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Old 12-09-2005, 04:59 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Trading vegetarianism for the day

A friend of mine, a vegetarian, longs for the days of eating delicious turkey on Thanksgiving. Thus, he is pursuing the following loophole in his vegetarianism: If he can convince me, a notorious consumer of meat, to adhere to a strict vegetarian diet for one day out of the year, then he will be free to stuff his fat little face with turkey all day long on Thanksgiving. He reasons that the net demand for meat will remain constant, so it is irrelevant which one of us actually consumes the meat.

Clearly this arrangement has no tangible benefit for me, but I think I'm going to do it because it amuses me. So, have any of the vegetarians in this forum ever entertained or heard of such an arrangement or have any comments otherwise?
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