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Old 11-15-2005, 12:00 AM
Lestat Lestat is offline
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Default Re: The Bottom Line

<font color="blue"> You can not be intellectual honest and accuse Bush43 of lying about Iraq without calling Kerry, Kennedy, Edwards, Pelosi, and other democrats liars as well. </font>

I am not a political junkie, so someone please point out where I'm wrong. I hear the above defense OVER and OVER and OVER again and I'm sick of it!

IF I understand it right, what these guys did (Kerry, Kennedy, Edwards, Pelosi, and other democrats), was vote to give the president AUTHORIZATION to use military force if he DEEMED it NECESSARY!!!!

That's a FAR cry from voting in FAVOR of the Iraqi war. They looked at this same (FAULTY) intelligence and put their trust in the president to make the right decision. This DOESN'T mean the right decision was to rush into war!

Btw- I am a republican who happens to think that this guy will likely go down as the worst president in US history. This guy is truly a moron who's studity is only equaled by the democrats who can't seem to defend themselves against such transparent lies and deflections from what really happened.

As to your assertion:

<font color="blue"> The USA made the correct decision to invade Iraq because Hussein violated the armistive NUMEROUS times and he tried to assassinate Bush41 in Kuwait in 1991(?). </font>

Saddam Hussein was in violation and DID need to be dealt with. But this in no way should've been made a higher priority than fighting the REAL and more IMMEDIATE war on terror, and aprehending Bin Laden and dismantling the Al-Quada network. Our focus was completely taken off of where it needed to be and in the process we have single handedly created a recruiting boom for our enemy. I'm sure Bin Laden himself couldn't be more pleased.

<font color="blue">If the new Iraqi govt can get control of their country soon, I would like the USA to take out Iran.........

Since diplomacy doesn't seem to be in your vocabulary, wouldn't just nuking everything south and east of Europe achieve your goals much quicker?
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