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Old 08-10-2005, 09:22 AM
fnord_too fnord_too is offline
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Default Re: 100% standard AJ raptor hand from sb.. in the 55s at least..

Before I read the responses (or at least a couple of them, this damn thread is already three pages), I think you have to lead that flop. I lead for 45 and evaluate if there is any action. You hit a good flop here, no one has shown any interest preflop, your hand is probably good. Lead for your standard ammount (my standard amount here is 40-45) and play poker.

If this is typical of your early round play, it looks like you are just passing time hoping to hit a monster until you get to the push or fold portion of the program.

Back to the hand: what are you hoping to catch on the turn, and how do you play it if you catch it? Not leading here makes the rest of the hand pretty sketchy if you catch what you are looking for. Basically, I think it adds a lot of variance and lowers expectation. There is not a card that can come off that gives you the nuts or even a hand you should be happy getting your stack in with, so are you going into check call reasonable bet mode if you catch good?

I understand your reluctance to play a big pot OOP with a marginal hand, but leading here does not mean you will be playing a big pot. If you get a call, you probably have to fire again on the turn, say T100, if a blank comes, but most of the time the hand resolves itself on the flop or the turn.
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