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Old 11-26-2004, 06:58 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: Playerview .65 v. Gametime +1.3

I agree.

Both programs are really excellent.

I like how customizable Playerview is. But since every time a window pops up over Playerview stats they disappear and don't come back, and Party and skins send pop up windows to your computer all the time -- plus the lobby flashes up whenever you close a table, and new tables entered pop up and erase Playerview stats too...well, you can see how often those stats vanish.

Gametime doesn't have this problem; when Playerview solves this problem, it will take a big leap up in value.

I'm forced to use Gametime just to have those stats constantly useable, but it's not forced like having a gun held to my head. Both programs really are good programs and a great service to the poker community. I'm not sure if or when I'll make a final decision to use one program or the other, but currently both do very worthwhile things that the other doesn't. I imagine that as long as the developers maintain interest in the programs, there will be a convergence of features over time, which benefits everyone. If the programs have a way to contribute to their authors -- once the bugs are worked out etc. -- like via Paypal, I'd be happy to pay some sort of non-outrageous price of make some contribution to the authors. These programs are good investments, and their authors should be rewarded. The only thing is, if the developers abandon the program, its worth will go down. They'll have to be committed to updating it very quickly to work with new software changes at the poker sites and with Pokertracker too, or the programs will just be a flash in the pan and eventually aggravating to use. Hopefully, to adding new sites, too. When pokertracker has troubles with changes in software at sites, for comparison, it's like a riot breaking out in the poker community followed by a period of intense mourning. People really grow to love and rely on their tools. We'll see.

Gametimes does get sluggish after a while, but someone told me in the Gametime thread that opening and closing it and re-adding your tables fixes that, and I responded that I found out that defragging my hard disk also made a huge difference. It's a new computer with a 97% free hard drive, but had 15% of files defragmented.
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