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Old 12-11-2005, 09:17 AM
broiler broiler is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 47
Default Re: Betting system for UK soccer

The thing that you forget to mention is that the draw pays out based on a win rate of approximately 31%. I noticed the high percentage of draws about 2 months ago and it has been paying dividends each week.

Each week I look for the matchups of teams that have the highest number of draws. If they have similar goals scored and allowed and are close in the league table, I bet on the draw. I pick 3 matches each week that best match my filter and I have yet to have a losing week.

League 2 is filled with plenty of teams that draw at 40% or better in their matches. Nothing like taking advantage of some +EV situations. I have started to wonder how long it will be before the books adjust the draw odds for the league to represent the results. Our saving grace in this could be that the draw is by far the least bet result in any match.

I will also add that there are teams in other divisions in the UK that play as if they have no desire to anything but draw against any team with moderate ability. I will give one that is drawing at over 60% and is playing today - Southampton. They have been cashing the draw like they have their own money on it.

I realize that past results are no guaranty of future results, but until these teams are willing to prove me wrong, I'm willing to keep cashing in.
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