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Old 07-18-2005, 08:44 PM
ACPlayer ACPlayer is offline
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Default Religious terrorism

First, a disclaimer, I have not studied the history of terrorism, so cannot vouch for the veracity of the entire contests of the links.

Second, the point of putting the link is not to a) justify Islamic Militants or b) to attack christianity. [This is for the benefit of the touchy on this forum]

Christian terrorism
Christian terrorism

Now, juxtaposing the words Christian and terrorims is likely to cause some to take offense, others to point out that these are fringes, and yet others to point out that these are not "proper" interpretations of the Bible, and perhaps some to say that these people are not christians. These are all normal reactions when someone attacks your religion.

I invite you to consider how a moderate, peaceful muslim would react to the words Islamic terrorism, when all he finds in the religion is the community of the mosque and whatever words gives him a moment of peace and meditation.

I further suggest reading the latest of Andrew Cole's blog entry (if your firewall allows it, I suppose). It makes the same point but better.

Eric Rudolph gets two life terms.
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