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Old 12-20-2005, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: This Ought To Get Some Replies

They breed like rabbits and exhibit widespread features of low intelligence, poor coping skills and aggressive, anti social behaviour.

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I guess he's talking about Asians (over 1/2 the world's population), but I always thought they did well on the SAT's. Geez, now I regret copying off that Indian fellow in calculus...Now as for aggression, the most aggressive races are without a doubt, whites (beginning with the Greeks, Romans, Hapsburg Empires (spelling?), the European colonial era, the world wars, the American Vietnam action, we killed millions. Second would have to be the Mongolians, who sacked Europe and had a holocaust bigger than the Germans' in WWII.

Half of all murders (and much of the crime) in the U.S. are caused by a particular race...

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I don't know the homicide by race stats, but I do know from Criminology and Sociology that 80% of this country's homicides occur when the perp, victim or both have been drinking alcohol. Maybe it's malt the liquor (just kidding here That said, I have trouble believing this statistic, is it accurate?

Despite many years and government efforts, the SAT scores of a certain race remain shockingly low.

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Actually, if he's referring to Africans and not Asians (see above) this fact is off. It's a given that the predominantly African-American schools in this country see less money per child than those high SAT-scoring white MOFO's

Asians routinely outperform whites and are disproportionately represented at elite universities, despite being a minority and in spite of poverty and limited integration into society."

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This fact is a misrepresentation. Foreign born and educated Asians outscore whites on the SAT's. Seems their highschools are better than ours.

Let's sum it up, these statements are pure ignorance. Moreover, all of the above doesn't even address the most crucial reason the African nations are in utter despair, which is that the white-sponsored slave trade literally ripped wounds in these countries that will take 100's of years to heal.
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