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Old 05-30-2005, 07:56 PM
Toddster18 Toddster18 is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 29
Default Re: I\'m beat but I can outplay him postflop... or can I

Wouldn't you need to know how the diferent flops would change your choice? What if you average winning 1/3 of the time preflop ,but only 20% of the flops make it where you have over %50 advantage?
Say only 10 possible flops
1 95%
2 85%
3 25%
4 25%
5 25%
6 25%
7 20%
8 15%
9 10%
10 5%
avg = %33

[/ QUOTE ]

No, No. Hero's question is simple.

Villian makes a pot raise of your PF call. Supposing villain pushes NO MATTER WHAT on the flop, and hero gets to decide whether to call or not, how deep do stacks have to be for the preflop call to be profitable for hero, given Villain's hand range?

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