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Old 08-20-2005, 05:44 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Is this collusion?

I am the boss (not from this example) and host many home games where some of my subordinates come and play. (I am not often the biggest winner of the night) Granted, we all know poker fairly well. In my job integrity is also #1 priority. However, if I ever thought for a second that one of my employees was cheating, I would just ask them. I know most of them well enough that if they said no; it would be the truth, they would come clean, or I would be able to tell if they were lying. If they admitted cheating in any way or lied about it, they would not EVER be welcome back, and they would have to live with the un-spoken of shame every day at work. I would not let that incident affect their employment as they are all very good at what they do. In the case of someone I suspected as being a liar, I would watch them at work to be sure their lack of integrity issues remained outside the workplace and they would absolutely be aware that I was watching.
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