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Old 04-06-2005, 11:26 PM
PairTheBoard PairTheBoard is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 46
Default Re: I believe in Santa Claus

Quoted by LittleFishy:
PTB: "You just don't get what it means to have a mature belief in Santa."

LF: "If this is the best comparison that you can come up with to relate to people's beliefes in a god, than I don't think you know what it is to have a mature belief in anything related to the topic."

You misunderstood my intention. This was meant to point out how myopic and closed minded people can be when it comes to someone believing in something in a way they never thought of. You evidently missed the point when I said this belief is born of a Whimsical Spirit while Religious Faith strikes much deeper chords. You are also being insulting.

LF: "From what you are saying, You DON"T Believe in the existence of Santa. You DO Believe in the Ideals that it represents... "

Not at all. That's your presumption lacking the perception of whimsy. I DO believe in the existence of Santa. Take a leap out of your logic box long enough to endulge a little whimsy and you might come to believe Santa exists as well.

LF: "You believe in Santa as a Unitarian believes in the Catholic Eucharist. You Believe that Other People believe in IT, and you believe in it's ideals, so every 1st sunday of a month you'll break bread as well. but you Don't believe that that bread you (or the Roman Catholics) are breaking is the actual encarnation of the body of Christ."

It's not just Unitarians, but most ALL Protestant Denominations - including Fundamentalists - do not believe in the Transmutation of Wine to Blood. Here's the thing though. If you talk to a Modernist Catholic Theologian - or I suspect most any Jesuit - even though they DO believe in the Transmutation of Wine to Blood I doubt they would argue that a scientific examination of the Eucharist would find blood in the cup. Maybe there's something about the way they believe that you don't understand. Much like you don't understand my whimsical belief in Santa. Exactly the point of this thread.

LF: "your annalogy just sucks. relating a belief in Santa to a belief in a higher power is a travesty, and seems to either show a lack of thought put into the idea, a lack of understanding of what some people's faiths actualy are, or worst of all a lack of caring."

That's your analogy not mine. But your lack of understanding of my belief in Santa and your hostility IS analogous to the lack of understanding and general intollerance some people have toward the Religious Beliefs of others. That's a lack of caring.

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