unethical unless it facilities collusion or involves hacking a sites servers or something similar. That being said, there's nothing wrong with terminating player accounts for using software that violates TOS, either. It's really up to the site to decide where to draw the line, whether that is realtime heads up displays, datamining, bots, whatever.

Is it worth losing high volume accounts over datamining observed hands? I'd guess not, considering people can almost as easily trade databases of hand histories to accomplish the same thing. My experience after many years of playing / developing MUD's / MMORG's is that it's best to let minor stuff slide, and crack down hard on the important things - collusion and bots in the case of poker.

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