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Old 06-26-2005, 12:37 AM
vulturesrow vulturesrow is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 24
Default All you lifters out there, general discussion

Its pretty obvious from some recent threads that there is a decent sized group of 2+2ers that lift regularly. Just curious about your routines, your training approach, etc, basically anything you want to talk about. Anyway, here goes for me.

My routine is a 3 day a week total body routine. I cycle through the routine twice, with about 30 seconds or so between sets, with the exception being when I hit the end of the first cycle I rest for two. Monday is mostly barbell exercises, wednesday mostly dumbbell, and friday being a high rep day. I do a short ab routine each day too. On the off days, I do some moderate cardio. Saturday is hard abs routine with windsprint type cardio training. My strongest exercises right now are probably lats/back, my weakest being anything that targets my biceps directly. The thing I need to improve most is my diet. I tend to use my workout as an excuse to not eat as well as I can. But I am getting better with this. Anyhow, looking forward to hearing from others.
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