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Old 12-12-2005, 02:51 AM
cjb04 cjb04 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 12
Default Re: Guy tells me that he\'s going to call with any 2

I think that 90% of the time that you are right. It is probably more of a pride issue in the average 22-33 players mind when they make this threat, and they probably will follow through. Most of them likely do not even know what EV is. I just find using table talk like this is another tool to use. As you can see, despite my speech to this guy, he proceeded to keep doing what he was doing. Did my speech make him want to bust me out and shut me up? Maybe....I hope so. I would imagine that this tactic works better on players that actually think, and aren't there to basically gamble. To your credit, you actually thought about lowering your pushing range, I doubt the villian in my situation even considered that. This reminds me of several times when I would start pushbotting with decent holdings in position or on the bubble and people would start calling me with less than stellar holdings for all their chips so close to the money. I would often inquire as to why they made the call...and I would get the old response "10 dollar tourney, 20 dollar tourney" so I can definately see why you would find this threat credible. Except this time....the villan was not your average $22 goof.
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