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Old 02-11-2005, 06:02 PM
oddjob oddjob is offline
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Default Re: Cover Contest: Getting Started in Hold \'em -- Second Try

Have you seen their other book covers? No offense - they're endearing, but I don't think how the cover looks is their upmost of concerns.

[/ QUOTE ]

so this should prevent them from ever having something that looks good and professional?

they are asking for a redesign. and although their covers in the past have not been the best, most people can identify them as 2+2 books. i'd rather see them do this cover in the same style, then have an entirely different look, that is not done well.

i seriously don't want to offend the people who have submitted designs, and i don't blame you for doing so, cause this was a competition that mason presented with you. i think mason is at fault here, and should hire a graphic designer.

i would never attempt to design someone's house or fix someone's car, cause that is not what i do. sure i may have a kick ass toolset, and have dabbled with my own car and motorcycle, or have built a few things.

and just because i play poker and can easily criticize something about a dealer or floorman, i wouldn't be able to do it right now. cause i'm not a dealer or floorman, and have not had the proper training or education.